
Cold Blooded Fate

This is my first time writing a novel so please give me feed back !!!

Evy_Marie · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: The First Day

I was sleeping so good until my alarm clock had to start BUZZING.

"New day" I sighed.

I could hear my mother yelling from the kitchen "ELIZABETH!!!! ARE YOU UP???",

"YEAH" I screamed back.

Today is my first day going to Baxter High School. My mom wanted to start life over again so we moved from my hometown Springfield to here, Gravendale. It's me, my mom and my little brother David. My dad unfortunately died in the accident ... I don't feel like going in to the details right now. The pain is still fresh. I miss my father so much. I got dressed and made my way to kitchen to eat breakfast. After I finished I hugged my mom and she told me she was working late tonight and gave me money to order dinner for me and David. We told each-other love you's and byes and left. I'm a junior and my little brother is a freshman, so we both started on our 20 minute walk to school. As we started walking down the road more and was away from the house I kept feeling like someone was watching us. It made my hair stand up on my arms and I could feel goosebumps all over my body. David didn't seem to sense anything he just kept bopping to his music on his phone and head phones. So I just started to ignore it.

David takes out his headphones and stops and says "I'm going to go pee behind those trees over there".

"Gross David!!" I exclaimed. "Maybe you should wait until we get to school it doesn't feel right around here we only got 10 more minutes to go anyways"

"Lizzy, stop being ridiculous. Nothing is out here" he says as he walks towards the trees laughing at me.

As he goes behind the tree to pee I turn around and shout "Well hurry up or you're gonna make us late!".

I stood looking at the non-busy road,waiting patiently, I could hear him peeing which was so disgusting and he finally stopped after what felt like 5 minutes. Then I waited for him to come on. After waiting like a minute for him to come on I turned back around and he wasn't there.

"This isn't funny David get from behind the tree so we can leave!"

I didn't hear no answer.

"Don"t make me walk over there"

Still no answer from him

"Okay David I'll play your silly game I'ma walk over there and if you try to scare me I will gladly punch you in the face"

He still didn't say anything so I walked behind the tree and he wasn't there.

"Ha-ha very funny come on! We're gonna be late to school"

—-still more silence——

It started to make me worry

"Okay this isn't funny anymore come on Dave...".

I look around the trees and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Is that blood on the tree and leaves on the ground?

It indeed was,

I froze there I felt so scared I didn't know what to do.

"DAVID WHERE ARE YOU?!???" I screamed.

I unfroze and started to panic and looked around in the woods

"David !!!! Please!!!! Where are you" I started crying and shouting.

I pulled out my phone and called my mom she didn't answer so I dialed 911 next.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi yes my name is Elizabeth Curry and My brother has gone missing"