
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs


Ooh god! I took her chin and landed my lips right on her and she froze. My whole body shivered. My heart stopped, then like butter in a frying pan, melted seamlessly as our lips met. Something, electricity? thrill? adrenaline? something took its place. Something feeling so warm. so... so... beautiful. every piece of me tingled. I've had butterflies in my stomach. this was something else, something intense and beautiful.

my first kiss in over seven thousand years and... my mind froze. it was like, that moment only I and her existed. the sea of words, thoughts cries, and pain, it all stopped. the river of endless chaos I always had in my head vaporized. Every muscle inside of me relaxed. Except for my hungry dick. it rose. I wasn't aroused. That was just empty. My dick tingled. I felt it come alive. I felt every piece of me wake up from their slumber. My whole brain stopped.

It felt beautifully intense, not as intense as that day. Completely different from that day. maybe it was a bit, just a tiny bit like the way I felt that... morning? I don't know, or was it afternoon? it's confusing. I've been on three continents that day, all with different time zones. South America, Africa, and Asia. felt almost like I went back in time in an instant.

Anyway, I smiled as I saw Seo Jun hug her daughter with teary eyes. Her grandmother looked at me across the window and bowed. I smiled at her and bowed too, my stomach full of butterflies too. Seo Jun looked at me too and tried to bow with a baby in her hands. Natalie, the guardian corp Agent they've sent to investigate stopped her and looked at me and I waved at her. As she saw me, her eyes grew huge. So much of remaining dead to her until when maybe I needed her help.

She instantly saluted me Egyptian style. I wiped my smile as she did that. this wasn't why I save people. The smiles the mother and grandmother gave me were way more than I needed. Seeing their smiles, I grew happy. My stomach grew irritated. I got out of the window and walked towards the new mother and grandmother.

"Hello," I said to my patient. I didnt really need to have a stolen doctor's gown on, to see them. Looks like they recognized me alright. "how's my little warrior doing?" I asked. Nat looked further down.

"Gamsa haeyo." the mother said looking down too. the grandmother rose to her feet and for some reason, I grew worried. Worried she would get on her knees and kowtow to me. I quickly stopped her, with a quick, "Gwaen cha na!" I told her before moving closer to the infant.

"Your majesty!" Damn! Nat said still frozen like an Egyptian statue. I heard the news going on about the save I made a day ago. reporters were still outside. but why hasn't Guardian corp done something about that?

"Nat," I said turning from the little child. I wondered at the back of my mind how she was going to turn out. But her cuteness told me she was going to be something to someone. "can you do something about that?" I asked pointing to the television behind me.

"I will sir," she said and turned to leave the room. She stopped, midtrack, and asked, "If I may sir, can I be human?" she asked. equal to permission to be informal and cut all the formal nonsense? I looked at her. A hard rock-solid punch was probably on the way. or I was going to be screamed at.

"No!" I said shaking my head. "Hell no!" I responded. but she didnt take no for an answer. She never took no for an answer. that's why I inducted her a little two years ago while in training and helped her graduate earlier than anyone in her class.

"I thought you were dead!" she said between her teeth. I turned away from her and back to the kid, her mother allowed me to see. I saw a bit of her future and I grew even more worried inside. Not because of the kid's possible future but because of something. "she is going to be a bright one. A light to the world." I spoke in Korean.

I showed a bit of it to her grandmother. She smiled and agreed. The pleasure of having a shaman in the room. She could see easily what you show her. No need to make her sleep. "you gonna ignore me?" Nat asked.

"excuse me," I said and turned to Nat, I lead her out of the room knowing. "I'm not, it's just that I know I am in trouble, and I now know I should have done better if I were to pretend to be dead," I told her as we walked into the corridor. Reporters that were in the corridor saw me and flashed their cameras at me and Nat while guardian corp agents or was it just muscle that Nat hired, or was it... oh right! gangsters from downtown that I saved last year and made them a bit legal thanks to Thoth who gave them a bodyguard cover.

"do you..." I turned her towards the room next to Seo Jun's and opened it into the other side of town.

"I'm sorry, but Shay would..." I saw it. The reason I was low-key worried. I froze.

It cant be.

It wasn't.

Really, it cant be!

I turned as I thought of my mother. my father. my little sister. I know I may act like I don't have a heart, but I do. I loved them. with all of my heart, I loved them.

I can't lose them!

I took the first running step as I felt time dilate. The white clouds that had covered half of my country with my town at the epicenter turned grey and instantly black and descending. The watcher looked up and raised his sword.

the ground at my feet cracked.

the air around me grew heavy, pulling me back, what the fuck am I doing in Korea? why the fuck did I come here with my body? why the fuck...

the watcher raised his shield too. lightning cracked fast, slamming right on his chest. His humongous body instantly lit up and burned, before turning as white as a kukluxklan sheets.

"No!" I screamed as my body caught fire too. I clapped my hands as hard as I could, the shock wave opened a small rift in space that I ran on. "move!" I shouted at the earth to move everything in between me and my home. Demanded not requesting as I always did. It moved and I ran, easier. the lifeless body of the watcher slammed to the ground and turned to ashes.

Ashes that added mass to the big black clouds that engulfed everything and like a vacuum, sucked everything up. the monster or beast within the clouds descended down to my home.

my mother looked out of the window and saw the tornado that was outside tearing everything apart, sucking even the people up. she ran to my younger sister who stopped playing and started crying. she hugged her and embraced herself for impact. Her face was as scared as can be.

I ran, but no matter how hard I ran, I knew I wasn't going to reach them in time. I knew I was going to lose them. as she closed her eyes, the roof flew off. the windows, the bulletproof windows I stole from guardian Corp shattered and chunks of them flew towards mom. Thanatos rose from the ground next to them and stood there ready to take their soul into the earth.

"No!" my burning body exploded and I felt lightning, hot scorching lightning emanating from me. The water I was running atop rose to the movement of my arms. the rocks from beneath the Lumerian sea shot up at me.

That look of defeat Kiara had on her face as a sword tore her chest open. her soft weak fragile chest, I saw it. the smile, her weak, apologetic smile that even as draining of life still shone of light as she apologized for dying earlier than she promised.

my heart tore.

my mother had, not that look but pure terror. raw fear in sight of death. the very same one the inhabitants of Hantu had as the bomb fell on their town while I was out of the city.

I cant lose them too. I can't lose all of them. my sister screamed like everybody else in town. i heard it and the segments of my body that were still intact, tore apart.

"NOT IN THIS LIFETIME!" I felt the earth around me bow. I felt the wings I've had for a few years burst into flames too. The barriers around me, the same barriers that pulled me back launched me forth.


I'm not gonna let you kill them. I took the lightning from the clouds as I approached the continent and hurled it at the beast. the beast flung it at my mother, who was struggling to reach my mother from the other room as the eye of the storm grew smaller snd surrounded my mother and sister. the car hit the wall, and small chunks of concrete hit him in the face. she screamed curses at me, telling me to stop.

the lightning I hurled caught the beast on the cheek bone and it turned to me. simultaneously sucking the air out of my family's lungs and hurling more matter at me. I turned everything he hurled at me to dust.

i garnered a bigger wave of energy and flung a bigger bolt at him, but he just flung water from his rain and earth sending the lighting down. my family's face grew white and almost tormented lifeless, slowly.

the beast smiled at me, cockily, as it ate the life out of my family. sucked the air out of their lungs. I landed right in between my family and curved the earth into a dome around them and thought of Shay, located her. I curved the space within the dome and sent everything with it to her. breaking half her house and turning it into rubble. Jungle houses!

"Jamie!" she screamed at me as she rolled off the bed. she got up and saw my family looking as white as sheets, and me, wearing nothing with wings of white flames.

"take care," I growled as I formed a trident with earth water, and flames I felt my wings tingle a lot and I took a look at my shocked parents and sister. I turned and flew off.

I don't like killing, but no one touches my FAMILY!

A trail, branches of lightning followed me as I flew from the Amazon forest to Southern Africa at almost the speed of light. The huge monster that was still descending from the sky looked at me upside down and I hit it with both my feet on its jaw joint, but he didnt move or act as if something hit him.

He raised his hand and tried to squash me with his rumble of stones clouds, lightning, and water. I tried to fly off but he hit me so fast and hard I flew off and landed head-first into the desert sand of Namibia. Miles atop the ruins of Sunte, the city I failed to protect. I swear it felt like I was hit by a planet.

I struggled to my feet and shot right back at it, I tried to stab him with the trident but he caught me as I rained lightning all around the town and... he... he... I can't think of this.

An assault on my soul and pride. He assaulted me, way more than I have ever been. He... he... he... and he... I can't say this. It's traumatizing. He... he...

He took me, and... and... he wiped his huge ass. His huge, rock-hard, smelly, ass with me and threw me into the Atlantic Ocean.