
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
46 Chs

Volume one epilogue

I sat at the bar and ordered a soft drink, Fanta orange in a glass drank it slowly with a straw. I watched outside as a Guardian Corp ship landed on a football field a block from the bar and Commander Siku of the guardian Corps got out.

"Stay here." He told his escort as he descended the stairs out of the ship.

"Not gonna happen, sir." Suzy made it clear following him out of the ship. He turned and looked at his great-granddaughter. Her Second in command, Dean, and boyfriend followed her lead. A few other bodyguard agents not of interest to me followed suit.

"Okay, you can follow but you won't enter the meeting room, go it?" He asked looking at his Suzy. She nodded and followed him to the car I've sent for them. They went in and drove down the dark road to my location.

Siku left them at the door and went in. He looked around and saw Shay reading on the sofa while I sat at the bar drinking a soft drink.

"Aren't you a bit too you to be drinking in a bar like an old guy?" He asked as he approached me. I took a look at him, and he saw my face. The smile he had vanished as he noted who I am.

"huh, should have known it was you." He said taking a seat next to me. I passed him the papers of my parent's properties at home and their details.

"Long time no see," I told him as he took the papers.

"long time is between a year to a century. It becomes an eon or eternity once it's over a thousand years!" he growled, and I smiled at him.

"don't tell me you missed me."

"no, I am pissed off at you." He said reading the papers. "you went to the palace, tore the throne, beat the king two thousand years ago, and now you banished the crown prince of Alkebulan, killed the regnant king, and turned the royal blood into dust, what can I miss about you? You only bring me headaches." He admitted and I couldn't understand a word.

"still polishing the balls of the politicians, I see,"

"well, they keep the Corp running."

"they don't, they suck it dry," I told him. "Guardian Corp was formed five thousand years ago to keep an eye on earth and defend it. It has nothing to do with politics. The same way the guardians aren't limited by the politics of the world."

"the guardians do listen to the politics," he reminded me. "If not, why do they honor treaties made eons ago?"

"We honor treaties because it's a better option. If not, we would have wiped the gods who surrendered. We just don't like killing."

"Okay, so what am I supposed to do with these?" he asked looking through my parent's papers.

"My parents can't stay in Alkebulan for a while, I wanted you to solve their finances. Their jobs and their security. I want them safe and out of my reach for a while."

"sure, you wanna do that?"

"I'm going to piss the gods off in a while, I have a bone to pick with them. So, until I resolve the god problem, I will remain out of touch with them." I took out another envelope and passed it to him. "these contain orders to say, I would confiscate a few of your toys to make my own task force all around the earth."

"The politicians are going to flip if they find out that I am helping you."

"don't worry, I will steal them from you. Oh, I will take some of your agents."

"I don't think I have trusted agents you can pick, you always had a rather bad choice when it came to people."

"don't worry, I already had two in mind I will take off your hands. They walk in here in exactly a minute and a half." I remembered the other papers I put below my parent's property papers. "I forgot to say, I will need you to solve my school problem."

"you are going back to school?"

"yes. So, you solve it, pretend to be my adoptive father, and we'll talk after I graduate."

"why do you want to go back to school? Don't you like, have a busier life than anyone on earth?"

"I need an anchor, anyway, mom wanted me to graduate, that was her only wish, so I will." He looked at me with pity written all over his face.

"I'll try, but I would need a promise," he looked at me and I instantly knew what he was going to say next. Keep off his ranger and try not to get him in trouble. He said it. I looked at the glass and told him for the next three weeks, I couldn't promise min anything. I told him I was already getting him in trouble with his wife and grandkids

"I'll be taking them in two days, prep them." I pointed at the door and Suzy and Dean walked into the room. Right on time.

"Commander Suki, we cant do this." She said walking in, and she saw me. I smiled at her as shay got up.

"Hello Suzy." Shay said rolling her magazine away and standing next to me. Her eyes widened as she saw us.

Suki realized who my first pick for my task force was and he got up cursing at me.

"we'll be great friends." Shay said and for the first time I saw shay's face lit up brilliantly and her voice sounding confident.

I grew proud seeing her look upbeat. The watcher's words crossed in my mind as I saw it. "the guardian princess just need to be comfortable and surrounded by people she knows to shine brilliantly. She may even grow more powerful than the other guardians if she does. Remember she is the princess of the seven stars. A guardian of seven kingdoms."