
Cold Mercenary

Life has been hard... 'I had that thought since my family started there attempts to kill me and inherit my wealth but now it doesn't seem much hard...' "Kugh!" Kael, in a body equipped with torn apart equipments of Mercenary, with a shattered sword resting in his arm, with his condition it is surprising to be alive at this point, a hole in chest, scars throughout the body and hundreds of cuts in body after years of struggle right at centre of battlefield this body was exhausted, It's obviously quite surprising to wake up in such body after closing your eyes once in last world which was quite peaceful as compared to one he was at right now, 'What an annoying situation to start with but more than anything...' Kael scoffed while drooling out blood from corner of his mouth as next second his frowny eyes fell over a dark figure with dark thunders all around its body "Who the fuck are you!? And why the hell are you in my body right now you fucker!!!!!" "What a mutual question..." Kael scoffed at question as his eyes lost their colours again before a mysterious overflow of energy took over his body and the first notification rang over the head [Congratulations on your reawakening... Devil God!]

BeautifulLie · Action
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43 Chs


[Who the hell are you!? What the hell are you! You bastards!!! Son of a *****! I just woke up! Do you know how much time it takes me to recover my little energy and possess this body! I just consumed this soul! So why are you the one in this body! Hey! F***er! You better answer me fast before I resort to destroying your soul too!!!]

"The heck?"

The man was stunned by all the screams and noticed the chibi being above him, continuously trying to punch his face, but no efforts reached that body with those puffy little arms of his.

"Wait... who the heck are you?"

[That's my question! You son of a *****! How come you are in possession of this body instead of me! Even though I was going to transfer to another body, I still need a body to survive with how low of an energy I have right now!!!]

"Body? Soul? What kind of black magic crap are you even talking abou- cough! F***! It stings so darn bad... Man, dying two times in a day doesn't feel so good after all..."

The man sighed as his body once again started to lose color, and seeing all that, the chibi creature above his face immediately roared.

[Why are you dying, you idiot!? Wait! F***er! If you die in possession of this body, this body will become useless! I don't even have 1% of energy left to be carrying a corpse right now! Argh! F***! I don't know what the heck is going on anymore! Can't you use 'Heal', 'Recovery', 'Renewal', or anything?]

"Man... You sure are a hardcore fantasy fan, aren't you? Cough! Agh! Of course I don't. Oh well, I don't want to die so painfully either. Can you call an ambulance now, maybe finish the job yourself..."

[This f***er! This human bastard! Really trying to mess me up in the worst way possible, aren't you?! I won't be able to come back for a million years if this body gets lost! S***! Guess I really have no choice now!!! Hey, you son of a *****! You better think about your existence by the time I awaken again!!!]

The chibi creature suddenly roared in full rage but looked too cute because of its appearance. As he did, he vanished inside that man's body, and at the exact same moment, a wave of new sensation spread throughout the man.

"What the heck..."

The man was astonished as he felt that and could quite literally feel his blood pumping at the moment, every corner of cells in his body. His dark pupils widened, and as his gaze moved, he noticed all wounds over his body joining together to fill in the gaps everywhere. All wounds throughout his body were recovering to their proper state without a single scratch left on his body.

"Holy crap..."

He was astonished as he witnessed that miracle throughout his body, and in just a minute, he could feel the energy returning to his body. Slowly, he stood back up from atop the pile of corpses.

"As expected... a horrible place to be reborn."

As his gaze shifted, he noticed a river of blood flooding the area, with mountains of corpses scattered all around and vulture-like birds descending to feast on the remains.

"Doesn't seem like Earth to me..."

He sighed and slowly stood back up, wearing a slight frown on his face. Just as he was observing the area, a dark purplish system panel suddenly appeared directly in front of him.

[Congratulations on your reawakening, Devil God!]

[System is now available for use!]

"So, being brain-damaged was the side effect, huh? As expected, I seem to be in a state of some unconscious dreaming. I guess suicide was a failure somehow-"

[Incorrect! You are currently on the 'Arcanis' planet, inside the universe that you created along with the God of Heavens!]


The name was enough for him to recall and understand the whole situation. A look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and even though the situation was unbelievable, the smell of blood and the sensation of corpses around him were real.

"So now you're telling me I'm somehow in the world of the fantasy novel I just finished back on Earth? And this crap is real..."

[System is having trouble comprehending your words, but this world is indeed real, as you have created it yourself!]

'I created the world? Lol'

He scoffed and firstly removed the tattered armor with so many holes and cracks everywhere, then started to look around among the corpses, searching for something.

"Well, if this world is indeed Arcanis, then this place here seems to be a battlefield from a territorial challenge among the nobles of different territories. According to the novel, people here seem to be dressed like mercenaries and bounty hunters. After such battles take place, knights of the lord are taken back to be buried with respect, while people like mercenaries and bounty hunters don't even get a proper burial. A harsh reality but indeed a new reality for me..."

He sighed as he searched through those corpses. His hands were not drenched with more blood and rotten liquid, so he remained unfazed. After about an hour, he finally found what he was searching for.

"Great! Not having one of these despite so many beings dead here would have been quite ridiculous!"

As he said that, he looked at a brown, dull pouch with an amused smile. Suddenly, he pushed his sword inside the pouch, and the next second, he was seen taking out an ordinary dagger more than triple the size of the pouch itself.

"Space Pouch. It feels really amazing to try it myself, but I guess a fantasy world is indeed something else. If I remember correctly, this one is low-grade, so it can only hold things with a space of about 10 cubic meters. Well, that will be more than enough for starting funds..."

He said that, and his gaze moved over all the corpses and the many ownerless weapons lying on the ground.

"No matter the world, metal is indeed worth something. With the little knowledge I have, I guess I can collect some valuable items from here..."

He said that and began searching through the items on the battlefield. As he did so, it was already midnight, but the stars and moon in this world provided enough light for him to continue collecting what he needed.

"Well, don't be cursing me in your afterlives. I'm giving you rest in the earth now..."

He had dug a hole in the ground after collecting the materials, and one by one, he placed all the corpses inside the pit. There were easily more than a hundred of them, so it took a considerable amount of time to complete the task. After covering the corpses with soil, he placed a small seed on top of the mound.

"But man, what kind of body have I possessed? It's been almost seven hours of non-stop work. Obviously, it's a tiring process, but I didn't need to rest for even a minute during the whole time. I do feel extremely hungry and thirsty, but I can bear it for about another five hours. People here are just built differently, and look at this lean physique!"

He grinned, feeling amused as he removed his tattered shirt, which seemed to be barely hanging on his body by now. Next, he put on darker clothes, along with a few pieces of defensive gear and a large black axe on his back.

"The axe just seems to fit well in my hand. Maybe the previous owner of this body was an axe user, huh..."

He nodded and covered himself with a black cloak, bearing marks of battle and blood still visible on it. With a smile, he looked ahead and walked into the nearby forest.



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