
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs


"wait, that's it?" i asked her as she walked towards the open door.

"yeah. what? should i shout at you for always making me broke and pretending you didnt have money all this time?" she asked.

i smiled sheepishly and she turned and looked at the card.

i stopped dead on my footsteps as i heard a guardian corp fighter enter earth's atmosphere and descend fast into South Korean Air space.

I sighed as i looked at my watch. five minutes.

they are efficient. fast.

"Shay, how about we separate for now? something just came up." I told her pointimg up, knowing she would have seen it around the time i saw it.

"Guardian corp?" she asked and i nodded, telling her they tracked my energy signature when i started the rain.

"they brought one ship." she commented, looking up at it.

"Yeah, and ten agents." i added to her statement.

"I can probably take them on."

"you know I've been thinking of starting a small task force for the past few days." i started as i analysed the fighter. it was rather good.

"when? the days you tormented yourself?" i looked at her as she looked down from the dark sky.

"i don't torment myself."

"You do. everytime someone gets hurt around you you grow ballistic and self torment." she looked at me with those eyes. I may not be able to see her face completely but, i was sure it was painted something like... wait is she worried? again? what's there to be worried about again?

"okay, sorry, but can you drive that ship?"


"I wanna hijack it."

"Now you are talking but,i think you can drive it better." she said with her eyes shinning. i wonder what kind of a princess grows happy at the prospect of stealing?

"I dont drive. plus I'm 12."

"okay, I'll take it. but what are we gonna use it for?"

"lets take it for the fun of it."

"like 2010?" smiling.


"but Cyraon's gonna flip."

"either way, I'm here with my original body."

"I'll take it." she said as the fighter descended below the clouds cover. she drew a sword and prepared to launch at it.

she looked something like amusing seeing her prepare to fight.

the ship prepared to shoot at us as it slowly got closer and closer. nine of the agents inside flew out with the space armour and flew towards the roof we were parched in as my stomach started churning. i didnt have to do anything to know it was the Swans.

I sighed.

"James King!" the captain of the... unit. lets call it that. the captain of the unit called ad his men pointed guns at us. "by the order of Guardian Corp, you are herby put under arrest for..."

my stomach grew worse and earned me a look from Shay. the world in front of me vanished as i saw the cars of the Swans drove throught the highway to the airport. But he wasnt with the escort that was trailing through the highway.

His was through the smaller road leading through towns and they were heading right into a trap i think.

Shays face darkned and she took my hand, throwing the sword she had drawn away. "lets go see him." she said. We turned and just as guardian corp agents shot at us, teleported back home.

"there are 8 spells you need to know." I remembered Cyraon telling me as we started spell class in 2008. "One, the common one around the swans, the clearing spell." he started.

He unfolded his hidden wings and went into the air. Shay looked out of the window and for the first time since her arrival her two weeks ago, she had moved and showed interest.

"why dont you cast any shield or crippling spell and we'll see how it fares?" Cyraon asked while flying about seven feet off the ground.

i casted the protection spell at the house shay was in and i saw her smile as she saw the different waves the shield produced. i think.

Cyraon flapped his wings even faster and chanted something. He snapped his fingers and light went of his wings as the spell broke and the shield dissolved, like a bubble.

Shay smiled brighter, but went back into her somber mood.

"she seem to like it." Cyraon said stealing peeks at her too.

"yeah, she does."

"try it." he added casting another over the house. "tell it to break in Celtic."


i retracted my twelve days old wings and sighed. This was going to be hard.

I jumped and flapped my i stood in the air for a minute and told the shield to break using all strength but all i did was make a small whirlwind.

"That's dissapointing." Cyraon commented and I smiled at the dissipating whirlwind. "i thought you were once called a dragon and this is all you made?"

"Let's admit it, years ago i was used to having wings, now they feel odd." i defended myself and saw his face darken. i sighed and one i was way more comfortable with. i kicked the shield as if i was kicking a soccer ball.

i heard my bones crack and i stood still.


I hate being a kid again.

i felt tears rolled down my eyes and i wiped them off quickly.

i started breathing deeply and fast. i was about to cry.

"You are just a pussy." Cyraon told me before turning to the big book that was on top of the stone table.

i passed every ounce of energy i could muster and turned it into fire on my hand. then, i torched the shield. it went up in white flames before vanishing.

"fancy, but weak." he said before healing my feet with a drop of water.

why am i reminded of this?

i wondered as i stared at the two cars that sped to each other and were going to collide shortly. Shay saw it too.

the bulletproof Audi speeding towards the intersection, on the other side, the overloaded truck with no brakes speeding too.

just as the Audi crossed the intersection, the overloaded truck rammed into it and it flew into the air. i snapped my fingers creating a time bubble around me and Shay.

i watched it all and didn't act or anything. for once, i didn't have to protect someone i knew was going to kill others when he was saved.

As the car slowly flew spinning in the air, he turned inside the car and looked at us.