
Sakura Tree blossoms in Snowy Mountains across the chinese pantheon.

Sakura Tree blossoms in Snowy Mountains across the Chinese Pantheon.

NovelNymph · Book&Literature
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Under a sky where blossoms softly fall,

Sakura trees whisper secrets through the air,

Their petals like promises, delicate, small,

Touched by the cool breath of mountains so fair.

Snowy peaks in the distance, serene and bright,

Guardians of the ancient, celestial lore,

Veil their majesty in the veil of night,

Echoing dreams of gods on heaven's shore.

In the dance of the cherry and snow, so light,

Where desires like petals gently unfold,

Hearts and spirits, entwined in the quiet,

Find a rhythm where stories are told.

The dance of the blossoms, the chill of the snow,

Both tender and fierce, where passions ignite,

Reflects the ancient embrace, the flow,

Of love's sacred fire in the pale moonlight.

In this realm where the sacred and sensual meet,

Amidst blossoms and mountains, timeless and pure,

Desires merge in a harmony sweet,

In the divine and the mortal, both raw and sure.