
coming from different world

friends friendship story

Little_smile · Fantaisie
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rosie surprise birthday party

One day four friends were going to school chan hoon sweetie rosie All four were studying in the same class Today all four of them looked very happy Because today was the birthday of one of them His name was rosie And she was a girl from a middle class family and he wanted her to have a nice birthday.But she was not able to celebrate her birthday every time because she did not have enough budget to celebrate her birthday Because her parents had died a few years ago and she was an orphan, she was living with her maternal uncle and aunt That's why they never could become parentsBecause due to an accident The doctor said you can never can't be a parents for this reason Uncle and mother adopted rosie a few days ago Uncle loss in company because of being fired from the company Because because of uncle When the company suffered huge losses, for this reason started living at home without job now uncle opening a small shop and running a shop He is trying how to keep his entire family happy That's why Rosie doesn't want to celebrate his birthday But chan Wants to see everyone in your friend group happy so wants to surprise happiness to rosie Chan is a boy from a middle class family but he wants to see every one happy He saves his pocket money every time To spend such a situation on such an occasion Chan's father runs a restaurant and mother is a teacher. They both cover their expenses together

And never let your son feel deprived of anything. That's why Chan never wants to see his friends sad because he is happy, so he automatically becomes sad after seeing his friends sadness So he wants to celebrate Rosie birthday and he starts preparing a surprise to All four of them reached school and after the school was over, all four of them were going together. that time chan told to sweetie and rosie We both have some work, so we will finish it, both of you keep going.send those two girls These two also turned out To surprise Rosie birthday party After some time, these people call Rosie and Sweety.Both of them remain busy doing homework at home.Both of them do not agree to come chan becomes sad sits in place hoon seeing chan sad calls both girls And says that for your birthday he is doing so much but both should come chan very sud because of you to I can't see him like this please come After convincing both the girls Both of them come to the called place.chan becomes very happy And those four birthday happily agree When I called, you both did not listen.when hoon called you guys come Ok you both came, that's happiness for me but no one knows anything about hoon Till date he has not said anything about himself because it's a secret It gets really messed up if anyone finds out.Till date he has never celebrated his birthday They go to everyone's house but till date no one has gone to their house nor has anyone seen them.Because he has not told anyone anything about himself till now That is such a secret that anyone who hears it will get goosebumps.He doesn't even say anything about his parents until he watches.after some days

this is a one friendship friends story

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