
Ch.05 : Grammar club

After what happened in the stadium, some sparks of love began to appear in Ollie's heart here and there. She thought about that boy when she had nothing to do even when she had something to do.

From outside she looked so fine, normal 13 years old teenage girl but inside there was a some kind of inner conflict.

After that day she didn't see him again. With the time passed, Ollie was trying her best to improve her talents. She joined the Grammar club which was an extra burden for her but she liked it.

The grammar club was like a new world to her. There were lot to learn and also lot to do. One day they were given a little assignment and the members of the club had to stay after school. While Ollie was doing it, Boys behind her row played video games leisurely. This didn't concern her much. After she finished, she got up and got ready to go home. When she was walking to home, everyone seemed to laughing at her. Some looked at her and suppresed their laugh, some just laughed out.

She didn't know what's going on. Then a girl from nowhere approached her and removed something that was stuck in the back of Ollie's uniform.

"What is that?"asked Ollie and that girl showed her the piece of paper. On it,

I'm trash

Throw me out ,

these word were written.

Ollie felt embarrassed and she quickly went home after thanking that girl. On the next day at school Ollie saw some girls from the grammar club were coming to her. One girl named Amenda said,

" Hey, uh.... I guess you are not angry with us

we are ..."

Ollie interrupted her from the middle of what she was trying to say and said angrily that she didn't want to hear nomore and she knew it was them who did that.

Amenda's face turned to bright red and she shouted angrily,

"You are a silly girl who doesn't understand anything. No wonder they played a silly joke on you"

Then she let out a cruel smile and walked away.

This confused Ollie and she had no words to speak. She tried to remember what were each and everyone doing during the assignment. She remembered suddenly that boys behind her were the only ones who didn't do the assignment. Then she realized that it must had been them who wrote that.

At the lunch break, she was having lunch at the school cafeteria with her friends ; Lily and Julia.

Every boy who passed by their table didn't forget to look at Lily. She was one of the prettiest girls in school. Julia had a bad mouth but she was good in her own way. The three of them had been friends for almost 2 years. Lily was digging on a plate full of beans while Ollie and Julia munched their cheese and tuna sandwiches. A group of boys came and stood in front of their table. Ollie thought they were here to talk to Lily but a one boy bent towards Ollie and left out a big laugh,

Lily and Julia were so surprised that Julia stood up and screamed saying,

"What the hell are u doing? "

Other boys started laughing at Jullia,

" Here is one little ticking time bomb trying to put her nose where it doesn't belong, Just stay out of this. We are here to meet our little piece of trash" ,

they said. This made Julia to lose her temper and she shouted back,

" What did u say, piece of trash? Huh who do you think you are to call my friend like that?"

Just then Ollie realized what was really happening there. It was them who played that silly joke on her. Ollie asked Julia to stop arguing and she asked why they had done that to her.

The boy who let out the big laugh said,

"Hey, we were just getting some fun you don't have to get angry, or else your little friend here will explode in seconds. "

" Just leave me alone and I don't need any explanation "said Ollie and stood up with Lily to go back to their class. But that boy grabbed Ollie by her hand and said,

"We are sorry okay, just forget that and I'm Des

See you tomorrow at the grammar club."

Ollie ignored what he said and walked away , feeling furious. The next day both Lily and Julia told her to not to attend the grammar club and to take a rest at home. But Ollie had to submit her assignment so she couldn't agree with her friends.

She entered the room of grammar club while sweating with nervousness. Des waved his hand at her but she ignored him and sat on the first row.Des followed after her and sat right behind her on the second row. He was getting to be a more and more of a nuisance to Ollie and she heard Amenda's gang were whispering about something regarding Ollie.

Ollie ignored Des everytime he tried to talk with her. But he didn't care and he acted as if he was her boyfriend. Ollie knew that he was doing this all just for fun and she didn't take it seriously about what he was doing. But things got pretty bad when Amenda and her gang started gossiping about Ollie around the school. They even spreaded some fake information telling Ollie was a gold digger and she was being clingy to Des as she liked him for his money. This kinda hurt Ollie's status and everyone started avoiding her except Lily and Julia. They both trusted their friend very much that they didn't believe a single word Amenda told the others.

Because of overthinking about this matter, Ollie couldn't concentrate on lessons. So she was sitting on the bench in front of the school pond Amenda and her gang came to throw some insults at her. Ollie tried to avoid them but these gang stood around her without letting her go. Ollie shouted saying to let her go. But none of them moved. Ollie stood in the middle of them helplessly, Lily and Julia would have come to her rescue but they both were at the biology club.

Tears started flowing down ftom Ollie's cheeks and just then someone came and kicked out those vicious girls from her sight. Ollie couldn't clearly see who that person was as her vision was blured by her tears, that person pulled from her hand and walked away with her. While walking, Ollie wiped off her tears and looked at the person who just helped. It was Des. He brought her to the classroom and advised her to not to care about any of things those girls were saying.

After that incident Ollie tried to be nice to Des and she treated him as a friend. But sometimes she even felt something other than that about Des. Lily and Julia told her that boys and girls can't never just be friends. Ollie just didn't care about that much , but she knew that Des had become an important person in her life.