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It was 4:00 AM. Kanika and Subhash had fallen asleep on the bench, but Ankit was still awake, his eyes wide open. The doctor came out of the room.

Doctor: "He is fine now. You can meet him."

Ankit got up and entered the room to meet Parveen. Parveen looked better, though still weak.

Ankit: "Parveen, what happened? Can you tell me everything?"

(Taking a deep breath, Parveen began to speak):

"We were coming to Delhi, and somehow, Sopen got the information. He ambushed us with 50 men. They caught me and six of my men. They killed my six men right in front of my eyes. I was beaten mercilessly and thrown into a corner of a house. Since then, I've been unconscious."

Their party started where, when, and how—do you know anything about it?" Parveen said. "I've heard that tonight Tony Flower is hosting a party. Rumor has it that some dangerous international-level people will also attend," he added.

Just then, Kanika entered the room. Seeing her, both of them fell silent.

Kanika: "The doctor said the fees and paperwork are complete, and you can discharge him now."

Ankit went to meet the doctor, completed the payment, and filled out the paperwork. He asked Subhash to bring the car. Parveen was placed in a wheelchair and taken outside the hospital. The car started towards the hotel. On the way, they bought some fruits and reached the hotel.

Once in their room, the three of them sat down to make a plan.

Kanika interrupted: "Will someone tell me what's going on here?"

Ankit: "We'll eliminate Tony Flower tonight."

Parveen, surprised, asked: "You never told me. Who is this girl?"

Ankit: "She's an undercover agent for the Black Man gang."

Parveen was shocked to hear this and asked: "Do you trust her?"

Ankit replied: "She has every opportunity to prove her loyalty."

Kanika felt bad hearing this but didn't show any anger. Exhausted from the night, they ate and went to sleep.

At 2:00 in the afternoon, Ankit was woken up by his phone ringing.

Subhash (on the phone): "Sir, do you have any plans for today, or should I pick up another customer?"

Ankit: "Meet me outside the hotel. I'm coming down now."

He hung up the phone and turned around to see Kanika and Parveen awake and staring at him.

Outside the hotel, Subhash was waiting for Ankit. As he saw the three of them coming, he stopped the car in front of them. They got into the car and left the hotel.

Subhash: "Sir, where are we going?"

Kanika: "Take us to Rico Industries, between the Delhi and Noida Highway."

Subhash: "Alright."

The car reached the location around 4:00 p.m. The atmosphere seemed normal, with workers moving in and out of the area. Subhash drove around the area for 20 minutes before Ankit asked him to stop.

All three looked in one direction. There was a poster that read: "Sam Johnson, strongest man in Japan, coming soon."

Kanika: "He's the heavyweight champion!"

The car was parked to the side as they began to analyze the changes in the surroundings. Three hours later, the crowd increased, and the environment became noisy. As darkness fell, lights started glowing brightly.

Ankit: "Subhash, you stay here with these two. I'll go ahead. I'll keep you updated on the phone."

Kanika and Parveen (together): "We'll come with you."

Subhash: "Sir, we'll wait here for a while."

Ankit: "Alright."

Two hours later, the sound of a DJ filled the air, and cars and superbikes started arriving. Several luxury cars made an entrance.

Ankit: "I need to go now."

Parveen and Kanika (insisting): "We're coming with you."

Ankit: "Stay here."

Subhash: "No, sir. I'll come with you."

The four of them moved toward the light-decorated area. A big stage stood ahead, where 8–10 people were either standing or sitting on sofas. Holding hands, Ankit, Kanika, Subhash, and Parveen made their way through the crowd. After some effort, they reached right in front of the stage.

Kanika pointed to someone.

Kanika: "That's Tony Flower."

Parveen (angrily): "That's the bastard!"

Kanika: "Do you have some personal enmity with him?"

Parveen: "Yes, but we can't talk about it right now."

Ankit (to Kanika): "He's a filthy and low-life man."

At that moment, someone grabbed the microphone and announced:

"Tonight, we have Tony Flower, Sam Johnson, and Iran Michael with us. For those who don't know them, let me tell you:

Tony Flower is so dangerous that even the governments of Canada and America fear him.

Iran Michael has been the boxing champion for the past five years.

Sam Johnson is known as the strongest man and the king of wrestlers.

There's no one alive who can stand against him. He has mastered every fighting skill, whether it's martial arts, karate, kung fu, or boxing. Even a champion like Iran Michael can't last long against him."

The speech continued for an hour. Afterward, everyone started descending from the stage.

Ankit (to Subhash): "Get the car ready. Let's go."

They quickly rushed to the car and got inside.

Parveen: "They'll come this way. We need to follow them."

(What's going to happen next?)