
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Thirty one

Thunder cracked outside. So loud it almost sounded like a bomb was going off somewhere nearby.

My stomach reported, someone was angry.

Really really angry.

I sighed and continued doing my homework. It started drizzling and I cracked open a window. As the rain picked up, memories of Acardia ran through my head, the cold breeze, and everything, I loved it.

It relaxed me a bit.

But my stomach was still unrestful.

I sat back down again and tried to focus on my schoolwork but I wasn't onto it. It just felt like I should be doing something out there. I should be protecting or acting on something out there.

But this week was going to be purely mine. Spent on me alone. No fights no... the nameless. He was still there. Gaia and Lyska can take care of it.

They threw me out of it. I would stay out. Last night, as you can guess, I decided they can handle themselves. I didn't have a care about what happened out there. So i put everything away and focused on school.

I continued but felt her feeling cold. Felt her drenched in rainwater.

She had her schoolbag over her head as she ran in the rain towards a tree. But the bag wasn't any help. She was being drenched anyhow. How could she... Why couldn't she just wait the rain out in class? Is she just... I choked on my anger and quickly grabbed an umbrella and put a raincoat on before running to her.

She breathed heavily and trembled while hugging her cold self. She rubbed her arms to warm herself on. She sat at the base of the tree while breathing heavily. As I walked out of the rain she looked up and her face lit, momentarily, before looking down, again.

I kneeled next to her as I saw her clothing clinging tightly to her.

I took my raincoat off and lined it with fur before she saw what I did and put it on her. As I did, i felt my back burn a little and, she looked at me with eyes I couldn't tell if it was fear, or anything else. But it worried me, terribly.

"You look cold," I told her and she mumbled thanks but still with a tremble. Was it really cold? How long has she been out in the rain?

"Can you walk?" I asked her. She nodded yes but didn't look like it. "Get on my back." I offered her a piggyback ride but she refused.

I looked at her. She looked pale. Her soul spelled agony and distress. I felt certain it wasn't just the cold.

"look, you look... unwell, I can't.... just get on," I spoke through greeted teeth. She slowly turned even paler and I don't know what I saw on her but it scared me. Terribly. I picked her up as she grew weak and ran to my room. She was out the minute i ran into my room with her and i laid her on my bed.

I gave her my watch. While it configured her biometrics, I tried reading her but I couldn't.

I tried to heal her, dry her and at least try to figure out what was wrong with her. But I couldn't.

My powers didn't seem to work on her. Lile they couldnt on Kiara.

Why couldn't I just... was she really Kiara?

was it the spell around?

I set myself ablaze, heating the room as I took her clothes off.

"please don't die out on me. please don't!

As she lay almost naked with wet panties and a bra, the watch responded. Her DNA and other biometrics were inserted into my database and they quickly reported high sensitivity C reactive protein in her body. Lipoprotein and BNP were also high, troponin was also a bit high.

Heart disease. Whatever form it was, I didn't have time to figure it out. I couldn't let her die.

I knew that.

But my powers won't work on her.

someone has to heal her.

Laurent? Shay? I quickly listened for the closest for the two of them and found Shay. She was opening a door into the library at the elders island.

I didnt say yesterday. or tomorrow.

as she opened the door to the library at the palace, I teleported her to my room earning a burn myself on the back.

a hot searing burn on my back.

but it wasn't painful.

not the least.

"what the...!" she said as she stood at the door of my dorm. "James..."

I grabbed her and almost made her fall and I redirected her to the bed. "Heal her!"

"what's wrong with her?" She asked looking a little bit surprised to see a naked woman on my bed. she turned to me. "did you sleep with her? did you forget you can only sleep with your mate and nobody else?"

"I don't know what's wrong with her. heart disease probably. she might have caught a cold." I said and I sounded rushed. I'll admit.

"you didn't sleep with her, did you?" she asked again as she noted her naked self beneath the covers.

"shay." I felt my blaze rising. "I'm not that stupid. i wouldn't risk it even if i comfirmed she was my mate."

"fine, it's not like she's..." she looked at her and covered her chest, then looked at me with a dark expression. I think, she then looked at her before looking at me once more. "can you step outside and take down whatever spell you cast over here?"

I tore the spell down and stepped to my roommate's side of the dorm while she read the medical report on her phone from the watch.

"Put your hands up!"

"Everybody stay calm, we'll all be done in a minute."

"Somebody help me!"

"Dear god..."

"Your still an asshole."

"Guys dont, they are like us."

...Hey sweetheart...

"I dont know how to do this..."

"Put it in. Slowly, I'm still a vir...


"Marete a gago!"

"I love you!"

The voices rushed into my head at the same time as the spell fell and i cast a filter around my head to lessen the voices.

Whatever she read from the phone seemed bad. Really really bad.

"is she going to be okay?" I asked from the other side.

"just go outside. please, and don't peek," she ordered and being the one asking the favor, I stepped outside. but I felt afraid. Really really afraid. My nerves wrecked me and I found myself pacing up and down the hall.

Why was she immune to my powers? only my mother and Olivia were immune to it. I couldn't affect their body but I could affect the space around them. I knew why when it came to them. but why her? was it why... because I had... maybe a bit of feelings for her?

was she Kiara? was she...

I thought of Kiara's every graceful movement. every single soft warm smile the giantess gave and the soft touch she had when it came to everything. But was it her?

from the first time I saw Kiara to the last time I saw her, I always felt strongly about her. but Tiyane...

maybe the curse of the guardians I am finally learning to break it. I mean I keep on evolving, but...

I tried to peek inside the room but Shay cast her own spell and like her head, I couldn't read it or see in.

What the fuck was shay doing in there?

Was it something I couldn't see?

Was it serious? Was it...

"Jay, can you try to keep calm?" Shay spoke into my head. "you're making me jittery!"

"Is she okay?"

"take a deep breath. okay."

"Is she dying?"

"no she is not dying, stop panicking!"

"i can't i...!"

"deep breath, follow me. breath in."

"Shay I am not in the..."

"You are not going to see her until you do exactly as I say."

"you are growing a little bit bolder ain't you?" I asked her through gritted teeth.

"well, you didn't call Laurent who's your second in command, that means you have faith in me, and please stop pacing up and down, it's making me uncomfortable!"

I stopped pacing up and down and tried to open the door but it was locked. Shay style, with spells. The Pleiades spells.

"you locked the door."

"Jay you stripped her naked, she's a girl and she'd feel violated if she wakes up and realize you did that."

I stopped trying to get the door to open and tried to calm myself down.


"So is she the one you called me about last time?"

"is she going to be okay?"

she paused and after a second or two, the door slowly opened and I quickly walked in. "Is she..."

"Shh! keep quiet," she whispered as she got up from the end of the bed. i rushed to her side and felt relieved as I saw life had returned back to her face as she peacefully slept. "she's resting but she's okay."

"What was wrong with her?"

"I'd rather she tell you herself, but i need to check something first."


She showed me the tablet with Tiyane's file.

"what's with it?"


I read and I grew even more puzzled than I was with her illness. Her past life, Biometric signatures, all of them were new. it was like they were new. like it was her first incarnation. But why was she... if she's on her first incarnation, what's it got to do with me.

"care to explain."

"don't look at what's documented here. Most of these files can be faked, you know that too. You've done it before. Look at her registry number and above it."

i looked again and realized that her files were locked. but... how?

"this is how your original file looks like." she showed me mine and it was almost exact. except it was mine. only this incarnation. not the seven thousand years I've lived as a guardian.

i stared at the tablet then at Shay, then turned to Tiyane.

"i think its time you sort out the big boss." she told me. "to figure out who she is. and why these marks are appearing all over."

"yeah." i agreed but i didnt know what to do or say. Finding him wasn't going to be easy. Finding someone who disappeared five thousand years ago wasn't going to be easy. I bet it was going to be like finding princess of the guardians who dissappeared while the gods where still in power and men was still new to the earth.

but i didnt want to leave her yet.

i took the tablet and scanned the watch once more. but the info didnt change.

"She'll be out for four hours at the least. you can leave her with me. i wont ask questions or anything." she patted me on the back and i winced at the pain on my back.

i thought about it for a sec.

"I'll take her to a hospital so you won't have to explain a lot."

"thanks but, the Saint, i dont think I'll be able to find him that easily." besides i just.... i looked at Tiyane. she didnt look good. leaving her alone and search for the saint would just... i didnt want to think about it.

"you wanna stay next to her."

"yeah, i..."

"you like her that much?" she asked with thin lips. "glad you finally do love someone." she added after i nodded slowly.

she smiled and i petted me again and i winced one more time.

"take off your shirt." She told me and i did.

she treated the burn with the content of the first aid kit with a few tweaks cause it was a magical burn with my own magic. but magical burns either heal themselves or they dont ever heal. using another magic on them can instantly worsen them.

as she treated me, i couldn't help but worry for Tiyane. Shay saw it and reminded me why i spent a lifetime without having touched any woman besides Kiara. It was dangerous for them. but as always she told me she wished the girl laying in my bed now was Kiara.

i had to admit. i wished so too.

"knock knock." Somebody knocked as she finished up and we both stared at the door.

my roommate was here.