
The Introduction

My name is Nova and yes i'm a girl. I got bullied a lot because i was a girl without parents. The bullying stop about Middle school because I slowly got stronger and stronger and i ended up joining a very strong gang called The Shadow Wolves. They are very well known most of them are quite cruel but they are very loyal. As I stayed with them I grew very cold everybody was sacred of me I understand why. They said i would never love because of how cruel I was and even if i did they wouldn't love me because of what I do. it made me very upset i always wanted a family because I grew up alone and I wanted to know how it felt.

When i was a baby my parents died when they were going up against a gang who wanted their money. I don't remember how they look since i was to young. Things like that happen all the time but nobody does anything because they think the lower you are the less important you are. I never got why until i got really strong. Strong enough the cops couldn't do anything. I go bullied a lot in school because i was considered weak but that stopped once i got into middle school. In Middle school they learned that i knew how to fight and didn't care about the consequences. The teachers also got scared because they had to pull me off the student but i would fight against them too. After middle school people started to fear me. As life went on I got stronger and stronger. Later in high school The gang offered me a place in their gang and even there i just got higher and higher. Until I was one of the most well known person in the gang and other gangs. Other gangs offered me a place but since my gang was like my first family i wasn't going to leave. I would never betray them even if it means i die.

You may be wondering why i would die for this gang the must not mean that much to me. Plus I'm more powerful than all the others even if betrayed them they couldn't do anything to hurt me. The truth is this is the first place i felt like i was welcome and i wasn't an outcast. They may think I'm heartless which isn't far from the truth. I may be pretty much heartless but i still care for the ones close to me and the ones they care about. Sure i haven't met the person who would make me feel something again but i do know will find them.

I know i will find that person i have to or else there is no meaning in life for me.


This is just the intro i wont be uploading like crazy this is my first book and idk how its going to end or how it is gong to go yet

What do you guys think of her childhood?

_loser_creators' thoughts