
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs


"I can see her face, just potions of it." I responded and more questions came in.

I watched them as they flooded me with questions, even Tiyane threw hers at me. Thabo just looked at me with angry eyes. The girls seemed to be competing over who can ask me more questions than the other without leaving any time for me to answer.

"Can i say something?" I asked them as they leaned on me and they stopped and looked at me.

"It wasn't a result of any injury." I started with Sara's question and that almost felt like a lie considering all the blows I've recieved over all the seven thousand years I've lived. Including in the past 19 yeqrs of my existence.

I've fell, slapped to the bottom of the ocean, used as a toilet paper and even sent glying to space by a god i pissed off. All in a years work. Plus other monster works from time to time have mostly ended with blows and bites.

"I was born with it. I'm used to it so to me its normal, I've found a way to live with it. Going to a hospital wont change anything, and trust me, ive went to a lot like... a lot when i was young. Even traditional one." Thanks to mom. I answered two of Tiyanes answera and i ended with one of Tlotlo's. "I can tell emotions by looking at the eyes wrinkles near the eyes and the general feel of ones tone. So can we all study?"

"No, hold on a sec, can you read him?" Sara pointed at Thabo and I sighed.

I took a look at him so did the girls and he put on a serious look. I didn't have to do a lot because i saw it though it made me want to kill him.

"Sorry can't tell you. Not enough information." I responded. I couldnt see his soul or aura thanks to the spell and i he didn't say anything. Besides i was uncertain of his real emotion. Anger seemed a bit trival. Even though his eyes gleamed at Tiyane, i couldn't just think it was feelings for her.

"I think you are lying." Sara said as she sat back.

"I just met him, i dont know a lot to go on to make a valid conclusion." I defended myself though i had a feeling she was talking of his eyes.

"So what are we studying today?" Tlotlo asked and the study session began. Calculas and Engineering mathematics were the first two we did.

As we revised the modules, i realized something. When Tiyane focused on something, she leaned in on things like she did on the movie.

That very same look was Kiara's when she healed others. Her lips would tighten and lean in and when she won over the wound and everything was in place, Kiara would shout yey! With a beautiful smile and sit up straight. Though I've seen it for three days only, I missed it, terribly my heart ached.

Tiyane smiled as she wrote the answer to the trigonometric question we had and shouted "Got it!" with a balled fist.

She leaned back with a cute smile. "I've got it." She said and looked around. "I'll show you how i did it."

"Excuse me, I'm going out for air." I got up and walked out of the room.

My chest felt like it was being squeezed and air wouldn't get in. I held my breath as I walked out.

"Is he okay?" Tlotlo asked as i left. Someone said something but it was inaudible as a high pitched note rang in my ears and my heart drummed right into mu ear drum.

"I'm sorry it... I... I love... I love you." Kiara's last words ran into my head and I felt her warm rough hand as she held my cheek.

My insides tore at me and as i struggled to breathe. the laughter of her people, as i held her on the ground insulted my ears. The look of her soul as the loom of fate took her back cletched around my heart and yanked it.

I tried to tell her soul to get back in her but it wouldn't vome back. The pull of the loom was stronger than mine.

Where the arrow stood i tried to patch it behind tears but the only thing i did was splash her blood all over me.

My skin felt like burning.

But if i can only heal her, her body would force her soul back.

But I couldn't heal her. But my father could. My brothers and sisters could. The keepers, the watchers they all could.

I screamed for them to help me as her face turned pale and the aura around her head slowly vanished. But no matter how hard i tried they couldn't rush here.

I sat holding her body tight, and cried as rain and thunder began pummeled around.

They killed her!

I wanted to scream the excruciating pain out but i couldn't. I couldn't cry it out. I wanted to just exploded to just die. But this pain, her...

"Khumat!" Ava called me as she slowly approached me. I turned to her and showed her Kiara. Her blood was washing away with the rain and no matter how many times i told it to get back. It never did.

No matter how many times i told to running it never did.

"They killed her." I told her. But as the words came out. A painful lump caught in my thoat. Rain water ran through my hair and went into my eyes but i couldnt feel it sting. I couldn't see clearly but i couldn't care. My mate was dead. Why should i live?

"They killed her because she loved me and I loved her."

"Khuma I'm sorry..."

"You okay?"Tiyane asked me as touching my shoulder. The tightness in my chest dissappeared but tye pain was still there.

"I'm okay, anxiety attack, i think." I said rubbing my chest.

"You don't look okay." She said looking at my face and I looked away.

"Give me a moment and I'll be fine."

"I think you should go to a hospital." I heard her voice tremble and I felt bad about it.

"Dont worry I'm okay. I just need a breath of air."

"Then I'm staying with you until you are okay." She held my hand and i took a deep breath that felt like i was torturing my lungs when they were still a bit sore. As i breathed out, i couldn't bare letting it all out at once I let it out with pauses.

"Here." She said giving me a pill sacket out of the pouch she always carried. "Its aspirin, I don't drink it a lot because of my periods, so you can drink it."

"Thanks." I took out a pill. And swallowed it. Maybe that was another mistake because it bubbled on my throat and i think it was going to give me an indigestion.

She handed me a water bottle and asked where the pill i took went.

"I ate it."

"You ate it?" She asked and i nodded. "As it was?"

"Yes. Wasnt i supposed to?"

"Here, drink it. You are supposed to dissolve aspirin before you drink it."

"I didnt know." I took a gulp of the bitter water and i really hoped it would react with the acidic pill and reduce the acid i felt in my throat.

"You've never drank pills before?" She asked a bit shocked and i had to say, I've taken any pills besides flu combo in autumn throughout winter but never did after 2012.

"You mean you've never got sick sick or had a headache?"

"No i never got sick." I told her. My headache was usually punch induced but i usually healed fast so it wasn't really there when i got access to painkillers.

"Wish i was you." She sat next to me. "I wish i never got sick."


"I get sick easily. A little cold and i can spend a week in a hospital."

"I see, i now understand why your closet loomed like a despensary."

She chuckled and agreed with me. Her voice though sad sounded a bit beautiful.

"Well, look on the bright side." I pushed her a bit as i rocked to the side. "You can deal drugs easily."

"Hey!" She pushed me back.


"That is a bad idea."

"Tell me you haven't thought about it." She looked down witha crooked smile. "Oh my, you have!"

"I was a kid and i once tried."

"Huh! You dealt drugs! I never knew you could be bad."

"I was seven and it wasn't drug dealing per say."

"It's what they all say."

"I didn't deal dru... illegal drugs. I dealt painkillers in primary."

"They are still drugs."

"They are legal."

"So what did you sell them for?"

"Lunch, fruits, sometimes homework."

"You were naught." I agreed and thought of me. What did i do that was bad when i was young?

All i came up with was shortly after recruiting Suzy into Shay's trial force, the phantoms, stealing cars, planes and weapons and a couple of computers from Guardian Corp bases around Earth. Those days were fun.

"So what did you do when you were young?"

"I think the naughtiest thing ive done was skip school. Besides that i was a model student throughout primary."


"Well, i didn't have a lot of friends growing up, so i spent them mostly playing alone."

"That's sad."

"It was a okay for me."

"So do you have friends now?"

"No." Shay doesnt or the phantoms dont count as friends, so here i didnt lie.

"Then let me be yours then. Friend." She said offering a hand to shake. I looked at it and I shook it. If only I knew what it meant then. Friend. Friendship. Friendzone.