
Hearts are opened

In room mahi went to wash room to bath and kavya was in kitchen . this hotel is just like a large apartment and beside childrens park and many playing things are present . for every room there were one bed room attached with wash room , hall and kitchen . for suite room there will be two bed rooms and mahi ordered suite room for them and choosed a room which shows kavya' home clearly . he went near to window and saw kavya ' s home and smiled inwardly . later he went to his bed room and came back with white coloured shirt and blued coloured night pant and on hand one box is there and by holding that he came to kavya . he asked kavya to come close .

mahi: kavya....

by listening her name from him she came close to mahi.

kavya: what ? she asked in a questioning way

mahi turned kneeldown and holded a ring near to kavya he buyed it previous day specially for kavya . by holding it he used his voice perfect and said in a mesmerizing voice ...

mahi: kavya from start to now dont know why i fell for you , why my heart wants you . if i see sad in your eyes my heart sank in sorrow , if i see your happiness my hearts feels more relaxed . i dont know why i am like this .By your first touch i feel you ,love you and want to hold your hand through out my life . i know this is quite unrealistic for you but if i don't express my feeling now , i feel un happy and i feel like some thing uneasy so i dont want this terrible feeling . By my charm many girls proposed me and i denied them softly by keeping my attitude , but your first sight i feel you as my close person why i dont know i just want to see again and again . i fighted my self so many times not to fell for you ,but last i fell for you every time and my hearts warms when you are with me . you are the third person, i am going to touch after my mother and sister.... will accept my love . dont hesistate to answer now take your own time and i will wait for you .....

by listening those kavya felt shock, depressed, happy , and over whelmed she was going to start express her feelings now

kavya: senior , i also feel same but first you have to know about me ....

mahi: i never question about your past and if you had any person in your mind i simply dropout myself...

by listening those words kavya feels moved and come close to mahi and lifts him up and drags him to sit in sofa and next she sats next to mahi and holds his hands

kavya :mahi . i know how you feels for me and i too feels same for you but i want to share my health condition to you i born with a rare disorder like if any one touches me my body will feel allergic and it is cured but psychologically i am unstable to touch and i only feel comfort with you and i am also a panto phobic.. .

mahi was shocked and asked are you panto phobic ?

kavya nodded as yes and looked at him like a student waiting for his masters lesson

mahi feels happy and said in a happy tone that i too pantophobic and its very rare disorder to study about that i want to do some research on it ,so i want to do medicine

while he was talking kavya interrupts and says oh my god i too want to study on it

they both opened their hearts and chatted happily

mahi interrupts kavya and asks

mahi: do you love me ?

kavya keeping her shy face and nodded as i too love you

mahi was over excited and kissed her rushingly and kept his hand towards her body and touchs her soft spots ...and kissing her forcingly


outside manager calling them by clicking doorbell continuosly . mahi stopped kissing her and dressed well to open door . outside manager still calling them . mahi opens the door and saw manager ....

manager : sir your friends stucked in lift ..? our techinicians are gone down to repair lift so i am making an information to you ..

mahi : where are they ?

manager : they are on 1st floor

mahi:ok then i will come with you wait for me .....

mahi asked kavya to stay in room and went along with manager...