
Chapter 271

  This time, Cheng Liyue lightly gasped, making him take the opportunity to go deeper into her tongue. His arm went under her neck and hugged her tightly, and the kiss became more and more intense.

  Although Cheng Liyue didn't refuse him, she couldn't cooperate with him. In fact, she was nervous and afraid in her heart. She never thought that she would be entangled with a man in her life.

  Gong Yexiao's other arm slipped into her waist and went straight in.

  She was well-behaved and unripe, which made him like a king, controlling her completely. This made him hot and dry, and made him gasp heavily.

  The two's soft bodies were close to each other.

  Every line of his body tightened, which stimulated Gong Yexiao's wound and made his blood flow faster. It seemed that the blood flow was rushing forward, hitting every blood vessel of his.

  He felt another pain in his lower abdomen. He intended to ignore it. At this moment, he only wanted her.