
Chapter Twenty-One: The Bridgertons and the Granvilles Unite Forces

When Lucy and Henry stepped in Franny let out a sigh of relief. At that moment all her opposition against asking for help and not wanting to get the Granvilles caught up was dissolved. A short round of introductions was made as well as an update on the Cressida situation, then her aunt and uncle settled on one of the sofas, after making sure that Franny was all right.

"I'll ring for more tea," Lady Bridgerton offered, rising from her seat.

"With all due respect, Mother, I believe the situation calls for something stronger than tea," Benedict replied, letting go of Franny's hand to walk beside the bookshelf. He rearranged some books to reveal a bottle of fine whiskey, reserved for celebration or for grave situations, precisely like the one they found themselves in.

Anthony, who was the one to have hidden the beverage, didn't say a word, while Lady Bridgerton raised an eyebrow. Benedict proceeded to pour some whiskey to the guests, gave one glass to his elder brother, did not give one to her mother who shook her head, then filled the last two glasses. Colin reached his hand out as his brother approached, but Benedict simply ignored him, sat down next to Franny, and handed her the drink. Colin's smile remained unbroken. No Bridgerton would miss an opportunity to tease another even on the brink of a catastrophe.

Franny absent-mindedly poured the whiskey down in one go, her emotionless expression switching to a small grimace. When the room suddenly grew very quiet, she realised that she wasn't in the Granville House and looked around in horror. She heard Benedict's amused laugh and saw Colin's impressed grin, while Anthony's brows were caught between rising in surprise and sinking in disapproval only to settle in an awkward middle position. But Franny dreaded Lady Bridgerton's reaction the most, as she has quite possibly discredited herself in front of her future mother-in-law. The Bridgerton matriarch's face remained unreadable for a moment before she turned to her eldest son.

"Anthony dearest, please pour a glass for me as well," she finally said, and Anthony's eyes grew wide. He almost pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, not that his subconscious would ever come up with the idea of her mother drinking whiskey.

The silence broke and laughter filled the room. Franny let out a relieved sigh and cast an apologetic glance at Benedict who seemed not to have been bothered by the slightest.

Colin, upon snatching a glass to himself jested, "We should probably let your future husband know about your drinking problem. It might discourage him from marrying you."

Before Franny could shoot back, Benedict answered, "I do not mind it as long as she leaves a glass for me as well.

Franny squeezed Benedict's hand lovingly, while from the corner of her eye she caught Henry smiling. Lucy, who Benedict had already won over when the whiskey appeared, decided that it was time to get down to business.

"Violet, I do share your opinion that we need to fight fire with fire. We should dig up some dirt on Cressida."

"Certainly so, I will ask Mrs. Wilson to go to the market and start asking around. The time is pressing, but I am sure she can uncover some secrets," the Bridgerton matriarch concurred. The two women were clearly seeing eye to eye on how to best handle the situation.

"Splendid idea. We will also stop by the modiste on our way home, if someone, Genevieve, has surely heard something."

"I have long wondered how you are the first to have bonnets of the latest fashion, I always admired you for that," Lady Bridgerton added with a sweet smile.

Lucy mirrored her gesture, "That is the highest compliment coming from you, Violet, since your sense of style is impeccable.

Anthony glared at Henry in the hope of finding some solace over the feminine chitchat, but the elder man didn't seem to be the least bothered by the small talk. Indeed, if Anthony thought about it, he didn't seem to be bothered by anything. But given the two females he shared a roof with, it was probably for the best for his health.

Franny, who wasn't famous for her patience nor her tact, cut in, "And what if we do not manage to find anything on Cressida? What is our backup plan?"

"Cressida has made a grave mistake by assuming that we would just turn a blind eye to you," Lady Bridgerton replied in a serious tone, "The Queen's luncheon is in a few days. We shall all attend together which will clearly signal our support. And do invite dearest Wetherby as well, that should clear his name too."

Lucy nodded approvingly, "I concur. Not to mention that Cressida has underestimated us as well. Wallflowers, how ridiculous. Soon she will discover the extent of our friends' circle."

Oh yes, Benedict remembered clearly how many talented people the Granvilles were friends with, including Sir Phillip who would be glad to bury him in the back of his garden. Henry shot a concerned glance at Lucy which only Franny picked up on, but her aunt's small smile reassured her that Cressida was to emerge alive from this encounter.

"How nice to see that we have guests," joined a voice and the new Duchess of Hastings stepped in. Franny bobbed an awkward curtsy to the amusement of Benedict.

"Dearest, I am glad to see you, you might be the solution to all our problems," a smile spread on Lady Bridgerton's face.

"Problems, plural?" Daphne's light eyebrow rose, and she glanced at Anthony questioningly.

"Do not look at me, sister," Anthony raised his hands in a defensive gesture, "Well, besides Colin's latest misfortune –"

"It is a grave misunderstanding, if I could just talk to Marina, I am sure we could clear this up instantly," Colin pleaded with renewed vigour.

"Brother, the only thing keeping this family from shame –"

Franny could not wait for the debate to unfold and excused herself to get some fresh air. However confident Lucy and Violet seemed in their plan, she wasn't entirely convinced that it would go smoothly. Even though Cressida was widely disliked, she was never caught up in any scandal, and Franny was worried that given the short deadline and even with Lucy's and Violet's skills, however incredible they were, they would find nothing. Not to mention, however bad she felt for even thinking about it, the Bridgerton reputation had been tarnished by Marina and this wasn't the very moment to rely on it. Franny knew that she would still need to pay a visit to suspect number one and ask her help. She was tempted to sneak out to the Featherington House, but she wasn't going to disappear when so many people were working on helping her. After a few minutes, she heard Benedict's voice. She, of course, knew he would follow.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are not exactly satisfied with the way things are being handled?" he inquired, walking by her.

"Because you are paranoic?" Franny suggested, turning around.

"Or, and more likely, because I am right," he refuted, with a cheeky smile that clearly said that they both knew he was right.

Instead of answering, Franny bit her lower lip which made him soften, "So, do I need to point out all the times I felt you weren't telling the truth or will you tell me what is on that stubborn mind of yours? Starting with where you were heading, because I don't think it was either Bridgerton House or the Williamsons."

Franny's mouth curved into a small smile despite herself, "I miss the time when I was mysterious and unreadable."

"With all due respect, you were always an open book. To me, at least."

"That is very reassuring to know, thank you."

Benedict smiled and gave a few seconds to Franny to answer his question.