
Epilogue: A Promise of a Lifetime

✨ Dearest, Gentle Readers, ✨

Season Two calls for a celebration so let us all indulge in this short epilogue about the Bridgerton-Granville family.  

Yours truly,



Benedict and Franny returned from France just in time to pay witness to Anthony's quest of finding a wife to himself, or, as Franny referred to it, a series of absolutely disastrous but rather entertaining events. She, of course, knew from the very beginning who Anthony's true match was, but for the first time in her life, she chose to say silent so she could indulge in watching the viscount suffer. Albeit, in the end, she could not contain herself and she did give the oldest Bridgerton brother her honest opinion of how he should just get his head out of ... the clouds and propose to Kate already. Throwing a deadly glare at her, Anthony set off to storm out of the room, but Franny locked the door, poured two glasses of whisky (she naturally knew where the secret stock was hidden) and to the greatest surprise to the both of them, they did manage to lead an intelligible conversation. This was the least she could do since as much as Anthony vexed her, Franny admired him for his never-ceasing sense of duty and devotion to his family. A family she was also part of.

Benedict and Franny continued to dote on each other. Their love and respect grew deeper and deeper over the years outliving Franny's moods and Benedict's occasional idleness. They built a comfortable life for themselves commuting between Mayfair and the countryside; Mayfair when Franny sought drama and Granville parties, My Cottage when Benedict grew tired of the ton and desired to spend more time with his wife. Time was sometimes spent productively on painting, oftentimes on other activities that involved far fewer clothes and far more wickedness. After all, Benedict made a promise to his wife, and he was a gentleman through and through. Their hard work bore fruit: Franny's and Benedict's pictures were among the first artworks displayed in the newly opened National Gallery. Overnight they became the ton's most well-celebrated artists and were overflooded by portrait requests. Franny simply ignored all of them claiming that they had much more important matters to attend to. Benedict agreed to the fullest extent and was much obliged to keep his wife occupied. Franny initially had other ideas in mind but she was happy to compromise.

When Hyacinth stated in the most Hyacinth Bridgerton-like blunt manner that Franny was getting fat, Colin flashed one of his signature grins and replied "or pregnant" without missing a beat, prompting Anthony and Kate to scold the siblings in unison and Benedict to advise his younger brother to find himself a wife he could irritate instead of his, it was only thanks to Eloise's swift response that Franny did not topple off her chair. Because in that very moment she realised that she was in fact with child.

Just as Franny expected, or rather and Benedict never dared to question, their firstborn was indeed a very lively, rather wilful and exceptionally gorgeous girl. Zoe Lucy Bridgerton was in fact set on conquering the world. She quickly learnt how to navigate her way around people, how to get them to do what she wanted, and she always found a way to be in the centre of attention. Inheriting the shiny black hair from the Bridgertons, Franny's grey eyes that always sparkled with determination, the world lay at her feet. There was no question that she would be named Diamond of the Season. Lucy taught her everything she knew, and she took her advice to the heart as she mastered the Art of the Swoon. Lady Danbury, who always applauded strong women, was also happy to support Zoe in her quest, not to mention Hyacinth and Eloise who adored their niece beyond measure. She secured a proposal from Prince Friedrich's son, who was completely enamoured with her and became the most influential princess in Prussia.

The second-born, another girl, no surprise to Franny, followed two years later. Isabeau Marguerite Bridgerton bore a great resemblance to her namesakes. She was delicate as a daisy with porcelain skin framed by sparkling golden locks. Although the two sisters loved each other very much, they were polar opposites and, following the Bridgerton tradition, never missed an opportunity to bicker or to have each other's back. Isabeau's soft-spoken nature and calm countenance stood in stark contrast with her sister's forceful determination and infamous audacity. She also continued the family legacy and immersed herself in painting very early on. She was especially close to her grandfather Henry who loved spending time with her. She quickly blossomed under his and Marguerite's tutelage and by the time she came of age she was already a world-renowned artist. She found a kind and caring Frenchman, Laurie, to settle down with.

Benedict cherished his girls beyond reason. They had him completely wrapped around their fingers and could get away with anything they wanted. So, when the third child was born five years later, a boy, Benedict let out a heavy sight. He wouldn't have to worry about another girl and that they finally had an heir. Xavier, as he came to be named, was worshipped by his sisters. With the characteristic Bridgerton face structure, sharp cheekbones and coal black curls, he could make ladies faint with one lopsided smile. He always had a mischievous glint in his green eyes and a joke upon his sleeve. Many likened him to his uncle Colin who, for better or worse, had a great influence on him. Xavier did not hesitate to put his dashing looks to good use and became an infamous rake, his reputation rivalling Lord Bridgeton's, who would often allow special liberties to his favourite and only nephew. Then, one day, of course, came a lady who was not afraid to undertake the task of taming the infamous Bridgerton lion.

Ten years later, quite unexpectedly, Wisteria Violet Bridgeton was born. Violet was over the moon that one of her grandchildren was named after her and spoiled the girl in ways only a grandmother could. Wisteria inherited Franny's hair that refused to be tamed, but instead of blonde, ginger locks framed her freckled face and navy eyes that matched her grandmother's. Her talent on the pianoforte manifested quite early, and she paid frequent visits to her aunt Francesca in Scotland with whom she shared a special bond. As the youngest member of the Bridgerton-Granville family, everyone was overprotective of her, and she enjoyed a careless lifestyle. She especially loved playing music while her parents painted. Growing up in a big, loving family, she desired to become a mother. Violet put her unrivalled match-making skills to good use, as such Wisteria found the right match in her very first season and came to have a brood of 5 children, all redheads.

Dearest, gentle reader, this concludes the story of the Bridgerton-Granville family.


Discussion: What did you think of Season Two?