
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

forty two

I sighed as I walked into the med-bay a few more hours later and found Lucy waiting for me in a sexy nurse uniform that was rather way too provocative.

I guess three months without sex for a dhampir is a bit too much. Besides aren't her panties adding a bit too much to her sexual frustrations? I mean aren't they a bit more like a vibrating panties on their own? Don't they arouse her just by her wearing them?

"Don't tell me you are already exasperated, I haven't even started trying to seduce you yet." She started walking towards me.

"Sorry I already am." I sat down on the chair and looked at Lyska's monitors. "And this guy isn't helping at all."

"Hmm." She sat on my laps and looked at me with hungry eyes. "Was he ever helpful?"

"No. But he has the onyx memory and everything about what we are up against is in it."

"Is it why you went to Aaru?"

"No and... can you get off me?" I asked though i knew there wasn't, not even a slightest possibility that she would get off me.

"No. Getting aroused yet?"

"I just went through all concievable spiritual places, what makes you think i can get aroused?"

"Ouch!" She growled showing her sharp fangs and turned away from me. "You didn't have to be so brutal." she turned and spread her legs to let me in between her thighs, i felt my body getting aroused half the world away. "how about this?" She asked looking at me with gleaming eyes.

"how about what?"

"I'm not wearing any panties." she slowly folded her minidress up and and slid up to my pelvic, rubbing her body against mine.

"...and I'm on top of you." she whispered and i didn't have to think about the possibilities. i could just go into her. or rather through her.

I'm just a soul. now. i don't have a dick.

"you are not aroused too." i told her as i realised that she didn't smell like earlier.

"no, but I'm piqued." she whispered in my ear with a soft voice. "touch me and I'll be a waterfall."

"I'm not in the mood for this."

she tried to nimble on my ear but i was just a poltegiest at the moment. my ear was ghostly. an illusion. "Are you a spirit?"

"I can't go to the afterlife plane with a body, so i left it behind and i haven't gone back to it in Sunte."

"No wonder."


"so what were you doing in the afterlife?"

"searching for people that knew what the nameless really is. But all i got was "Ddeo ri aga." Translation, "fuck off!""

"why didn't you ask the judge if he knew about it?" she asked and the question struck a cord. i guess i didn't think it through.

"he's out." i responded.

"but his soul still exist, right?"

"yeah." i responded. "but he's unconcious, so his soul might be a bit jumbled up and disconnected."

"what about astral projection. isn't he using it?" She pointed to his electroencephalogram. "I mean if i took your body right now, wont it register the same brain activity?"

I looked at the monitor and maybe she was onto something. i got up and passed right through her and looked at the monitor upclose as she shook herself like a ghost went through her.

She was right, he was using astro projection.

"Khumart when i say i want you to go through me, that is not what i meant." she said in between her gritted teeth.


"can you try to be emotionally sensitive?" She asked, pissed off? "And think of me as a girl? Kiara is not the only girl in existence."

"I know. I'm a little drained right now, so i can't sympathize or feel most emotions right now." i said looking deeper into the waves but didn't find what i was looking for.

his location.

"Its okay." She said softly. "But take care of yourself please. Ava and everyone is worried about you."

"I will."

I went into his chamber and looked directly at his body. His soul wasn't there precisely. but his brain was working fine but there was no chain between the body and soul.

I closed my eyes and searched through all of earth.

No one was unreasonably scared on any city on earth. No animals were acting weird too. in pocket islands or hidden cities, he wasn't there. Agatha was just Agatha. No judge presence was there.

hidden worlds?

I searched through the sky cities, Opale, Golden City, Oa and the rest of the eight floating islands but he wasn't there.

i took a deep breath and sighed. this was going to hurt.

I searched through the hidden seven moons, or as people might call them, seven worlds around earth but not in this plane as i muttered, this is going to hurt.

"Let's meet at the hidden house in an hour, ok. The council wants to meet." Shay spoke into my head and I replied with a simple "Ok."

Three stabs in the head later, I found him tending to a library in the dragon plane under a giant mountain twice the size of Everest. Mount Joel on Ventsuzeela with seven peaks. Gotcha! I smiled and went there.

"Here i was thinking you were knocked out by a worm." I said as i walked into his library and looked around. "This place looks nice, for a judge."

"Thanks. I guess." He responded still packing his books.

"It's not a complement." I skimmed through the first shelf and i had to admit, this library was kept properly. He had first edition copies of a lot of books I've yet to read. "So you been reading your time away?"

"Not really."

"Is this the hitlist library?" I asked referring to his books of judgement every judge recieved. I thought they were scrolls with criminal names and he had to both investigate, if guilty of a charge, judge them. But maybe he should be named an executioner because he executes the judgements himself which always lead to peoples heads being chopped off.

"No its not."

"Then why do you have a library twice the size of table mountain?" Maybe table mountain is small.

"My wife was a reader. My daughter a writer. So you can see where i picked it. Like your biological library."

"Yeah, guess people we love are quite an influ..." wait. Hold on a sec. Did he say... "wife?"

He looked at me coolly like he just said something totally expected. "Daughter?" I asked again as i tried to think of it. Okay, seven thousand years may be a long time but... wife? Daughter? He married? I should have heard about it. I mean all guardians met every two three hundred for pass time and some bonding but... he married?

"You got married and you didn't tell any of us?! No wait, wrong question. When did you get married? Who the fuck married you? And you had a kid?"

"Yeah. I met her during the war."

"Who knows? Cyraon? Endidebe? Lorie? Mart?"

"Marja and Raja."

"The sentinels?"


"Only them?"

"They are the one's i invited."

"How come Endidebe didn't know? I was rejected three days in a row and everybody knew about it because of him."

"Well i didn't wipe out an entire continent save for seventeen people."

"Like you've done better. but lets forget about that for a second, you got married before me? you are a killing machine!"

"you have a killed way more people than i have!"


"we are not in human court you asshole!"

"derailed," I called for a time out and restarted my questioning. "who was she? no, what's her soul identification sequence?"

"why do you want it?"

"Why do i want it? I wanna go see her. Is she alife?"

"No she died four hundred years ago."

"You didn't give her life?" I asked him shocked a little. Why would he choose to lose his love...that is a wrong question. "How did she die?"

"Old age, but..."

"If she died four hundred years ago, then..." i tried to count but nothing added up. There were no major wars a judge was involved in for more than five thousand years. But there were several wars over that same period like the elven wars and the midnight war in Acadia two three hundred tears ago. But she died four hundred years ago. What war did they meet in? Clearly not this worlds war. Dragons don't make war.

"When did you meet?"

"Why are you here?"

"I'm trying to make a conversation and know you better."

"How can you lie?" He asked me and i looked at him. Lie? Me?

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah right, and i didn'ttrain with a saint." He came down from his ladder carrying three books. Biology. One subject i hated. As he walked past me to the table, he called for other books and scrolls and tablet and they followed him in the air to the table and i did to.

"Stop being sarcastic." I said sitting in front at the table he was going to sit in and pulled myself a chair. Touching the chair made me feel bad for him. The wooden chairs remembered only his butt for more than two thousand years.

The other chairs, no matter how many they were, did the same with an exception for two. They remembered two women. One an Aerum and the other, an elf. His wife and... Volusia? So he really was a long time judge.

"Aren't you too?"

"No. I came here because i wanted the onyx stone. But you started talking about being marrued and i grew curious." I explained.

"Forget about the stone. You are never going to get it."

"Why? Did you break it?" I asked.

"I was told not to give it to you."

"By whom?"

"The all mother."

He put the books and scrolls in front of me and i looked at him as he sat in front of me. The mother?



"Care to let me know why?" He looked away and started opening a hard cover book randomly.

"I don't know." Lie. I saw it. He knew. "But, I was told if you asked, i should simply say, "some secrets especially those beyond typical understanding should be left alone and unrevealed, least they unravel themselves." With a smile, but I'm hurt so I can't smile right now."

Oh. I scoffed off as i remembered the source of the words. Me. I've spoken them way too many times in the past six thousand years they were practically my no lie, no truth answer. The sentence i could escape any question of my "personal activities".

"That's funny." I laughed about it and looked at his books. "Really funny. Tell her, I appreciate the answer, and i will take it as a directive of what i should do next." I got up and turned for the door.

Guess I'm still going to have to roll along alone. Hmm.

Too bad, I'm used to rolling alone.

"Khumat," He called as I walked to the library exit. I stopped and i caught a whiff of ozone.

"Sorry, I can't disobey the mother." He said as i turned to him. I caught light blue arcs forming around me and i took a deep breath. Toxic yet clean lungful of air and told myself to calm down. Which was rather a little too hard considering what happened in the afterlife planes. In all planes I was... Hmmm, told to fuck off and figure everything out on my own. They fear the saint and they don't want to take part in my battles. Wonder why? but I'm pretty sure the elders have a say in it.

"I know. Guess it just means i have to find on my what it is and how i can stop it."

"Water bear with a virus tendencies." He spoke lifting an open book up. The page where he opened was about a waterbear. "That's what you're dealing with. It evolves and adapts quickly."

He took out a scroll and showed me maggots. "He is a hive of these on his own..."

"So you did get beaten by worms." I commented and he looked at me. Angrily. "Sorry,"

"I fought it for hours and it didn't even tire, if not got stronger."

"How do i kill it?"

"The grand saint when he met it millions of years ago, he couldn't kill it, so he trapped it. Unfortunately, I tried the same thing he did million years ago and he broke broke through it like it was toilet paper."

"In other words, nothinng works on him twice?"

"Yeah. And nothing works for more than a minute on him."

"Okay how about we go wake you up and think of how we are going to beat him." I said as preparing to fall back home.

"I'll wake up once my body feels better."

"So you're gping to stay in astral projection for how long? A day? Two days?"

"I'll go when im ready."

"Ok. Guess you must trust your body a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"Body madness, ever heard of it?"

"What is it?"

"When you astroproject for more than eight hours, the body starts acting up. Sometimes, like in my case, it starts ranting on and on, but as time goes on, it does a few habits and then whatever it wants. After a while, it rejects the soul and does whatever it wants."

"Yours does?"

"All my bodies did." I told him as i recalled the immortal one i had thousand years ago. "The first one, after Kiara died, I wanted to die, it wanted to feel lime it felt the three days she was alive so, while i looked my soul in her memories, it used my powers against me. It made a duplicate, trapped me in it and... I can understand why it became a drunk, but i don't understand why it became a full time trickster. I'm certain if loki and the ?sir didn't die, It'll have made him jealous."

"I doubt it."

"So will you wake or not? Just so you know I still haven't forgiven you and if your body hurts them, I'm gonna kill it." I threatened him and he churckled.

"Sure, but are you sure you want me around your people? I might kill them."

"You are a guardian." I turned away from him and left.

As i did, something crossed my mind. Among a thousand buts, How the hell did Lucy know I went to the ancestral plane?