

Mahi : (typing) are you free today ?

mahi erases and writes what about we meet today he feels disguisted and kept his phone away . He got a notification from kavya

kavya : ok then bye chat u later , she says in a hurried way and goes offline

mahi stood blank at that time and leaves phone on the table and left out with karthik


swathi asked kavya to go out and she was so excited to see beach and in 2 days they are leaving that place so swathi asked her to take her to beach . she was in a disguise and nodded her hesistatingly . she wants to chat with mahi but swathi wants enjoyment . not to hurt her she accepts to go with her and they two asked permissuon from grand pa and went to beach ....

swathi was amused to see beach . she loves playing in water and she rarely gets this chance to go out and probably kavya dont want to hurt her so she nodded agreeingly.


karthik took mahi to the beach . mahi was so upset and he holds phone to get vibrate . when his phone vibrates he opens it hopefully and closes it sadly .... He wants a simple care from her, but right now he doesnt get that .He went to beach and roaming there disappointingly .... until his eyes meet her he was sad but now his eyes filled with happiness . no matter what is going on between world he wants her presence every where and only she can make him happy always . he enjoyed the feeling of her and readily wants to go there to see her natural and fair glow .


Kavya was standing in the beach and she left phone in the home . swathi was snapping her photos in the beach . she used to talk with shopkeepers of many stores and she bargains with them . another side kavya stood there silently and watching the rare view of sun setting . yes, sun setting into water, he was going to welcome moon . on that time period she was glowing like a fairess came from heaven and her long hair was untied and it sways like a grass floating in air and her big eyes were excited to see the rare view . her lip turned upside to smile . her face is satisfied with that . so she stood there and watching . Suddenly a male voice interrupted her happiness

Boy: kavya ...