
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

Lovurple4_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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226 Chs


"Well, let's separate here," said Fauzan, stopping his footsteps in front of the mall building. Everyone also stopped his journey.

   Jessi and Cleo immediately looked sad. Sad because they will be separated again in an indefinite time. Jessi might be able to see each other anytime, but Cleo has a busy schedule every day. They hugged each other to share this sadness. It's not that Rere isn't being ignored, he doesn't like scenes like that. It's ridiculous he says, and he doesn't want to either. But, sometimes Cleo or Jessi likes to have fun by pulling him into their arms, like now. Cleo immediately pulled Rere to join them into their embrace.

   He was surprised especially Jessi and Cleo hugged him so tightly as if they didn't want to let go. Rere kept trying to struggle to get out.

   "Let go of me, wow!"

   "We'll see him soon, Re," said Cleo, dramatizing the situation.

   "Yes, it's not like this, I'll die if you hug me too hard," Rere replied, shouting a little.

   "Come on, Re, just enjoy it," said Jessi while on Cleo's side.

   "Idiot," Rere chuckled annoyed that his efforts were in vain. It turns out that Cleo's power plus Jessi is very strong.

   While the men just laughed at the behavior of the women. Never changed from then until now. Maybe they're just getting older. Even though they haven't seen each other for a long time, there seems to be no awkwardness between them.


   "Bye, all!" Cleo waved her hand at those who still hadn't moved from their respective positions. Meanwhile, Cleo had been forced into by her lover because she was tired of seeing Cleo continue to play with her friends.

   Jessi waved back at Cleo's hand until the woman got into Daneo's car. While Rere just chuckle lazy at the behavior of his two friends. Although in his heart he also felt sad because the time they had was not as free as before.

   "Well, let's go back too," said Fauzan, holding Jessi's shoulder possessively.

   "I also want to go back next time," Rere snorted then without saying goodbye like Cleo he walked away from them. Head to the motorbike itself. Motorsport that men usually use, now women are using it. Only Rere drives a motorbike, while the others choose to take private cars.

   "I thought he was with you, Sat?"

   Satria shook her head slowly. Then he shook hands like a man with Fauzan and said goodbye to Jessi and immediately left, leaving the two lovers alone.

    "Let's go back!" asked Fauzan who immediately nodded in agreement with Jessi.


  "Good night, Auntie!" said Jessica friendly to the woman who was in her forties who was sitting on the sofa in her living room reading a magazine with a focus on not wanting to be disturbed.

   Let alone to return Jessi's greeting, he didn't even look at his son's lover. Not friendly, give one Star!

   Jessi is no longer strange and even offended by her attitude, she is mentally strong enough to deal with these women. Jessi just sat a bit away from her position, not wanting to be scolded by the others as usual. To just sit even Jessi felt uncomfortable.

   "Miss Jessi what would you like to drink?" asked Jessica a woman who seemed to be in her thirties.

    "Just plain water."

    Jessi immediately turned to the woman who was still focused on reading the magazine but had already answered her maid's questions like representing Jessi. 

   Jessi looked back at the one who offered her and put a sweet smile on her lips. "Yeah, just plain water," Jessi replied.

    The woman with the name tag Anays in the typical uniform of Fauzan's housemaid returned Jessi's smile as if she knew what Jessi was feeling. Then he went to prepare what Jessi asked for.


   "Already finished?" Jessi asked standing up immediately when Fauzan came back in front of her.

    "All right. Come on!" he asked immediately taking Jessi's hand not caring if he was in front of his parents.

   "Just take it home," said the middle-aged woman without turning her head.

   Jessi and Fauzan, who were about to walk, stopped their way again. They both turned to look at the woman.

   It had been almost fifteen minutes for Jessi to wait for Fauzan to clean his body, but the woman had not changed her position at all. Not even to chat and greet with Jessica.

   "Yes, Mam," answered Fauzan without extending.

    Without saying goodbye, the two of them immediately stepped out of this luxurious house. The house that Fauzan is currently living in is very big and spacious.


    "Never get tired of mama's attitude!"

   Jessi, who just looked at the dark sky and the beautiful lights on the roadside through the car window, turned to Fauzan who was driving.

   He smiled warmly and ruffled his lover's slightly messy hair. It looks like after taking a shower, I didn't comb my hair.

   "I've already told you not to give up until you ask yourself to give up," answered Jessi again sitting quietly in the passenger seat.

   Fauzan returned the smile by occasionally looking at his lover who still felt at home looking at him.

   "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" Fauzan wasn't uncomfortable being treated like that by Jessi, instead he was embarrassed. He should be the one who made Jessi uncomfortable with his treatment, why is he the one who has to blush?

    "Looking at the handsome man's face can increase the workings of our brain, we know," answered Jessi who never changed.

   Then they both laughed at the same time. Jessi just likes to do that. After all, he did it to his girlfriend, not someone else's lover.

    Jessi suddenly stopped laughing and lost sight of the night street filled with Christmas lights and soon the year would change again.

   It's not that Fauzan is insensitive and doesn't care to see his silent lover. He was very familiar with the woman's habit of sometimes being immediately silent. Not because of anything, but that's just how it is. Even in a crowded place, he can change his mood so quickly.

   "Babe, does my existence make the relationship between you and your mother stretch?"

    Fauzan glanced over when Jessi asked. It's a silly question that Jessi has asked how many times since the beginning of their relationship and is known by their respective families.

    "The question is why has it never been upgraded anyway?"

    Jessi smiled faintly knowing the real answer. I don't know why he suddenly wanted to ask something like that. He looked at Fauzan who was still focused on driving to take him to his house.

    "What do you want to ask?" asked Fauzan immediately gasped while still focused on driving. Making Jessi a little surprised, because he was just about to open his mouth to ask again. However, Fauzan had already preceded him, making him cancel his intention.

   "Not really," Jessi said shrugging.

    "Sorry for the surprise. Come on, what else do you want to ask?" Fauzan asked again, lowering his voice to become slower and softer.

    Jessi turned back to Fauzan. Looking for honesty on Fauzan's question earlier, who asked what his question was again.

    "I didn't want to ask," said Jessi quietly.

    "So what?"

    "Just wanted to say, if it gets worse just say yes! Let me give up."