

A university/college student took a day off from classes in order to relax but in craving for something new he discover an app that let him join a world full of adventures, magic, beasts, mystical creatures, and some mythical places. The only problem was this world isn't a game it was a real fantasy world with levels, stats, skills, attributes, and classes. Where will this adventure take him? How will his life turn out to be?

Fcatilizer · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

Entering the capital's adventurer guild was as expected, very busy at this hour. Every type of people accepting quests and raids requests. Staff busy with documents and items.

It sure is a crowded place.

Kei helped me with the registration process and after waiting I got my own guild card from the receptionist.

"Here is your guild card."

As expected, the guild has a ranking system that increases upon completing jobs, quests, raids, and leveling up. Looks like the emperor makes sure to create a perfect framework where everyone can grow stronger, level up, and yet be safe at the same time.

Not bad for a beginning. If I stick with my rank request and level up steadily it should be good.

With the guild card in the hand, I flipped it to the other side and notices a magic circle engraved on it.

I asked Kei, "what is this?"

Kei mentions it as a way to check adventurers' info, he says, "It tells the owner of the card and lets you access your guild banks."

So, the guild also manages banks but why?

The receptionist on the other side of the counter mentions, "You can access the money from anywhere, and can also be accessed on earth as well. We are connected with many other organizations throughout many counties."

Wait…what did she just say? It's a thing?

Since when there are organizations placed to manage these things? If I keep my money in the bank instead of in my inventory, I can access this money on earth?

So basically, players registered as adventurers are fighting monsters to earn money for both worlds.

"Since you are still having some time, how about you take a rank F quest?", Kei suddenly speaks breaking my silence and me from zoning out.

"Uh… sure but what type of request?", I asked.

Since I am a beginner and a Rank F adventurer, I can only choose from Rank F and Rank E.

Kei replied, "well there aren't many types in this rank just simple low-level monsters slaying."

I wonder what's Kei level is. He is a knight serving the emperor. He must be in triple digits, right?

Looking into the quest on the board there were indeed not many of them but Kei chose a quest of slaying a few goblins outside of the southern gate of the city.

This is indeed a way too simple but is put in place for beginner adventurers to level up easily. At least I can get familiar with fighting in this world.

Wait, talking about fighting and all, this quest is good and offers 20 Gold, but I don't have the equipment to fight with.

I checked my inventory again and noticed a basic level 1 sword from my class. While choosing the character class in the game while registering. I remember choosing it for the Magic Swordsman.

People might think I'm weird but I think being able to use magic and a sword is the best option despite its complicated nature.

"Now that this game is real can I use basic spells naturally while swinging the sword?"

With Kei, I took on the quest with my newly forged guild card. We head out for the southern gate for the hunt.

I don't know if I'm ready to fight when I never held a sword but isn't this what I wanted?

The adventure of a lifetime. I want to experience these new things and if something gets wrong at least there is Kei who is observing me for today. I need to be strong enough to be free from tomorrow.

"Yeah, I can do this.", let the natural instincts and reflex kick in.

[Lesser Goblins | Level 5]