
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Thousand Yellow Daisies

✦ Gilmore Girls fans know what's coming. Enjoy, you all deserve it :) ✦

Waking up to her aunt barging into her room and shaking her up in a way that was far from gentle wasn't exactly how Franny imagined her ideal morning.

"Why do you torment me, Aunt? The sun is not even up," Franny murmured, but just before she could bury her face in a pillow, it was snatched from her.

"Early bird gets the worm, dearest," Lucy answered with the inexplicable energy that some people, definitely not Franny, possessed in the morning.

"Splendid, then take Lord Tewksbury and leave me alone."

"Hmm, which one of your suitors is supposed to be Lord Tewksbury? I hope he has blue eyes; I have always been partial to them."

Franny raised an eyebrow under the coverage of her bedsheet and decided not to go along with the teasing.

"If you get ready within half an hour, you'll have the chance to catch the sunrise. And judging by the state of your half-finished paintings, you are in grave need of some inspiration."

"You know what, Auntie, that idea doesn't sound entirely unbecoming."

"I wish I could take credit for it. Now chop-chop, Annabeth is waiting for you. Your supplies have already been prepared."

Before Franny could make any further inquiries, Lucy slipped out of the room and the smiley face of Annabeth appeared.

Half an hour later when Franny overdosed on coffee, had fought and lost a battle about why she would need to make herself presentable for painting, Lucy has guided her to the backdoor.

"Now Frances, I want you to promise me one thing," she lectured in a tone that only a mother could use, "Do not do anything I would do. And don't do anything Henry wouldn't do."

A confused grimace spread on Franny's face, "Could you be more ambiguous?"

"Hurry up, he's waiting for you."

Franny could not inquire why her uncle would choose to travel in an unmarked carriage or why she would need to use the backdoor as she was shoved out of the house. There was nothing left to do other than to go along with the plan with the least resistance.

"Good morning," a deep voice greeted her, and Benedict's face lit up as his eyes fell on her.

"Benedict," Franny squeaked and was so shocked by the sight of him that she stumbled right into his arms.

"It's good to know that I can still sweep you off your feet with my ravishing handsomeness," he bragged while grinning from ear to ear.

Franny frowned and was just about to shoot back with an insult when Benedict's lips landed on hers, engaging her in a kiss that sent goosebumps all over her skin. Benedict took a few minutes to indulge in a tantalising dance, slowly demanding access and exploring with thorough precision, not leaving a stone unturned.

"Hmm, I did miss a bit of privacy," he murmured in a low tone and knocked two times, so the carriage took off.

"Are you kidnapping me?" Franny inquired, while she eased into his embrace.

"Yes and no."

"Are you making this up as we go along?"

"No, I have the whole day figured out. Kidnapping entails that your closest relatives have no idea about your whereabouts, but I have arranged this with your aunt and uncle."

Franny looked up, raising an eyebrow provocatively, "You are afraid of them, are you not?"

"No," Benedict snapped, then added with his lopsided smile, "I am being responsible."

"I am sure Anthony would cherish the idea of you kidnapping innocent young ladies."

"But you are not exactly innocent, are you, Franny?" Benedict whispered, his warm breath tickling Franny's neck and making a shade of red appear on her cheeks.

"You are right Mr. Bridgerton, we should not violate my honour. Indeed, it would be wise if we kept the distance between us," Franny declared and tried to untangle herself from his embrace. Benedict held against her and watched with an amused smile as she struggled to free herself. Despite everything, he was physically stronger than her and very rarely he liked to use that for his advantage.

"Would you like to use this short time we have for ourselves for fighting, or for other enjoyable activities?" he asked amusedly, and quickly withdrew his foot just before Franny could stamp on it. Years of fighting with his brothers, and very occasionally sisters, had given him good training on how to avoid injuries.

"Fighting," Franny declared and was just about to elbow him in the face.

"I really shouldn't have given you a choice," Benedict muttered, ducking the move.

Glancing out in the window he saw that the carriage was about to turn, and used that moment to let Franny go, making her fall right into his lap. He smiled victoriously, resting his hands on her hips and brushing a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"Do you yield?" He inquired, using all his strength to keep himself from kissing her.

"Never!" Franny huffed, her eyes narrowing, but she could not help but feel a twinkle of excitement in her core, her body coming alive, her desire fuelled by the hunger in his eyes. When he was looking at her she felt his gaze in her every particle, an inexorable force pulling them together until the space between them grew smaller and smaller. But she was not ready to give in yet.

"I must adopt a different strategy, then," Benedict replied as one of his hands trailed to the small of her back, drawing her closer, while the other continued its journey upwards along her spine. Then he tilted her head back gently to allow more access to her neck.

Franny shivered when his lips connected with her skin, blazing a hot trail of kisses along her neck. When his lips landed hungrily on hers, she knew she lost the battle.

"So, are you going to reveal the purpose of this abduction?" Franny interrogated while she did her best to rearrange her dress. Her coiffure was already damaged beyond repair, or at least beyond her skills so she did her best to undo some damage.

"Has it crossed your mind that I might be taking you to Scotland?"

Franny's eyes widened and she pursed her lips into a tight line. Benedict almost let out a chuckle, but he also felt a prickle of guilt.

"Although I am fond of the idea, to my knowledge a wedding does not require art supplies," came Franny's witty reply after she regained her composure.

"Very true."


"I have nothing to add."

"You take pleasure in torturing me, do you not?"

"Oh, I take pleasure in a great number of things I , and do to you, torture is just one of them."

Benedict's smile widened as Franny fluttered. It was remarkable that she could still blush after they have been kissing the whole way along. Not that he was complaining, on the contrary, nothing gave him greater satisfaction than seeing the undeniable effect he had on her.