
Blue Emotions

after running down the winding halls, Timothy ran into an angel, but they weren't Alice! when Timothy looked up he saw another Boris with a metal arm pointing an ax at Timothy's throat! Timothy tried to move his hands to show that he didn't mean harm, but the wolf growled when he tried. Then the new angel stepped into view, she wore a dress almost like Alice's but it looked more for fighting than looking good, she had her hair in a ponytail, and kept a sword which made Timothy very scared. "who are you little one? why are you running?" she asked, her voice strangely sounded like his mother, so Timothy answered without fear. "Just racing my friends, I didn't mean to bump into you."

after the wolf stopped pointing an ax at Timothy, he was able to get onto his feat when he noticed Henry in some distance. Timothy's heart lit up and he ran over to Henry like a child who hadn't seen their parents for a long time. Henry was shocked to see Timothy and started to ask way too many questions for Timothy to answer, but luckily his friends caught up which helped answer half of Henry's questions. once Henry was told what had happened, he started to calm down but when he heard that the new Boris had threatened Timothy he got very protective of the kids. Boris showed slight dislike on the new Boris that was growling at him and the new angel was asking why they had Alice with them, which Alice found annoying. Timothy was the most annoyed, "why couldn't they get along?" he thought and found a table. He got on top and looked down on the group of ink creatures that were fighting, he got annoyed even farther and yelled to get the groups to shut up. "so, why are there kids?" the new angel asked. Timothy gladly answered only to get the new angel and wolf to look guilty. 

After a long silence, Timothy jumped off the table and took out his hand to the two ink creatures. "join or stay?" he said. both the new Angel and wolf looked at each other, almost like they were reading each other's minds. then the angel answered. "fine, we'll join but Alice better not hurt Tom." she said pointing to the wolf and then to Alice. "okay, we promise Alice won't hurt Tom." Timothy said as the angel and Tom took his hand, but then a blue light surrounded them. "um, Timothy also has powers." Lint said which Henry questioned but Alice said that they would explain later. 

after the glow died Alice and Henry had to carry the angel and Tom, Timothy tried to make his powers turn on but nothing happened until Lint tried to look at Timothy's hand. a purple glow surrounded the two boys, making everyone pause. "um, why do the kids have this ability?" Henry asked after a few seconds of silence. "don't know but it could be their souls but then again why can't why do that?" Alice answered only making Henry more confused. 

after the glow died, both Timothy and Lint's clothes changed. Timothy's shirt was a light blue and his eyes were a sapphire blue, while Lint's shirt was red and his jeans were a dark blue. both freaked out a little bit and tried to do it again but it didn't work, so they gave up and continued walking.