
Colors of your Darkness

You can meet anyone anytime but the person I have met was different

AjAhada · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Everyone was silent olexzander looked at me and Ava cleared his throat breaking the silence 

Well well, what is bra doing in your pocket, Jack? Said Jacob looking with a smirk on his face 

None of your business I think. I replied without paying any attention I looked at Ava and arranged myself. 


I looked at him he was awkward I felt kind of guilty for bringing him into this situation. As I looked away from him there was someone near the window next moment I saw it was Justin the guide. I got up and went outside slowly my foot was hurting but not as much as it was before. As I went out I looked beside the window but no one was there as I turned to leave I got scared and gasped he was in front of me

Omg, you scared me. He smiles at me 

You were looking for me. He said when I felt something was off about this guy. I nodded 

Where did you go last night when you suddenly disappeared?

Oh, I just left to check around I saw your boyfriend I don't want to disturb you guys. He replied calmly 

He was not my boyfriend he was just a friend. I smiled 

Let's walk. He offered I point at my leg

Omg, what's wrong with you? He bends and holds my foot making me sit near the bench he slowly massages my foot.

Now try to walk. He held my hand as I walked through the pain disappear. 

Omg, how did you do that? I laughed surprised 

I get those twists sometimes. He said I thanked him then I remembered what he said last night to me 

Justin, why did you tell me not to fit in? 

It's just you are beautiful and you look kind so I don't want you to break someone's heart and be the bad guy. I laughed at his statement 

Are you trying to flirt? I laughed rolling my eyes at him he laughed back we were talking when I heard Jack 


I saw Ava leaving outside maybe she got upset about what happened maybe she needed space from this messy shit 

Bro, what's wrong with you? Olexzander brings me back from my thoughts I noticed we started the game after 10 minutes all we were sleepy but Ava was still out I was about to ask Alex to go check on her friend but she already slept. I just got up to check if she was okay. I went out when I saw her talking with a guy 

Ava, I called her she turned to me wait a minute what's Justin doing here?

Jack, what are you doing out here? She asked me. she was smiling 

Just came to smoke what are you doing here in the middle of the night? 

I just came for a walk and I got Justin.

Hey Justin long time no see.

Hey Jack how are you doing brother? We hugged

You guys know each other. Ava asked smiling 

Yes, we do. before we used to hang out together. Replied Justin after whatever happened he just disappeared but what he is doing here 


Which university are you in Justin? I asked him. It was great to know he was part of Jack and his team as they were talking I could see they were close 

I took a break now I joined your university to complete and set up my life. he reply 

What. Are you kidding me your back? Justin nodded with a smile 

Welcome back, bro. Jack hugged him. Jack seems happy Justin bought a lovely past back I guess. We kept talking then we felt sleepy we went inside saying each other good night and dozed off.

Next morning ""

Ava Ava. wake up a whisper woke me up in a jerk. The coach was behind me as he saw me getting up in a jerk he freaked out.

Are you okay Ava do you need a doctor? I put myself together 

I am okay sir thank you. I got up to get ready everyone was still sleeping.

Ava, you are the leader today. Said the coach what am supposed to do today first we will start with a run. Everyone was up and ready we got to the run as we were running I smelled a beautiful smell with the cold wind I turned in the direction we reached we were surprised there was a huge red Rose garden. Everyone was happy I was happy I love roses


She was happy with the roses I smiled at her when Justin came to use 

Omg, Justin. Said Jessica and hugged him all did as well 

Where have you been bro? Said olexzander happily

Hey, guess what Justin is joining in. Olexzander picked him up in happiness

That's my boy David hugged him I was happy for our group to be together again 

Oh hello Justin long time. We heard Jacob I hope nothing gets messed

Fuck off. Justin left I eyed Jacob he walked away with his friends with a smirk as I looked away, everyone was there except Ava

Guys Ava where did she go? We started to find her we were looking for her everywhere.

Guys guys wait. We hear Jessica turn to her 

I can know where is she. All look at her confused 

She closed her eyes and took a long breath she opened her eyes wide.

They are behind her. She said and ran into the woods we followed her as we reached she was lying on the ground there were everywhere wolf's surrounding her. 

What the fuck.

What are we supposed to do? Olexzander said we were shock 

Let me handle it. We saw Justin coming from behind us we were confused he went close to them they came running in his direction when he showed them his hand they stopped and came close to him smelling him there was a huge black wolf came to him when he looked at his eyes the best monment they were gone. We went close to them olexzander and David checked on Ava 

She was okay they took her to the camp. I looked at Jessica and Justin with questioning eyes 

I can explain. Said Jessica 

How do you know where was Ava? And how did they leave when they saw you? I asked Justin 

I have the powers of sense I can scent the person. Jessica replied. I was shocked I looked at Martin she looked at me 

And what about you Justin? Martina asked 

Martina Jack, I can stop the bad from happening. What the hell are they even saying

Are you guys kidding me what the 

Jack, I knew about it when Olivia died I sensed the person who killed her. There was a flashback to when Jessica came with Jacobs's jacket and was the one to inform us it was Jacob.

Why do you never tell us? Martin sound disappointed 

Guys, it's just because I always forget something like this happens. 

Do the leaders know about it? I asked when she nodded 

Waww Jessica everyone knows except your friends that's interesting. Olexzander came from behind 

Guys, what do you think? why did the leader choose us to be the guards of god? It's because every one of us has the power of something only they know but you only can know when it is your time. Said, Justin, we looked at each other 

That's why I left you guys after what happened with my sister Olivia.