
Coincidental Bond

"Flower, I promise that I will never let any harm come to you. Be it Knowingly or unknowingly. I'll always be by your side to protect you." … On a Journey to Alaska for some documentary about the wildlife reserve over there. Flower Olivia Thompson a 20 year old wildlife reporter activist and two of her colleagues who had been both anxious and enthusiastic about the Journey, met with an unfavorable situation. A life-threatening accident transpired along the way. Fortunately, Flower survived, however, so could not be uttered for her colleagues whose body parts had been brutally impaired and splitted apart. Somehow, when Flower woke up. Instead of being greeted by the coldness of the snow filled ground and a bloodstained body, or even in heaven due to the accident that transpired. She met herself in a warm, outstanding room. Soon enough, she later found out that she was saved by Anthony Rodrigo Smith—a wealthy werewolf with an unfortunate, traumatic past with excess self desire. He brought her to his mansion deep in the wildlife of Alaska where no souls other than wild animals resides. He took care of her to the extent of donating part of his own life force just to save her life without even knowing her from anywhere beforehand. Anticipation erupts when Anthony and Flower found themselves entangled in a will-they-won't-they relationship. Struggling to fit into eachothers world and trying their best in creating a safe haven for eachother. However, since their bond was a coincidence and unplanned for, it wasn't going to be easy on both of them. Read-only on web novel a life-changing love story which warms the soul with its words and melts the heart with its plots and character. Kindly leave a review, pretty please. Enjoy!

JOYofSALVATION · Fantastique
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116 Chs

Caught Red-handed

Flower felt a cold breeze disperse into the bone-chilling air she was breathing. She knew that something was peculiar about the breeze and that something was going on in her presence.

'This is the exact wind that gusted when Anthony came into the room this morning.'

'Crap! I'm doomed!' She cursed inwardly. 'Darn it! Must I always be so unfortunate, he's going to kill me! Shit!'

Then slowly and gradually, Flower lifted her eyes from the cold ground's embrace. The first thing they met with was a black pair of socks and footwears standing just about two feets away from her.

'Darn it! He won't spare me!' Flower panted in pure dread. Her heartbeat accelerated, she palpitated and her body became frozen to the core. 

'What to do?! What to do?!' She recited this in her head.

Then gradually she lifted her face up totally. As expected she saw Anthony's tall masculine figure towering above her fiercely, with a slight frown cascading his attractive face.

His arms were folded, he didn't appear too furious. But it was clear that he was a bit furious with Flower's action. Unfolding his arms, he placed his hands back into the pockets of his black trouser as usual. "This lady is really something," he mumbled to himself.

He sighed, "I didn't know that this was how you were going to repay me after all my kindness towards you," Anthony said furiously to Flower. "You think you're quite smart. But what you don't know is that I, Anthony, Rodrigo, Smith is more smarter than you and nothing can get pass me without my knowledge or consent."

"As you can see for yourself perfectly that you've disobeyed my trust in you. I no longer trust you. Now what are you supposed to say to that Young Lady? Or don't you think you owe me an apology?" 

Flower mouth couldn't move or say a word, all she could think of now was the word 'run'.

Then, on impulse, Flower turned to the other side and began to runaway from Anthony's presence. Hopefully, someone nearby might come to her rescue.

"Help! Help!" She exclaimed dreadfully, her body quivering uncontrollably as she scurried farther away.

Anthony sighed tiredly seeing Flower's actions. He smirked, shortly after he mumbled. "A wasted efforts."

In no time, a gust of wind swept by again towards Flower and Anthony appeared in front of her again obstructing her fugitives.

"Damn!" Flower cursed. "Help me! Anybody! Help," she rooped continuously.

Seeing that Anthony had blocked her way once again, she turned to another direction once more and began running and screaming for help over and over again.

Anthony scoffed mockingly, "Flower! You're unwell. Why don't you just give up already, it's no use trying to runaway from me. I'll always catch up with you wherever you go. You're my woman and I own you from top to bottom, you can't escape unless I say so. Then why bother yourself?!" Anthony exclaimed towards running Flower.

Even so, Flower didn't pay any attention to Anthony's nonsensical words. She knew that hope was something she should never let go of. Therefore she continued running, until she tripped on a small stone unexpectedly and violently.

"Ouch!" She winced in pain, "Oh heavens my leg!"

The profound pain and throbbing of her wounded legs were hurting rigorously. In spite of that, Flower attempted to get up and start scurrying again, seeing that Anthony was walking towards her slowly.

However, Flower's ray of hope were destroyed seeing that she couldn't get up and run properly with her impaired leg. She stood up slowly with excess whimperings, then she attempted going forward by limping.

'Gosh! It hurts so badly. I don't think I can run any further with this injuries. Darn it Flower! Darn it! You could have done better!" She scolded herself inwardly.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to escape, Flower shouted loudly at the top of her voice;

"Help! Someone please help! Help me! Please! Help me! Anybody?!"

She limped forward continuously, then she fell down vulnerably into the embrace of the cold snow filled ground. She panted heavily, perks of sweats occasionally spilled down from her forehead.

"Help me! Help me!" She continued to roop up.

Anthony couldn't help but chuckle to Flower wasteful efforts. He walked more closer to her with his hands still in his pockets. After reaching Flower's front, he removed his hands from the pocket of his trousers and stood still with an akimbo.

He stared at Flower who was still shouting for help. Anthony shooked his head in a ridiculous manner, mocking Flower's helplessness.

He chuckled once again. Afterwards a demonic smile appeared on his lips. Parting his lips, he spoke;

"Look at the mess you've gotten yourself into. Now, I'll be the one to help you once again out of this mess that you're in. Don't you think you owe me a lot?" 

Flower finally stopped yelling, now accepting her unlucky fate. She pouted and frowned whilst sitting on the snow filled floor. 'Shameless scoundrel, isn't he the one who caused all this. If he had just let me go on my own accord then none of this would have happened. And now he's blaming me,' Flower thought. "Hmph!"

Anthony smiled, "I can't help but find you more adorable when you're angry," he said. Bending downwards facing Flower, Anthony tenderly pinched her slightly chubby and adorable cheeks.

Flower flinched back in hopes of getting his dirty hands away from her cheeks.

Withdrawing his hands away from Flower's cheeks. "Indeed, there would be a punishment for you. In that way you wouldn't attempt the same mistake you made today ever again," Anthony stated.

Knowing that, truly, there was no way of escaping. Flower lowered her pride and kept aside her furiousness. 

"I'm sorry for trying to escape," she apologized with a quivering voice, thinking that perhaps her apologies would lessen the so called punishment that Anthony was planning to give her.

Anthony's intensive gaze pierced through Flower's heart. Causing Flower to look away from him as soon as possible.

"I just want you to know that, no souls other than me, Horatio, Regina, you and wild animals resides here. If you intend on escaping once again then you wouldn't come across anyone else here except for wild animals, and there's also the probability that you might get feasted on by them. Don't say I didn't warn you," Anthony said.

He continued, "I don't like being disobeyed, I believe you know that already? However, since it's your first time trying to escape then I'll forgive you and I wouldn't be giving you any punishment. But Flower, if you intend on scurrying from me once again, I won't let you off so easily," he uttered.

Flower nodded sluggishly like an imbecile. Trying to suppress her feelings of hatred towards the man and also the feeling of pain she was presently going through due to the pain of the injury on her leg.

"Splendid!" Anthony smiled creepily.

Then moving closer towards Flower, he lifted her up into his arms like a newborn baby. 


Flower still wanted to protest against it, nevertheless, she kept her protesting to herself and remained quiet and well secured in Anthony's warm embrace. Once again, her nose became filled with his extremely wonderful scent. Flower knew she loved the man's scent, but then how could she love the scent of a man whom she had deep resentment for. So she ignored his scent eventhough it kept on filling up her nostrils.

Soon enough, Flower met herself in front of the car and.

'He must have teleported again,' she guessed. After that thought, Flower began to feel the sudden uneasiness feeling which she had once felt back then after Anthony teleported them out of his painting room.

'Perhaps it's due to the teleportation. Does he also always feel this way too after teleporting? I doubt that,' she thought.

Anthony carried her in his arms towards the car. He opened the car door with his remote control. Then he carefully placed Flower on the passengers seat. He went back to the front seat and started the car. 

He began driving the car.


Flower remained at the back seat quietly, still annoyed by everything that transpired not too long ago. She was utterly embarrassed by it. She kept pondering about this over and over again until she eventually fell asleep in the back seat of the car.

After minutes of not hearing a word from the talkative lady. Anthony became curious.

"Flower. Are you okay in there?" He asked. But no replies was given to him. He furrowed his eyebrows, turning the mirror of the car slightly. Then through that, Anthony could now vividly see that Flower had already fallen asleep.

He scoffed. "She's even more adorable when she's asleep," he mumbled.

Then he focused back on the car he was presently driving. 

Soon enough, they got back to the mansion. Anthony parked the car. He then got out of it.

Opening the back seat door, he carried Flower back into his arms then into the mansion. He brought Flower into her room and treated her wounded leg for her, he covered her with the blanket then he left the room.

The next morning, a loud penetrating scream capable of destroying ones eardrums was what woked everyone up in the mansion.