
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

cornelia's resolve part two: Hinata's struggle.

Naruto got angry.

" How Dare You Use That Knightmare!!!" Shouted the blonde as he drew the unicorns beam saber and dueled with the sazabi little did he know that due to his anger his geass activated causing his unit to transform and now in full fledged Gundam mode he was more than equal to the sazabi however the sazabi had one weapon that made it far superior to the Unicorn it's Hi funnel guns the drones deployed as Hinata boosted back she knew it would seem cowardly but Hinata had to subdue to find out who was piloting if it was Naruto then she had finally succeeded in her mission.

" Tch I won't lose to you because of those." He said and he switched to his beam gatling gun and fired of a pricison round of beam fire the beams hit the funnel guns and destroyed all six of them.

" Ha I can do that to." Came Hinata's filtered voice and she used her beam shot rifles burst shot.

Naruto smirked "nice try but still not enough to break through my Tsukuyomi." Said Naruto to Hinata's surprise she had been fighting her own troops.

" Is she betraying us." Came one voice

"no she can't!?" Questioned another

"she's an enemy to britannia." Said another.

Hinata however didn't realize this was the illusion as Naruto was currently slaughtering her back up.

" Kai." Said Naruto and Hinata was released from the vision but saw the aftermath.

" No I didn't no I couldn't have." She said.

" Wah gomen desai Naruto kun~" she cried and she reached for the Suicide switch but then out of nowhere naruto appeared in her cockpit and grabbed her hand.

" Don't do it Hinata." Said the clone of Naruto.

" But if I don't then..." Said Hinata.

" It was a trick that units pilot is a powerful wizard he used magic to trick you." Said the voice.

Just then the voice of zero spoke.

" What's wrong knight of Y you scared now that I slaughtered your troops." He chided.

" You fiend I shall end you." She said and she fired of her scattering mega particle cannon.

Naruto cursed as he dodged most of the beams he used what remaining ammo of his units beam gatling gun to shoot down incoming beams.

Just then a powerful beam hit the Sazabi from behind and flying above head was a white machine much like the one Hinata was facing however it had six blue wings and was apparently equiped with mounted cannons.

" Oh no." Said the girl.

The enemy forces had however taken down several of the main forces of the black knights due to them being in glaucesters GM's.

The Ones who survived were being picked off by the glaucesters.

However that was about to change as the winged warrior suddenly used all of its ranged weapons and shot down half the glaucesters in one go.

Meanwhile for cornelia's lieutenant Isaiah Johanna.

He was caught in a duel with the justice.

The justice would use it's beam saber to counter his vibration sword then when the glaucester would fire its machine gun the justice would counter with fire from it's sagittus CIWS.

It threw it's Bassel beam boomerang that cought him off guard as the unit would strike him with his sword the.

" You know how to fight dirty huh." Said Isaiah.

" Dirty what does the Marquis of Queensbury have to do with war." Said Maya.

" You may be right but I know how to fight dirty to." He said and launched a cable at her catching her wings.

" Ha get over here." Said the man and he pulled her towards him only to be surprised that the wings detached from the unit and then the justice kicked him in the chest of his unit.

Hinata let her anger boil she drew her beam tomahawk sword and moved fast as she dashed she used her sword to cut at the white devil and to her amazement the white devil parried with it's forearm but upon closer look she saw it had beam swords emitting from its arms.

" Beam Tonfa?" She said in astonishment.

He then sent her Sazabi flying into the building with a kick and she passed out.

Ohgi and Kento were dealing with mainly glaucesters the enemy units were hard enough to beat in a Sutherland but in their Zaku warrior units they had a fair chance however due to the amount of enemies and due to how much ammunition they had they could only take out about half of the enemies while they were backed up by the GM'S the GunTank's and the fire from that neji kid the enemy was just too many.

In all there were about sixty after zero and Mario using their weapons to deal damage they took out half but they had lost just as many as the enemy kallen was out cold a few allies came to her rescue and soon she had been recovered along with her unit but this battle was anyone's at the moment it seemed to be cornelia's.

The Sazabi seemed to be put out of commission for now but the real problem was cornelia's glaucester she was taking out the GunTank's even though they were tough enough to tank her lance if you excuse the pun they would fall due to their lack of defensive weapons.

The GM's weren't fairing any better due to their poor performance the GM'S didn't have a chance against the Glaucesters In the end the knights had to fall back.

" Damnit I didn't expect them to have so many glaucesters made." Said leloucia in her room.

Naruto thought for a moment maybe we should change our forces weapons the GM's aren't cut out for that kind of battle and the GunTank's are mainly for defending buildings we need a more useful machine to be our main forces unit.

"Oh and do you have any suggestions?" Asked leloucia.

Naruto turned and looked at a Sutherland.

" Maybe we can take that and reinvent it." He said.

After a while the new machine was built it was based of a similar design to the GM except this time it was built sturdier and more powerful it was equipped with a new booster and higher output engine it was the GM Powered

The unit would become the standard unit for the ground Forces.

Its weapons were made from the weapons used by the GM and the Sutherland meaning it had the GM's beam saber Vulcan gun and propulsion system while it had the Sutherland's assualt rifle and it's grenades.

The two went to work sending the blueprint to Tsunade who after witnessing the battle realized that a cheep unit like the GM should be the last thing fielded and so she reinvented the units with the designs and built the GM Powered while recalling the GM's being produced to create the more proper newly designed unit

To be continued