
vicious help

mithra went to arjun before going to principal and asked stopped him to enter the room. principal saw this through his cctv footage and asked clerk to allow both of them to meet principal. both went silently into the room. mithra took the stand for arjun and talked for him

mithra : sir, i want to talk for arjun. he is a new comer and obviously first day becomes late for many people.

principal : he is okay... what about you. all profeeaors were complaining about you for your sudden arrival and sudden departure. now a days all people are following you. because of you our college reputation has gone. now you are talking for him...he says and frustrates

mithra : are you going to exclude me from this hospital.... ?

principal : shut up idiot ... because of your father we controlled ourselves but for him i cant spare.

mithra : principal I already said you to transfer kavya ... but you didnt do that ... instead you made me even more angrier... if you again starts to play back against me .... i dont know how to react...

principal : i never fear for your vicious ideas....instead i already took some extra punishmwnts and we unisonly announce you to suspend for 6 months...

mithra : principal you are crossing your limits.

principal : now only i regained my conscious so better you both leave this place for 6 months... and you are example for one who behaves like you.

mithra : waste college.... i never wanted to stay here... because of mahi i am here.... but you are disappointing me every time. i already blackmailed you by threatening your family.... and dont judge my patience...

principal : i already reported a file against you by making blackmailing and harrasements... i feel you like my kid... so i leave you each time...even my family is in danger. now i cant take that risk even i too had much of background. our president i are aslo good friends. i request our president sir to take actions for me...

mithra : by listening president she calms herself and left that place. arjun saw her with two black eyes widely and followed her unconsciously with a dilemma