
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs


"What?" she asked looking at my eyes for a second before turning away.

"Nothing," I said, and we continued back to the hostels. Along the two-minute walk to the hostel, she asked me if I knew any streaming site, she could find the pirates of the Caribbean. I gave it a thought. I didn't watch movies a lot nowadays but if I did, Thoth would be the first I'll ask for a movie playlist and he would supply it. even those scheduled to be released but weren't yet, I could watch them inside the production company's database.

But I think I still had a few disks from 2012. Wait, pirates of the Caribbean? I think I may have watched it. Yeah, I did.

"I don't know a lot of sites, but I can come with their disc. I think I have it at home." She stopped and looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"Did you just say disc?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "The round golden like memory disc. DVD,"

"Oh god!" she continued looked baffled. "I know what they are but how old are you?"

Did I say something out of time?

"Why? I'm 19."

"Yeah, you just spoke like my grandfather." She laughed at me as I scratched my head.

"but DVDs are still in use."

She looked at me funny and I kept quiet for a second and wondered if my social circle was also out of time. should I search the internet if DVD's were out of time or not? i wondered too.

"do you know a thing called a memory card?" she asked. "Or stick?"


"those are in common these days," she said with a soft smile.

"I think I'm still in the classics." We ,continued walking and talking about our favorite movies. But she didn't get surprised when my list was nothing but from 2012 downwards, no newer movies.

We stopped in front of her room and she pursed her lips. "this is me." she said.

For a second, i couldn't figure out what to say, but i ended up saying, "yeah, i guess this is where we go separate ways, but can i come over in a anytime?"

"if I'm available."

"okay." i stared at her for a moment and she did the same. after a minute if awkward silence, we decided to just go separate ways for now. i agreed and walked back to my room with my stomach growing wirried by the moment.

maybe i was just a bit let down and nervous over going away from her. To be honest, speaking to her felt like i was doing something extremely fun.

Fun. i should have it.

i smiled and almost skipped and hoped all the way to my room.

I stared at my phone, wondering if i should switch it on and call Shay but, she seemed busy, while i was worried about something happening with the judge, Lyska.

but i shouldn't.

i should just enjoy the moment and focus on my personal growth. anyway, its not like the world would collapse if i stay from guardian duties for a day? Right?

i hope i would not regret it.

i stopped.


I have something i regret. A lot to be honest. That day. That moment. I regreted it. The worst decision i have ever made.

I regreted it.

As we drove in the twilight out of my hometown, i regreted the call i made earlier. Just like two thousand years ago. The palace betrayed me. Even before i skipped town in the company of Cyraon and Shay, a billion dollar hit was put on my name. Depending on who the bounty you wanted to collect it from i was either to be brought in alife or dead. Guardian corp, alive. The palace, dead. Just like two thousand years ago.

We passed into the outskirt of town and before we could drive further down the road, Cyraon bent the space in front of the car and we drove into his driveway in Acadia.

Using my mothers phone, i went through guardian corps announcement portal and saw that i was their most wanted person, and a thousand high ranking bounty hunters were enrolled on the list of the hunters after my ass. The palace portal even had a new tactic. Two hundred and twenty two million for my location. tjey really must want me dead. but why? because i broke a spell and saved the swan princes? i doubted it.

Cyraon parked the car and Shay saw what i was reading.

"Don't worry we would resolve it before the daybreak tomorrow." She said softly, her eyes full of worry. Like how she made me run out of the basement ealier with nothing except the things j could grab in the basement.

"Don't bother." I responded locking the phone and putting it away and getting off the car. "Ive faced all this before, it's not something new for me."

But then again she may have already known it.

"So, what should we do?" She asked nervously.

"For now? Nothing. We just watch." I told her while crafting a swing out of earth and refined earth.

I sat on the swing and she sat next to me and pierced me with her worried eyes.

"Are you sure we can just watch as they try to hunt you down?" She asked.

"Two thousand years ago, i did the same thing. Two guardians were put o a hit list by the then Emperor of Alkebulan. I beat the Emperor and even broke a few of his bones. The entire council turned on me.

But why? Isnt protecting the guardians part of a saints duty?

I wasn't a saint then. I was just a guardian. But apparently, He who sits on the throne of Alkebulan is the king of the entire earth."

"Wait you mean the throne at the palalce? The palace at...

"Two thousand years ago. Yeah. But i tore that throne, the throne of thrones. The only thing left now is the throne of Alkebulan. Not of earth."

"Guess i now know why everyone at the palace hates you."

I chuckled and looked at her as she started pacing her swing. She smiled warmly and... i cant believe its been a long time since i last saw that smile.

i stopped doing whatever i was doing and thinking and turned to her. "lets go have fun." i said.

"where?" she asked in while mid air.

"just anywhere, lets go have innocent fun. no fighting, no pissing off any god and just be human."

she flew of her swing and landed in front of me. "you know we can't, the gods will try to kill us, and you just got a billion dollar hit on your head."

"hmm, let's go." i turned her and led her towards the house.

"lets just have fun here."

"we going to be human in a moment. we are going to have fun and go on a shopping spree."

"we don't have money. or are going to steal it?" she asked turning towards me. her gleaming at the thought of stealing. that was an option but it's going to piss people off. not what i am looking for.

" no, but we do have money and we are going to take it." i stopped in the middle of the living room abd asked her to meet me here in thirty minutes. she agreed and i headed out as she went to put something comfortable on.

We met again later as promised and she had jeans and light grey sweater on. she loiked cute, i had to admit it. she didnt have makeup on but she still looked beautiful.

i had simple clothes on too. Almost the same as hers except mine was a hood an i had a baseball cap on.

i led her to the door i opened, to Seoul. just a quick stop.

"why are we here?" she asked as we walked into the rooftop of a skycrapper.

"we here to get money." i said it and took a deep breath as i looked at the CEO working late night on his job. I made lighting crack in the sky. he looked up as the crystal coin in his safe lit up, its light escaping through the key hole. i nade another lightning flash and made the sky pummel the earth with heavy rain in the middle of winter.

i switched off his lights for a second and flicked them. He got up as he saw the light coming out of his safe. he opened the safe and took out the gleaming coin and stared at it and the will of his ancestors. i formed the image of my old self with white wings in front of him and he fainted. but fainting in front of me, even his ancestors knew, wasn't in any way a hinderance to my powers.

"i came for change." i told him after waking him a few times too many. He nodded and i felt pity for the old guy. he handed me the package his ancestors always kept. but this time instead of it being a bundle of coins or gold, he handed me two black cards while trembling. i took them and calmed his heart before i left.

i thought his predecessors prewarned him about me. the angel who came during a storm. Owner of their company and they were just watchers of it. nothing else.

"what was that?" Shay asked as i took the cards and gave her one. I know, you don't give a credit card to a woman if you dont want to be poor but, she deserved it.

"its nothing, just someone whose ancestors owe me." i responded with a look back. she took the card and looked at it.

"you took a credit card?"

I looked at her. credit card? this is a blackbank debit card. the holy grail of all cards.

"its not a credit card. it's a debit card. and yes i have fifty billion scattered all over the world in different companies. and yes, i own an eigth of guardian corp stocks."

she turned her head to the side clearly pissed.


"you own an eigth of guardian corp?"


she started hyperventilating and i embraced myself for an earful, but she put on a smile and said, "good, lets go have fun."

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sorry for the late update, been having back-to-back exams, but I finish this week so I will update regularly starting from this Saturday.

but in the meantime, I would really appreciate it if you would let me know your thoughts about the book and a little motivation.

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