
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
46 Chs

Thirty three

Memoirs of Kiara



Haunte, Capital city of Alkebulan, 3792 AGD or commonly known as, 30 A.D

My face felt hot. Red scotching hot as I furiously flew, simultaneously bending air around me to give myself a boost. Or simply just jet propelling myself forth.

I saw the shield of the palace rise as I approached the the palace. Its tethers to the human world and the hidden worlds and cities both on earth and above earth seemed majestically strong and sound. I wasn't to think of them yet.

The palace was like a huge tree in the middle of the desert with its roots above land and stretching for miles. Up in the sky, watch towers loomed every hundred or so miles from Haunte. At its foot, other watch towers loomed.

Traffic was purely on the ground. The air was forbidden air space. Not even a single chariot flew. Not on Human earth or in the space it was built in concealed from human access. But that was not a problem.

Gamad, another version of Thoth screamed insults in my ear, telling me to slow down and descend or the guards were going to take me as a threat and will act accordingly.

But I didn't listern.

No one in my treated people like that.

No one took people like that.

No one treated people like trash and lived.

No! not on my land. Not in my country.

And definitely not on a guardian Corp member or a guardian. They are the off-limits of the off-limits. Not on earth police and earth military or lunar watchers. They are under my protection as their brother. No one fucked with them.

Not on my guardian brethren.

Or on guardian corp members.

No one fucks with earth police. I doesn't matter if it's the king or queen. No one does. At all.

I grew closer and closer to the shield and I smashed right into it as alarms went on. I ignored them and headed straight to the palace as the palace guards went off their station to give chase to me.

But none of them got far. Just as they approached me at almost sound speed, Gamad turned them back.

With a loud bang, I landed into the throne room where the king was addressing the royal council of Alkebulan. The granite tiles I landed on shattered to pieces. I took my eyes up into the kings eyes as my heart started burning furiously.

"What are you doing here guardian?" the king asked as the council got up to protect him. the guards quickly went in protection formation around the king too. The king's hands trembled as he shouted at me feigning complete control "this is the throne…"

I didn't care for the rest.

One agent has a broken leg. Five had broken ribs that would take weeks to recover from. My brothers, two of the guardians I've been protecting for over a thousand years since the saint that made me vanished, were hurt. Stabbed by their own people, for refusing to marry the princess but both found their mate on commoners. They shamed the king's standard and he put them on a hitlist for that.

I exhaled. White scotching fire flew from my nostrils as if they were flamethrowers. The guards stepped back.

"Khumet Laku ey fau dri…!" The kings body guard started. But I didn't care about him.

"stay there, this is not your fight!" I groweled to the council men while pointing a finger at them. They quickly scrambled to back into their seats. I drew my sword and charged. The guards charged too, but I was an immortal. They were sixty seventy year old generals not five thousand year old guardians, like I was.

I quickly brushed their weapons to the side and sweeped them into the air with my spear. I got to the king and I didn't bother to ask any question. Or say anything. I hit his left leg, breaking it to pieces. He screamed in agony mid air, and when he was about to fall, I landed another hard blow to his right side and he flew across the room. Landing shortly after his body guards fell.

I called for his generals sword and it flew straight into my hand as I walked towards the king. he spit blood as he tried to get up but even if a king lived a thousand years like they do, a wound like that is going to make it hard to get up. And it did, no surprise. All his ribs on his right were broken. Like the guardian corp agents responsible for the guardians mates' safety.

I stabbed his shoulder twice just as he did my guardians and growled into his ear. "next time you touch another guardian, or any corp, I'm gonna come back and tear you apart."

"Got it?" I asked he slowly nodded as a mixture of saliva and blood flowed out of his mouth. But his soul was still alive and kicking.

"Activating!" a female automatic voice said overheard. Theody, the AI responsible for the throne room. I didn't feel comfy as I heard her voice in almost five hundred years of her going offline after the saint walked away from Alkebulan.

I got up as she started, "Khumet Laku, Guardian of alkebulan, the offer for…" she started and I knew exactly what she was going to say next.

"Like I said, I have no desire for the throne." I told her.

"but the saint has…"

"I don't give a shit what he said!" I barked at it. One more word, I swear. One more word. "this is the third time I would be saying it, so fuck off."

"See you in a thousand years then." The AI responded and announced its deactivation. The guardian statues around the hall stood straight and took a saluting stance.

The guards who could walk and the council men slowly moved around the king while a few bowed. As the king stired before falling into a comma or giving in onto his wounds, I turned and left. Stealing a military fighter and flying off. Staying on this land, I was going to kill a lot of people.

I put it on subsonic speed and thought of my actions. I just assulted someone considered the king of all men. I just assaulted a king who sat on the council of earth.

Might as well have gone to the throne of earth and ripped it out of the throne room.

As the fighter went out of the palace air space, i typed in the destination, Zaramelha. The onboard computer auto corrected me to Zarahemla and i told it to fuck off as i activated autopilot.

Just as the subsonic drive kicked in, weapons lock warnings rang and i ignored it. It didnt matter, i wasnt going to die just because i got hit and fell into the sea Atlas and the Atlantians were banished into.

I embraced myself for impact but the missiles never did. I relaxed and slept the adrenaline away.

I felt her, laughing brilliantly as she sped along the countryside. her laughter, though distant made my heart and race and my stomach dance as i felt it.

i closed my eyes to focus on the feeling and atrempted to locate her. i felt her direction.

I deactivated auto pilot and navigated the ship using my gut.

At first, i couldn't locate her. but then i saw the guy who she was talking to and laughing with.

Rage built up in me as I saw her gleam as she looked at him and I jerked to ship in their direction and lost control of the ship as the missiles thats been following me hit my engines and dropped me off the sky.

i tried to gain control of the ship but i couldn't. All that i could do was fly around the ship from wall to wall knocking everything down and almost broke my back.

"Saint Khut, please don't let me die just before i meet her." i prayed to the saint as my head hit the driving wheel and almost lost consciousness. but yep, i broke something there.

the ship hit the ground flinging me forward and i went through the window. breaking it and landing into a ditch of thorns which scratched my face and hilariously made me bleed. Or maybe i was bleeding inside.

Weak, and practically unable to move for a moment, i hanged of a branch like drying bilton gasping as my chest muscles refused to let air in for a moment.

"Kiara, don't!" I heard the guy shout somewhere below the tree i was caught in.

"I need to see something." Her voice replied and the pain inside me vanished for a moment as my insides fell.

I slowly pushed myself off the thorny branch and fell like a sack of potatoes to the ground. I faded.