
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

Lovurple4_ · Sports, voyage et activités
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226 Chs

Are You Okay?

    Jessi threw herself on the bed. His phone kept ringing but he didn't listen. His hand moved as if to touch the lamp that was already illuminating the room so it wouldn't be dark. Continue to rotate as if touching the entire surface of the lamp. His lips lifted thinly.

    The image of when Fauzan asked her to be his girlfriend in tenth grade flashed past, making Jessi's lips lift sweetly.

    Then followed the shadow when he saw for the first time his parents had a big fight that surprised him. His lips lifted sarcastically.

    Then when Jeno slapped him on the cheek just for accidentally bothering him while playing an online game. It was so hard that his jaw still hurt a little to this day. It happened almost three years ago. Maybe because Jessi also didn't go to the doctor and no one knew, even Jeno himself. His lips remained cynical with a sad look in his eyes.

    Then the shadow when he finds out the fact that there is another woman besides himself in Fauzan's life. Not even one but several. Jessi's lips smiled meaningfully with her sharp gaze.

    Then, suddenly all the shadows kept flashing as if they were beating each other up, making Jessi confused. His head seemed full and uncontrollable. A loud laugh escaped Jessi's mouth with her hand ruffling her hair.

    Not for the first time, but it's been almost the tenth time that Jessi has been like this every time all those shadows have appeared. Again and again, no one knows. Everyone seemed to see Jessi always happy with a thin smile on her lips. However, in fact, behind all that, there is a lot of bitterness that makes Jessi's life sometimes want to give up.

   The ringing of his cell phone didn't stop. Even harder to stop Jessi's actions. He held his breath uncontrollably. All facial expressions, eyes, and smirks disappeared in an instant. She came back like the Jessi that everyone knew well.

   He glanced at his cell phone which was right next to him. Then his hand reached for it to see who had been calling him.

    There is Rere's name there with a motorcycle profile photo and all black. Jessi picked him up as he sat himself down.


    "Jessi, are you okay? Why did you just get picked up?" Rere on the other side was just nagging because Jessi took so long to answer her call.

    "Yeah, sorry. What's the matter, Re?"

    "Cleo and I want to meet you. Can you go out or not? Or should we go to your house?"

     "Yes. I can go out now. Well, just send me the location now. I want to get ready first," Jessi answered then she turned off the call to get ready. It's not much just taking a bag and fixing her makeup so it doesn't look messy. Lightly polish her lips with red so they don't look pale.


    "How?" Cleo asked directly when Rere had put his cell phone back in his trouser pocket.

     "Yes, he will come. Well, let's go straight to the location now. I'm afraid that Jessi will arrive first," replied Rere and then pulled Cleo's hand. The feminine woman entered her car while the tomboyish woman with one tie rode her favorite motorcycle.

    The clocks on the two women's hands were already seven o'clock in the evening. The city was very lively even though it was dark.

     They arrived at the golden cafe ten minutes later. The cafe has always been their favorite gathering place from the past. Maybe even this cafe already knows many stories about the ups and downs of their lives.

    Rere immediately ordered his two friends' favorite menus and let Cleo choose a chair that would be a comfortable place for them to talk.

    "Sis Rere, yesterday Sis Disha came to this cafe." Rere who was about to turn around and wait for orders at his table again stopped his steps when one of the employees who already knew them spoke.

    "Who? Disha?"

    "Yes, Sis. He came alone. The only thing that annoyed me was that he didn't seem to know me, Sis."

     Rere's jaw hardened. Just hearing that name was mentioned was enough to make Rere annoyed.

     "Does he not know you or is he pretending?"

      "Mila doesn't know, Sis. But, weirdly, she doesn't introduce me."

      "Fine. Thanks for the info, Mil."

      "Yes, Sis. If that's the case, Brother, please wait at the table, okay?"

     Rere nodded then turned around to finish his steps towards Cleo who was already sitting nicely in his chair. The woman is indeed the best when it comes to the most comfortable spot.


    "Non, where are you going? Have you told den Fauzan?" Bi Emma asked when she saw Jessi's neat look coming down the stairs.

    "You don't need to tell me, ma'am. I'll be the one to talk directly," Jessi replied and then walked away.

    Even though there were still Jessi's parents and one older sister. But, Emma instead asked Jessi for permission to Fauzan.

    "Where are you going, Jessie?" asked Surya rudely looking at Jessi from bottom to top sharply.

     "I want to buy a flower vase first. If there is one, I'll just buy a rubber one so it doesn't break when it's slammed," Jessi answered not seriously. Then he left the house. Lazy if you have to talk seriously to his parents.

     He had ordered a taxi online because he was too lazy to argue with anyone. So did the security guard at his house. Later what is in the report to Fauzan again.


    "Jess, are you okay?" Rere asked immediately noticing Jessi's face which he felt was different.

    "Yes. You see I'm fine, right? Why?" Jessi put her bag next to her then looked at all the orders that were already on her table in full.

    "What's wrong Jessi, Re?" Cleo's hands innocently. Earlier he said that Jessi was not okay. Now he was the one who asked Rere instead.

    "Under your eyes, it looks like you have cat scratch marks. You don't have a cat, you're even allergic to cat dander. So why is that?"

    In terms of feeling, Cleo is the best. But, for conscientious business, Rere is not a bother.

     Jessi reflexively touched under the eye that Rere meant. Then smiled faintly while drinking the coffee that was there.

     "Scratch my hand."

     Rere widened her eyes in surprise. What did she mean by that answer?

     "Accidentally again make-up?" Rere tried to think positively even though it was difficult.

    "No. On purpose," answered Jessi casually while eating the french fries.

     Cleo just enjoyed her coffee quietly. Not bothered by all Jessi and Rere's conversations. Even though he was the one who insisted on meeting Jessi.

    "Jess, are you okay? Tell me!"

     The corners of Jessi's lips lifted into a beautiful smile. His mind was somewhere else.