
Code Break HSK

A Look In The Past From The Events In The Future. Code Break follows a Manga script with alot of technical errors, such as grammar and other stuff. Though however the book itself has a very unique story to it set in a distant future and a distant past, the characters tangled in the fabric of space time.

Takabe · Romance
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7 Chs


<p>A Bell rang; who may it be. Everyone wonders in dead silence, a mansion so deep inside the hills and forest could be found so easily?<br/><br/>After slight thinking in everyone's mind-<br/><br/>Only an answer arose, the assassin did it maybe, or maybe it is a worker. Akame scans the door to see if it is a threat.<br/><br/>Her future tech was just out of the world, an eye with X-rays that pierce through even complex objects, not bone.<br/><br/>It was beyond the reach of human technology.<br/><br/>After the scan,<br/><br/>Her database show's a human, a pure one. No enhancers, nothing clean, pure average human.<br/><br/>SFX-: Knock! Bang Knock!<br/><br/>"Please, I'm soaked in this rainstorm."<br/><br/>She gave a signal to open the door; since it was raining outside, they could barely hear her voice.<br/><br/>Once inside, the girl said she was stuck in the rain and the storm.<br/><br/>She had beautiful black eyes, lips that looked like red syrup, and hair as blonde as possible.<br/><br/>"Where did you even get here?"<br/><br/>The reason, Akame asked with a slightly suspicious look.<br/><br/>She reacted as if she had no business being in the place, with no hesitant behavior shown.<br/><br/>Akame's lie detector tech fails as she is so calm and even turns the lies into a true statement.<br/><br/>The girl didn't hesitate to answer and said she was taking a stroll with her friends and got lost in the forest. That's where she ended up in the mansion's front door when the storm hit the shore.<br/><br/>Her clothes were soaked; Ninomiya saw her body only. Then Hiori asked her to face forward and tell the size of her clothes. She wasn't in the vision of Ninomiya.<br/><br/>She faced him.<br/><br/>XS(Extra Small), she said.<br/><br/>Hiori, "Let me get you a towel and some clothes."<br/><br/>The thunderstruck-<br/><br/>He saw her hair and her face <br/><br/>Those lips like red syrup, <br/><br/>Ninomiya felt an itch in his heart as a beautiful blond girl was in front of him.<br/><br/>His heartbeat rose higher and higher; it was too much for him.<br/><br/>His eyes enlarge as the heartbeat continued, sudden pain and-<br/><br/>A flash of memory strikes his head and his chest,<br/><br/>he breathes heavily.<br/>A mist of yellow particles flow from his body to the blond girl.<br/><br/>The heavy breathing was now slowly suffocating him-<br/><br/>Everyone tries to hold him as he slowly loses his breath.<br/><br/>He feels in agony.<br/><br/>A painful sight he beholds.<br/><br/>He says this in shock-<br/><br/>"Her hair, it reminds me of someone. Someone significant. ", he said-<br/>At the same time The blong girl was also getting suffocated. Like something trying to enter her body. Her body shakes in pain and then she is on rest.<br/><br/>A small girl appears in front of him as an imaginary figure, with long blond hair, blackish pink lips, a beautiful face, a tail, and 4 horns-<br/><br/>But that image fades away as Ninomiya cries, "Don't Go! Please, just let me save you one more time"<br/><br/>It was as if his past was displayed in front of him.<br/><br/>Soon, <br/><br/>The storm engulfed the mansion.<br/><br/>Everyone hurries to close the windows; Ninomiya finally starts to get a hold of himself but fails.<br/><br/>Suddenly the building starts shaking, and loads of planks, concrete, and glass fly after the mansion.<br/><br/>The door breaks, and the blond girl just lies on the ground. She is scared of the wind howling through the open, broken hallway, in her flashbacks she sees a young Ninomiya covered in blood.<br/><br/>Then,<br/><br/>Footsteps in the howling of the wind could be heard - <br/><br/>A woman appears from the outside.<br/><br/>"My fate has come to an end."<br/><br/>She said, <br/><br/>Ninomiya still can't hold his breadth correctly and suddenly collapses.<br/><br/>She looks with a dreadful smile, <br/><br/>"Oya Oya? Already out before I started?"<br/><br/>She taunted,<br/><br/>Akame had a slight fear in her head, but Hiori prepared herself for the battle. <br/><br/>She takes a blue liquid contained in a small glass capsule.<br/><br/>Then suddenly, without thinking takes a syringe and injects it.<br/><br/>Akame's sensor lits up with information, <br/><br/>'REPORT: TARGET ''HUMAN'' '<br/><br/>'ENERGY : 670,881 '<br/><br/>'CALCULATIONS: 6 MEGATONS EQUIVALENT 2×10^16 Joule POWER CAPABILITIES'<br/><br/>Akame is shocked as six megatons of TNT are inside that one capsule, but she said, "Her body will crumble."<br/><br/>The blond girl looks at them and thinks of the same liquid used by the military to gain inhuman god-like powers, it was not a chemical but processed blood.<br/><br/>It doesn't give them godly powers; it gives them even beyond that.<br/><br/>Akame's sensor again lit up, but for the enemy, it seemed...<br/><br/>'REPORT: TARGET 'HUMAN' '<br/><br/>'ENERGY LEVEL: 1.7×10^21'<br/><br/>'CALCULATIONS: UNDEFINED'<br/><br/>As soon as that happened, Akame realized...<br/><br/>The fight was even beyond her capabilities.....<br/><br/>A smile,<br/><br/>"My lord, Akari's reign comes to a close? You will die, Ninomiya, and I will too. The pain in this chest is unbearable. To think you would kill my savior."<br/><br/>The woman spoke and raised her hand right after.<br/><br/>With her hand raising, her palm turned glowing hot red color.<br/><br/>Suddenly, the matter started breaking into fundamental parts.<br/><br/>The matter hovered over her sides, top and bottom.<br/><br/>Akame saw this with wide eyes, and so did everyone.<br/><br/>"If Akari has the power of matter manipulation, why didn't she use it to fix the world?"<br/><br/>Akame asked,<br/><br/>The woman replied, "If there is 'he,' there is no future, no past, no present. So he must be killed regardless of who he is."<br/><br/>Everyone looked at the collapsed Ninomiya gasping for air, his body twisted, and bones crackled beneath his skin.<br/><br/>The woman realized who he was becoming into-<br/><br/>"He is evolving. I must stop him. He is returning to his ancestral form." <br/><br/>The Woman leaped towards the collapsed Ninomiya, but Hiori deflected the hit up to a minimum percentage of damage dealt.<br/><br/>The shockwave tore the house down into rubble.<br/><br/>SFX: BOOM<br/><br/>Ninomiya was sent flying to a corner-<br/><br/>SFX: clang, click, metal ting, <br/><br/>Akame protected them all using her shield modification. Shielding the rubble, she protected Ninomiya and the blond girl from being hurt.<br/><br/>The woman says, "So this is how you all want to play?"<br/><br/>Akame's A.I. replies, "DANGER DANGER DANGER."<br/><br/>The woman leaps again, this time toward's Hiori, tempted to kill her first.<br/><br/>Hiori dodges and lands a killer blow; she is blind. But not deaf.<br/><br/>The years of good location, yet not echo.<br/><br/>She heard the air whistle and dodged it.<br/><br/>The blind girl isn't as defenseless as she thought, plus the power she gained was enough.<br/><br/>The air around her starts to swirl; the rain is pushed back by the shockwaves and the ground cracks beneath her feet.<br/><br/>The ground trembles as so many forces are released.<br/><br/>She pulls out her gadget, but she coughs blood.<br/><br/>The blue liquid she took was harming her now.<br/><br/>In pain-<br/><br/>"So that's how it is; you are weak to it?"<br/><br/>Woman says,<br/><br/>Akame hides them both behind some rubble and heads in for the battle.<br/><br/>The woman takes on both Hiori and Akame simultaneously, blocking and counter-attacking them simultaneously.<br/><br/>SFX: BOOM, Clang, <br/><br/>The waves of energy from the clash were enough to shake the area like an earthquake. Alice saw how they fought. "I should save them....."<br/><br/>It wasn't enough; Akame realized what her cyborg part could be used for.<br/><br/>Akame pulls her cyborg arm out and turns it into a one-handed sword.<br/><br/>A tool in the wildest of ideas-<br/><br/>Hiori takes another shot of the liquid.<br/><br/>And the battle continues.<br/><br/>, <br/><br/>.<br/><br/>.<br/><br/>.<br/><br/>.<br/><br/>.<br/><br/>.<br/><br/>.<br/><br/> A faint voice,<br/><br/>"You are not alone."<br/><br/>"You are the sole reason."<br/><br/>"We are alive."<br/><br/>"Go protect the ones you love,"<br/><br/>"And make your utopia-<br/><br/>Ninomiya stopped shaking; it looked like the evolution was complete.<br/><br/>But it wasn't; his eyes turned completely black and lifeless.<br/><br/>He spoke in a calm tone and saw the girl beside him.<br/><br/>"Who is the woman?"<br/><br/>She replied by saying, "An enemy."<br/><br/>Ninomiya stood up, but not actually.<br/><br/>He stood up by his feet as if time reversed while he was falling.<br/><br/>It looked like that-<br/><br/>The woman finished her battle with Hiori and Akame; both were tired and badly hurt.<br/><br/>Akame broke her chin and arms, while hiori had a deep cut on her back.<br/><br/>She was bleeding,<br/><br/>And then-<br/><br/>Ninomiya steps in.<br/>"Nagano, clean this trash up."<br/><br/><br/>So much energy -<br/><br/>An apocalypse took birth,<br/>Alice steps forth, her name Nagano.<br/>Akame, Hiori, the whole world is frozen in time.<br/><br/>Except for Ninomiya, Nagano and the woman.<br/><br/>She landed the first blow, but the barrier around Ninomiya didn't let her attack pass.<br/><br/>It wasn't the barriers that blocked her- It was the sheer energy he was emitting was enough to make a barrier.<br/><br/>"What is this barrier, and how are barriers possible?"<br/><br/>She said,<br/><br/>Ninomiya said, "Her turn."<br/><br/>"Remember your loved ones, "<br/><br/>Nagano flicked her fingers on her forehead.<br/>"Wait-"<br/><br/>Ninomiya, let's go of the time stop<br/><br/>The flow of time returned to normal again, <br/><br/>Right as the time flow came to light-<br/><br/>The woman had her head blown into bits of particles of flesh. The bits still flew, vapourising slowly.<br/><br/>Ninomiya stood there; it wasn't Nagano's Human self that killed her.<br/><br/>It was the flick she did on her forehead that killed her.<br/><br/>No one could withstand that much pressure on a single point. But how could a human possess such unreal power.<br/><br/>The shockwave had eliminated the clouds from that flick.<br/><br/>The wind howled, and the storm faded away, revealing sunlight hidden in the darkness of the storm.<br/><br/>Everyone looked in awe.<br/><br/>No one knew how she killed her or how powerful she was.<br/><br/>Ninomiya's palms are glowing hot red.<br/>"Let's go Ninomiya, let's save OUR people.", Said Nagano.<br/><br/>But it was as if a God descended from the heavens in aid of humanity.<br/><br/>He takes a breath and collapses onto the ground.<br/><br/>As soon as this happened, Akame, yet severely injured with broken bones, still tried-<br/><br/>Akame crawls to him but Nagano goes Upto him and says.<br/><br/>"MY Emperor, until the next time you awaken. This world shall-"<br/><br/></p>