
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Perilous Predicaments

Continuing along the passage, the air grew even colder, the runes on the walls glowing faintly, whispering countless secrets. Lin Yun felt his spiritual energy intensify, the amulet in his hand emitting a soft glow, lighting their path.

"Lin Yun, what do you think we'll find here?" Chen Hao asked, his voice tinged with tension.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, we must be prepared," Lin Yun replied, his gaze determined.

As they moved forward, the passage widened, revealing a vast underground chamber. Lin Yun raised his torch, illuminating the surroundings. They stood in a massive stone room, at the center of which was an ancient altar. On the altar rested a large stone chest, surrounded by faintly glowing light.

"This place… it doesn't look simple," Chen Hao said softly, a hint of reverence in his eyes.

Nodding, Lin Yun approached the altar, studying the runes on the chest. The intricate symbols seemed to tell an ancient tale. As he reached out to touch the chest, it emitted a low rumble, the entire chamber trembling in response.

"Something's happening. Be careful!" Chen Hao warned, gripping his torch tightly.

Lin Yun quickly withdrew his hand, feeling a powerful force emanating from the chest. The air grew tense, ready for a fierce battle. Suddenly, the chest opened, and a brilliant light surged forth, illuminating the chamber.

"Lin Yun, look!" Chen Hao pointed to the glowing object inside the chest, his voice filled with surprise.

Lin Yun followed his gaze, seeing a crystal that shimmered with a strange light. The pale blue crystal seemed to contain a flowing energy, constantly shifting.

"This crystal… it feels like it holds immense power," Lin Yun murmured, his eyes filled with wonder.

As they stared at the crystal, a low humming sound echoed from the chamber walls. The runes glowed brighter, their light intertwining to form a massive barrier, trapping them inside.

"What's going on?" Chen Hao asked, panic creeping into his voice.

"We must have triggered some mechanism," Lin Yun replied, his mind racing for a solution.

The air buzzed with intense spiritual energy, Lin Yun felt his inner power surging, the amulet in his hand glowing brightly. He knew they had to break the barrier, or they would be in grave danger.

At that moment, the crystal in the chest emitted an even stronger light, as if tearing through the space around it. Lin Yun felt a powerful force from the crystal pouring into him, causing his body to tremble, his spiritual energy rapidly increasing.

"Lin Yun, be careful!" Chen Hao's urgent voice broke through the intensity.

Steadying himself, Lin Yun took a deep breath, suppressing the overwhelming energy. He opened his eyes to see the barrier glowing brightly, responding to the crystal's power.

"We need to break this barrier," Lin Yun said firmly.

"But how?" Chen Hao asked, anxiety clear in his eyes.

Lin Yun gripped the amulet tightly, feeling his spiritual energy surge. He knew this moment would decide their fate. Taking a deep breath, he raised the amulet, channeling all his energy into a beam of light aimed at the barrier.

The light struck the barrier with a deafening crash, causing it to tremble but not break. Lin Yun felt a wave of exhaustion, realizing the barrier was stronger than he had anticipated.

"This barrier is too strong. We need to find its weak point," Lin Yun said, his eyes scanning the runes.

Chen Hao nodded, quickly searching for a vulnerable spot. The air was thick with tension, Lin Yun's energy surging, ready for the next challenge.

Suddenly, the humming grew more intense, the barrier shaking violently. Lin Yun knew they had to find a way to break it soon, or they would face even greater danger.

"Lin Yun, I found it!" Chen Hao shouted, pointing to a weak spot in the barrier.

Lin Yun quickly moved to the spot, seeing the runes flickering differently. Channeling all his energy, he aimed a powerful beam of light at the weak point. The light struck, emitting a piercing crack.

The barrier finally shattered, light scattering, and the chamber fell silent. Lin Yun felt his energy stabilize, the amulet in his hand trembling slightly in response.

"We did it," Lin Yun said, his gaze firm.

"But there are still more unknowns ahead," Chen Hao replied, worry in his eyes.