
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

twenty one

"you serious?" Cyraon asked as the prince held a gun pointed it at his head.

"where did the kid go?" the prince asked him again and Cyraon just stared at his stupid ears.

"I asked you if you are serious," Cyraon asked the prince as the king smiled. The present king just stood there watching his son commit the highest of all treason, Assaulting a guardian.

I materialized in between Cyraon and the prince and asked Cyraon if he was okay.

"no human can tire me out, Khumat, I am still as fine as a horse." He said looking over my shoulder at the prince who held a gun. The prince's eyes widened slowly, and I realized, I slowed time down again. Unintentionally.

But why was Cyraon speaking at normal… yeah right, he is a guardian.

I let time flow at its usual speed and pulled the ruling king off his throne while the old king and the crown prince watched me. I strangled him and he didn't do a single thing.

He raised the gun he had to Cyrano's face and told me to let his father go. His grandfather was as usual demanding that I let his son go.

"you know, crow, I thought I told you, next time you force me here, I will kill you and everyone you love," I growled at the old king as I strangled his son.

"I am the king…" this again? I turned to the prince and asked, "do you know why they called me the mighty dragon in the past?" I asked the prince who disregarded me and threatened to kill Cyraon should I not let his father free. Guess not listening comes through the bloodline.

His father started struggling to break free.

"guess that's a no." I told the young prince. "lucky day for you, I am in the mood to start fires."

I slowed time again and turned to Cyraon. "You, leave," I told him as I formulated the best punishment for them.

"I can watch," he responded standing his ground.

"I need you to go to my island and watch over Shay while I teach these asshats a lesson." I told him and slowly released time.

he insisted on staying but I couldn't have him here. So, I took the next best thing I could do. Slowing time further and opening a portal below his feet that threw him to my island.

When he was gone, I released time and turned his father into ashes. Before he could say or do anything, I hit him so hard I flung him across the room.

The king with fragile bones stood up from his son's throne as the royal guards advanced on me.

"don't kill the guards!" Cyraon shouted into my ear. "I have a plan for them."

"fine." I responded and stomped the ground. telling the earth to take them to Cyraon's compound and it did.

I was finally alone with the old bones.

"I am the king of... "he raised his staff and I hit him with a bolt of lightning from my fingers. He flew across the room and slammed on the golden throne.

"So, you think living a thousand years makes you a god?" I asked him as I approached him. he tried to get up but I bent the gold in his throne and squashed him with it, breaking his already fragile bones.

I threw him across the throne room once more and he fell face-first into the pillar, breaking his facial bones and cracking his head open. I let him go and put the throne back to where it belonged.

I squatted next to him as he faded in and out of consciousness.

"you are not a king, you are nothing but a piece of scrap I can use to wipe the face of the earth with." I told him and breathed fire on him that instantly engulfed him. as his burning flesh scent filled the throne room, I tossed him out the window into the distance.

General Rao opened the throne room accompanied by the queen and princesses. I looked at the warrior princesses queen and the general. then thought of their father. he may have been a weak king, but he was a good father whose kids wanted to end their grandfather's regency except for the foolish crown prince.

they stopped and looked across the throne room then at me.

"General Rao," I called him and he bowed when he saw me. His men followed suit. The queen hid her youngest's eyes from seeing me. "take over the throne momentarily, and send the princess Aurora to Arga, tell their father there to teach her the proper way of ruling the people, then give the throne to her."

"yes sir!" he said with a salute as he stared at the broken throne.

"don't make me come here again, if I do, I will wipe Punt and everyone in it off." he bowed his head and I tore the throne off and threw it out of the window. I stoped the ground and another throne took its place. A stone throne made of nothing but granite and encrusted with gold lines.

I turned my back and walked into another portal I made to my island just shortly before I told the throne room AI to tell the commander of the entire Guardian corp fleet to meet me.

"Cyraon!" I called the keeper as I opened the door of my house. "get in here we need to talk!" I said as Shay got off the ground and ran up to me. The rabbit she was with ran after her. On the other side of my yard, I saw cyraon laughing and talking with the animals inhabiting my land.

"Cyraon!" I shouted and he quickly teleported inside my living room. Shay hugged me and left a few tears roll down her eyes.

"what's wrong?"

"don't become evil." she whispered. she saw what I did at the palace.

"Okay, I won't." I promised her and after calming her down, we sat on the kitchen table as I pitched an idea to them. before I resume training in Atlantis, I told them, I wanted Shay to take on her own training.

she looked at me as if scared. I showed them a list and... resumes? of the task force, I was planning on making for her and the plan I had for her diplomacy studies.

Cyraon smiled as he took the guards' resumes too and put them on the table. "a guardian princess needs an army first." he said with a crooked smile.

we looked at her and she chose her own team.

"well. looks like we are on the same page." I said, getting off the table. "how about a bath a hot meal and we get started?" I asked.

"beauty sleep!" they said and walked into the hall, I doubted they knew where everything was. but well, I was the only one who didn't need sleep among the three of us.