
Cold Blooded Fate

This is my first time writing a novel so please give me feed back !!!

Evy_Marie · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 The Strange Man

"Mrs. Curry I must inform you that your son is now in the ICU. His blood transfusion went good. He is sleeping now and should be okay we are gonna keep him over night to monitor him."

I was so relieved to hear the dr say that. I suddenly didn't feel as scared as I did.

"When may we see him Dr?" My mother asked.

"You may see him now, follow me" he replied.

The walk felt forever I just couldn't wait to see him even if he was asleep and connected to a machine.

We finally reached the door to his room and there he was. His neck was wrapped up. He was all clean, but he looked so pale. His dirty blonde hair was all a mess. You could see the bruises and cuts all over his face. I was hesitant at first to walk to him, but I did and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"I'll never let you out my sight again" I whispered to him.

————the following morning;

I felt someone wiggling my arm, and I spazzed out of my sleep. It was just my mom.

"Oh, mom you startled me".

"I'm sorry dear, I know you're not gonna like what about to say but, David slipped into a coma and I don't know when he's gonna wake up."

My heart skipped. "What? Why?" I cried out.

My mother broke down crying,

"I don't know baby", she wiped her tears quickly and started to calm her self down quickly to regain control. I put my hand on hers and told her softly,

"It's okay mom".

She nodded at me forcing a little smile.

"Wanna go get some coffee?" I asked.

She nodded again and we kissed David on the forehead and told him we loved him and started to make our way to the cafe.

Once we made it there we got in line to get some coffee.

"Eleanor???" Someone from behind yelled out.

My mother and I turned around to see who just called her name, and suddenly my mothers mood seemed to lighten a tad when she saw who it was.

"Andrew!?" My mom gasped in surprise.

Now I have no idea who this man is I have never seen him in my life at all. My mom seem shocked to see him though as she didn't expect him here.

He was wearing scrubs and a dr coat on, so I assumed he was a doctor. He had a mask, but he wasn't wearing it it was just hanging under his chin. His hair was short and black. He seemed to be around my moms age.

"What brings you here?" He asks.

He was smiling so bright but he wasn't after he saw my mother frown from that question.

"My son... he's in a coma". She choked up.

Oh my El,.. I- I am so sorry to hear that".

It grew quiet for a few moments, until my mom broke that silence.

"Well, how is being a surgeon treating you?" ,She asked.

"It's good some days and bad some days." He replied.

"NEXT!" Yelled the cashier for the next person in line which is us. So we go up and order.

"Is it cool if I join you guys?" He asks my mom.

"Sure" she said, "meet us over there after you order".