
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

Thirty Eight

As we walked into the safe house, the units were face to face on the lobby. None moving just staring at each other with hands on their weapons.

Guess keeping them apart worked brilliantly and terribly.

I opened the door and they all got up and raised their guns at each other and at me and Suzy, instantly.

"Oh, i forgot, care to explain, James?" Sue said slowly raising her hands as Benjamin pointed his gun at her and I slowly took my cap off.

"Kay?" Benjamin asked lowering his gun. "What are you doing with her?"

"You're Kay?" Suzy asked in a whisper.

"Yeah." I agreed and took a deep breath.

"okay, okay, okay. mythios, lets all stick with Jay, you all are starting to sound like we are in the set of men in black. can you all drop your weapons?" i asked. Unit 02 the mythia of Zaramelha almost dropped their weapons but Suzy's team didn't which forced Unit 2 to draw them again.

"What's going on here?"

"You know them?"

"Sue, do you mind not joining for now. Mythica, say hello to the watchers of Zaramelha. your brothers."

"It's Zarahelma!"

"Sorry, Zaramelha. Mythia, say hello to the watchers of the world. Mythica. you can all go kiss and sleep together, doesnt matter, you are the same unit, i mean special forces. Mythica, you are unit Zero of the special forces out of nine, and you mythia you are unit 2. hope you all get together peacefully and please do tell me when i should be expecting babies. now, that we got all this out of the way, where is he?"


"the judge. where is the judge?"

they pointed me to the medical bay and i walked there. then stopped.

"Oh, captain Suzy, Captain Benjamin,"

"boss," benjamin replied as suzy called my name.

"you might wanna stay indoors for a while, we are about to go offline for the day. Anyone and everyone who touched him, please quarantine yourself and medical exam will be in an hour."

"you are not our boss jay."

"i know, But today, i'll be."

i turned and walked to the medical bay as they all started complaining. And... well, what do you call it, grunting whispering and unwillingly letting their guts down.

The medical bay was on the north wing of the mansion and it comprised of five rooms and all the rooms opened to the hall. As i walked down the hall, I saw Shay watching Lyska as he lay unconscious within the observational room in the middle of the quarantine are.

she looked at his charts. his soul chats, mri, and a bunch of others. but was even more transfixed into the one of his which showed the worms eating around him.

"you're here."


"how is he doing?"

"i dont know."

"he gon be okay?

"i dont know.'


she turned and looked at me."isn't he supposed to be stronger than you?"

"no, i am a bit stronger than him but he can take Cyraon with one hand tied."

"hmm. know what this is?"


"yeah but they dont seem normal. they dont even exist within the pest and parasites databa... you dont have them, do you?"

"No, and why do you think I'll have them?"

"It says here that he is a guardian and i thought maybe its a parasite that affects guardians."

"I don't get sick or have parasites, you know that."

"No, you grew a forest when you were thirteen and you spent a day looke in your room healing."

I can't believe she just said that with a straight face.

"No, its not. Its one on our primary tasks i think."


"Its a nameless. One of the things that came through from the other side. But are you really into this doctor thing?"

"I like being a doctor. Besides come see this." She called me and showed me Lyska's ECG scan and electroencephalogram. "This waves shows he's awake. These ones are pain. He is in a lot if it."

She showed me other waves but, the machines didn't see everything.

I looked beyond the screen and made my own medical exam. She moved on to the next screen and exclaimed.


"I know." I frowned as i studied everything in him, easily without barriers. Unlike Tiyane.

I scoffed as i realized what was going on. I've been doing this for a while but, this one was a bit... curious. Like a self expanding file.

"His DNA is being torn apart and being rebuilt to form another form of DNA,." I told her as i finished my medical exam.

"How did you..."

I fed her head the way i saw things which no human can understand or see. I made her see the matrix of life. Both his soul in its pure form and an inverted form of which the worms were making.

Her eyes grew wild as she saw it. She turned to me and i put the filters back in.

"That was..."

"My true eyes. How after you ascend you will see." I told her but she said something else.

"... beautiful and clear."

"Not something you wanna get stuck with." I told her as i went to Lyska's door.

"Can you show me his brain again?" She asked, but seeing me open the reinforced glass lined with gold leaves and a lot more material it looked like a bunker, her tone changed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna heal him." I said opening the glass door and walking in.

"Hey, wait!" She ran behind me but i locked the door behind me.

Touching his sweaty forehead, i closed my eyes as i felt his life matrix and fought for ways to get access to it and damn it was hard.

How did the worms get in?

With difficulties, i went into his head and his mine but the first thing i felt was my head exploding and my wings of lightning unfold. I felt stronger and the pain subsided a little with my wings unfolded.

The pain vanished , so did everything, except here.

The barren dark field i was in. I looked around and saw the eight poeces of thhe world killer floating about. All of them above me. Lightning striked as the golden warrior of old drew a trident from three of the eight pieces.

He held it up on the sky and took a stance, ready to attack as his body lit ablaze with white flames and lightning shot up from his body and trident.

Another being walked up to him carrying a double sword. Both, as i looked at them, towered like titans around me.

He drew his double sword and brandished his shield. A shield I've seen before. Complete with its various gems and... i closed my eyes as he looked behind me my eyes fell upon the shield's decoration. A giant head shouting. They both turned and smiled back as a woman approached.

Her red long hair tied in a messy bun but she still looked beautiful. Like Kiara but in battle amour. Her eyes were deeper blue and warm. My heart as i looked at her burnt. And hurt.

The scene changed and Yggadsil appeared in front of me. Before i could wonder what the fuck was it that was going on, lightning cracked and i was back there. My first memory ever.

He was there, looking at me as i cried in the rumble of what used to be my house, crying as it burned to ashes.

I rubbed my eyes, coughed and bawled harder in the middle of the inferno as my family burnt to ashes.

I felt pity at myself as i saw the young me. Half naked, covered in soot and crying. My belly was big, like it was supposed to be but i looked malnutritioned. Unkept and wild.

"Hey," The saint called out to me softly as he leaned in closer to me. "Wanna get out here?" He asked extending his hand to me. I stepped back and...

He punched me harder in the gut and i tore half the yacht to pieces. What the fuck! How can a worm punch like that?

I looked up as i drew my sword.

The wormface wearing other worms as scarfs and hats looked at me with tiny eyes and i growled. Time wasn't working on him.

I lit my blade and charged. He shot at me with slimmy worms and i chopped them off and cut him too in half. For a moment, he barbecued, almost making me puke, but when I thought it was over and walked off, something caught my leg and before i could do anything, time holded around me, slowing even around me as giant worms wriggled off the ground and covered me, pullying me underneath them.

Their smelly mucus went into my mouth and i puked it all out as another giant worm wriggled itself over my head and suffocated me. I tried to reach out. To light myself ablaze but i was going to die. Wriggled to death by worms.


I tried to fight it off but my body couldn't move. Fear. I had it.

"Khumat!" I tried to call out to him but my voice wouldn't leave my lungs.i vlosed my eyes and pulled on time as my lungs wanted to explode. But i just hurt myself worse. I bent time, looped it. Forwarded it, reversed it. But i couldn't break out of his time prison. And i grew weak. Felt weak and weaker by the moment.

"Gaia!" I called in my head and the ground tremble beneath my feet. I called forth thinder. Lightning but no matter how many times i hit myself with lightning i couldn't break free.

Relax. Her voice came into my head but how could i, i was being squeezed and... wait.

I am a judge. I can kill anything and everything.


Should i just die? Should i just quit? I've been dealing with death for ages without getting a taste of it. Should i just taste it? Like all the people I've killed?

"James stop! You're destroying everything!"

Should i... haven't i done enough? I wondered. My friends. My family. Its been a long time and... Khumat has been protecting them and...


The ground cracked open as i felt Khumat's energy signatures hit us and the worm unraveled from around me and thousands of bolts shot from the sky, hitting us. I touched the eternal flame and lit me up with the lightning and i erupted.

Shay screamed in agony and terror and i looked up from within Lyska's head.

"Oh! SHIT!" I shouted too and quickly revolted into my body as I saw a shadow within his head look at me. I quickly folded my wings as the sky rained lightning onyo the base, shaking everything around.

I took a quick and deep breath to calm myself down as the winds outside threatened to stump and flatten everything around.

I looked up at her and her scared face told me everything. "I thought we agreed, no more wings!" She said as she fought for her breath.

I looked around too and i... i just grew demoralized and ashamed.

I looked down and... i didn't take the viral worms out. But i made a colossal mess.