
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs


As my head touched the ground, Images started flashing through my mind. Images I knew. Images I didn't know.

Park Eun Tak. I saw her. Her whole life flashed in front of my eyes. Her past life and her lover. Her mate. I saw her and smiled.

Her old mate finally having his peace. I saw it all. Her marriage, kids, and everything. Even as she drew the sword to protect whats her's, I saw everything.

I saw my sister, her life, and her own legend. I smiled. She was gonna be a strong one. I saw the Judge. The trials and tribulations he was going to go through. A price for being alive, when he was supposed to die.

Laurent and Allison Artemis. My midnight hounds. I saw their conclusion. The other guardians, I saw their beginning. Then saw their ends.

The old guardians. The new. I saw their possible futures. Then the deities. their meddling with the lives of the guardians trying to kill them. I gotta make them pay.

The ground turned into water as I swam into the see of images.

The Trident of the sea. I saw its past. It was the third of the weapons of old. I saw who wielded it. But it wasn't the Atlantians.

The fourth, the spear of Destiny. The choice weapon of the titan Kronos. The time watcher who turned it into a sickle.

I saw the Bow of death and the rest of the eight pieces. All of them wanted to be free. All of the weapons wanted to be one.

They wanted to be the weapon of all. the world killer.

But no one would dare do it. Least Earth be like Mars. Barren and lifeless.

I tried to get up. The Agarthans bowed in front of me. Where was I? Agatha? I wondered as the faces of the beige lizards with hair bowed to me. The owners of the earth. Been a long time since I saw the Agarthian land beneath the surface. I got yanked off again and...

I opened my eyes again and I was in the seat I was in when I sneezed. I looked around and saw everything being where it was except for Cyraon and Shay. They were nowhere. But the keeper cannot leave his unless it was for me or because of me. or something in Acadia being wrong. but he wasn't in the entire Island of Acadia.

I felt the earth and saw what happened the moment I vanished in a ball of lightning in front of them.

without warning, I had sneezed exploding in white light, blowing them off as guardian corp extraction unit landed in Cyraon's yard.

when they got up from the ground, the unit was already upon them.

they threw one grenade and while Cyraon tried to fling it out of the window, the unit surrounded them with weapons drawn.

Shay drew her trident, but Cyraon stopped her.

"A guardian, can't hurt the guardian Corps," he told her and put her behind him.

"where's the boy?" The unit leader asked pointing his spear at them.

"Prince Ednu," Cyraon called the captain of the six men and asked, "Ain't you a bit far from home?"

The captain lowered his gun but his unit didn't. he took off his face mask and helmet as he responded. "I am a prince of the earth, I am home everywhere unlike you."

Cyraon smiled at him. "you really don't know anything about the throne do you?"

"where is the kid?" Ednu asked.

"the only kid I have in my compound is this one." He pointed behind him at Shay who hid. "now can you drop your weapons, you are scaring her. it's not like you can use any of them anyway."

"where is the other kid?" He raised his weapon again and the men armed their weapons and pointed them at them. Cyraon sighed.

"the other is a saint who has just ascended. The very same saint who vowed to kill your family two thousand years ago." cyraon told them and dropped his raised hands.

"that saint died a hundred years ago. My father killed him."

"you don't know anything, prince Ednu of Alkebulan. you are as lost as a newborn child is. A saint can never die unless he wants to."

"Well then, I guess I'll have to give him a reason." He threw them handcuffs and t9ld them to put them on.

Cyraon looked at them for a moment and then the prince before he put them on. the handcuffs turned to dust once fastened around Cyraon's wrist.

Cyraon showed them the nanotech handcuffs and offered them tea since they had to find other handcuffs.

Ednu ordered his men to lead them to the jet. He made it known to them that I or Cyraon wouldn't hurt anyone working for guardian corp unless that person has betrayed the guardian code. The men followed.

Once Cyraon and Shay stepped into the running jet, it turned off as the pack of wolves came running from the forest led by Laurent the nine-tailed white wolf. The unit drew their weapons and pointed them at the pack that instantly stopped as the giant white wolf with nine tails snarled at his pack.

They all moved back.

"Restart the engine and go," Endu hurried the pilot as the unit members started panicking. More wolves and animals from the forest were about to cause a stampede.

"Touch the white wolf and see what happens." Cyraon dared while looking at Ednu. "you said you are the prince of the earth right? tell the king of Acadia, the white wolf to fuck off when he moves the entire pack will move."

"I can just kill him."

"you really should have a conversation with your grandfather and ask him what happened two years ago. Ask him why he can't heal or die from the pain he has been in for two thousand years."

As the prince deliberated on making the jet go and the taunting of the old keeper, Shay was trying her best to find me. She saw me on the amazon island reading the murals on the temple walls and ceiling. before she could call out to me, I was gone no longer in the temple on the island. she kept on searching for me, but couldn't keep me in her view for long.

she found me in Atlantis weapons vault. then in Agatha. looked away instantly when she saw the Agathians. when she saw me again I was in Iraq. next, Korea. then in Lumeria. then I was completely off the face of the earth. but I knew where I was, the land beyond.

Laurent shook the jet and looked inside, at Cyraon. Cyraon waved at him as the onboard computer came to life. it asked what The keeper was doing on the ship. he told the AI that he was taking a short trip to Alkebulan palace, just as the computer asked if it should eliminate the aggressors.

Prince Edna tried to reason with the AI, telling it he was the crown prince of earth and it completely disregarded him. Good computer.

given the go-ahead by Cyraon, the computer allowed the ship to leave Acadia as Laurent stared at it. Laurent then dismissed his pack and walked around the yards, patrolling it and making sure every animal was fed, okay and safe before he went back to his wolf den.

I should thank Laurent for being a keeper for a moment, while Cyraon was gone.

I guessed one thing as I prepared to leave Acadia. I was going to the palace and it definitely was going to be the same as two thousand years ago. I just hoped if I was getting a second chance, I end up with her once more.

but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I was going to go through proper channels this time, through guardian corp and then the palace as i recalled what happened two thousand years ago.