
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

Lovurple4_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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226 Chs


        Rere, Cleo, Daneo, and Satria just got home after finishing their last lesson for the day. Somehow but they can go home at the same time even though different classes and subjects. Because sometimes Rere is the one who always finishes last every day.

   "I heard that Jessi was back at her house, right?" Daneo asked to start a conversation between them.

   Currently, the four of them are in a simple cafe which is their favorite place to gather.

   "Yeah, he came back yesterday. Why is that?" Rere replied while eating the fries he ordered.

   "Let's visit! Yesterday, we wanted to visit the hospital, we were never allowed to go to the hospital because there were too many if we were at home, no one would forbid it!" invite Daneo enthusiastically. One by one, his friends asked for their opinion.

   Rere and Cleo immediately looked at each other understanding. It's not that they don't want to visit Jessica, but Jessi never likes it when someone comes to her house without her permission except for Fauzan.

   Daneo looked around at them one by one because he didn't get any response. Silent knights were normal, but if Rere and Cleo were silent it meant something had happened.

   "Why are you silent? How are you, Sat?" he asked seeking approval from Satria who was only a statue from earlier.

   "I'll just go. There's no problem whatsoever," he answered then took a sip of his favorite hot chocolate.

   "Okay. Satria has agreed, so what about you? You won't refuse, right? Jessi is your best friend," he said, giving a little sarcasm. Corner them so that he does not accept rejection.

   "Euhm… Not that we don't want to, but neither of us has been to Jessi's house. Does anyone know?" Cleo spoke carefully. Trying to find a loophole for his lover gave up.

   "It's easy. I know why," he answered lightly.

   "Let's tell Jessi first, okay?" Rere quickly reached for her cell phone on the table to call Jessi to let her know if the others wanted to see her.

   However, Daneo's hand stopped its movement. Daneo took Rere's phone from its owner.

   "Don't tell him, it'll be a surprise!"

   Rere and Cleo looked at each other again. Looking for an excuse to make Daneo want to give up and not keep forcing him to come to Jessica's house.

    But their brains are both stuck can't think. And in the end, Rere chose to be honest and had nothing to hide.

    "Okay, to be honest. Jessi doesn't like it when we go to her house, especially when no one says anything to her. She can be angry more than you can imagine," said Rere finally. Lazy to find excuses, why not just tell the truth right away.

   Daneo and Satria gawked. "Why? We just want to visit him. I don't like to mess with people's houses," said Daneo quickly. Fear even because he is the main reason.

    "That's not the problem. We don't know what the reason is but we don't want to make him angry again because of it," answered Cleo trying to understand. Helped Rere to explain.

    Rere who sat facing the door of the cafe narrowed his eyes because he saw something disturbing. He deafened his ears for a moment to sharpen his vision. The effort didn't need to be too big because the person who interfered with Rere's vision entered the cafe by himself shortening the distance between them. He ignored the debate about visiting Jessica. His focus was shifted by someone who was distracting him.

    Rere's lips curled up because his vision wasn't wrong. His eyes narrowed sharply. It wasn't his fault that he didn't easily forgive these people.

   "Your friend is cool, isn't it? The real leader," said Rere suddenly without breaking eye contact. Staring at Daneo and Satria sharply. It wasn't the two of them that were at fault, but it felt like Rere was getting annoyed with them.

   Cleo, Daneo, and Satria were confused by Rere's statement that sounded sarcastic in their ears. Especially Rere's unfriendly gaze.

   "What do you mean, Rei?" asked Satria who sat across from him. He was offended by Rere's gaze that seemed to blame him. He doesn't know anything.

   "No. That's cool, I also want to study with him," he answered again, looking back at them.

   Until everyone turned their eyes to follow the direction of Rere's eyes. Everyone was silent in disbelief.

   "Is that Fauzan?"

   "Is that Evelyn?"

   When Cleo said the woman's name, Rere's eyes looked straight at Satria wanting to see how the man would react.

   "What are they doing?" asked Daneo again who knows who.

    "So what are you doing? Can't you see his hands? Very intimate, very romantic, just like a real couple," Rere sarcastically looked back at the exciting object in front of him which was only blocked by four to five tables from them.

   With the initiative, Rere grabbed his cellphone in front of Daneo and immediately pointed the camera at the two of them.

   "What are you doing?" Satria who was still surprised then prevented what Rere wanted to do.

   "I want to give evidence for Jessi so that there is a reason to get away from that guy," he replied, taking some pictures.

    "No, Re. You can ruin their relationship." Satria even felt panicked over the behavior of the two creatures. I don't know what made him panic, it wasn't Satria's intention to protect them either. It's all just a reflex.

   Ree chuckled at that. He stopped what he was doing to meet Satria's gaze. "I ruined their relationship? It was the man himself who ruined the relationship. I just want to save my best friend who can't be separated from him."

  Daneo and Cleo were just spectators of the debate right in front of their eyes. They don't know what to do. Separate or leave it alone. Defend who? They do not know. Still shocked from seeing the action of one of his friends until Satria and Rere fought, they didn't want to care.

    Rere stood up from his seat making the other three keep watching him.

   "Come on, let's go! Who knows they need friends," asked Rere who seemed to have no burden. He wanted to see how the two of them would react if caught like this.

    "You don't have to, it seems like Re. We also don't know what else the two of them are talking about," answered Cleo, rejecting Rere. I don't know why but Cleo doesn't want to do it. He couldn't bear to imagine how Jessi would feel if she found out about this, it must be very painful. Cleo couldn't bear to know the truth.

    "Whatever they're talking about, I don't think there's any need for physical contact, especially since they're just exes. Can't you see they're hugging? Didn't you see they kissed? Can it still be called natural that they are just exes?" Rere said very casually but beat them badly. Arranging every word to come out perfectly to defeat his opponent, that's Rere.

    Her face was not as red as before when she spoke to Satria. He looked at Cleo and Daneo in turn.

    "Cle, if Daneo met his ex and did what I just mentioned, would you accept it?" he asked looking at Cleo, which made Cleo look directly at Daneo. Immediately imagine if what Rere said happened.

   "Daneo, if Cleo met his ex and did what I just said, would you still be able to relax?" Daneo immediately looked back at Cleo as well as sharply imagined this happening to them.

   Rere smiled lopsidedly to get victory over him.

   "One more thing you have to remember, Jessi has just been treated for an attempted suicide. How healthy are you to let the guy do that behind his back? Looks like you expected a death study event on Jessica's behalf, didn't you!"


   "I don't mind, it's okay if you still have feelings for me, I also want to accept you even though it has to be the second one," Evelyn replied to Fauzan's questions and statements about his feelings.

    Fauzan cheered happily even though in a low voice afraid of disturbing others. At a time like this, Fauzan, who is gentle, caring and loving, and possessive of Jessi, seems to just disappear. Only lust for a beautiful face that Lyn has been caring for all this time. More beautiful than the usual Evelyn.

    At a time like this, no one's feelings were thought of. Only the feelings of the two of them soared to the point of swelling. The longing that Lyn feels makes her the most selfish woman, making her not care about anyone's feelings.

   "I'll try to share my time with you. Don't worry," said Fauzan, holding both of Lyn's hands tightly. Argantara's soul seems to be sinking into Fauzan's soul. Even though Fauzan always said that he hated his father's character it was that trait that had been passed down to him.


   Both of them suddenly jumped in surprise because they heard a very familiar greeting in their ears. Their eyes, even more, en more when they saw who was in front of them now. His s grip was also immediately released with Fauzan who suddenly stood up.