
Cloud Arise

In a world of declining spiritual powers, young Lin Yun accidentally acquired a piece of jade with powerful spiritual powers. The jade pepe not only accelerated his cultivation by leaps and bounds, but also revealed an ancient power that was about to revive. With the revival of psychic powers, secret places around the world begin to reappear. In the process of exploring these secret areas, Lin Yun met many like-minded partners, but also encountered many enemies who coveted power. In the encounter with the enemy, Lin Yun gradually understands that only by mastering the true power of Jade Pei can he be invincible in the coming battle of spiritual recovery. However, when all the clues point to an ancient prophecy, Lin Yun is faced with a difficult choice: Will he continue his quest for power, or give it all up to protect the balance of the world?

DaoistMiwXI8 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Guardians of the Forbidden Land

Continuing along the new passage, the chill in the air began to diminish, replaced by an ancient and mysterious aura. The runes on the walls grew more intricate, telling a tale from a bygone era. Lin Yun felt his spiritual energy intensify, the amulet in his hand glowing softly, illuminating their path.

"We've come this far. Hopefully, we'll find some useful clues," Chen Hao said softly, his voice tinged with anticipation.

"As long as we keep moving forward, we'll find the answers," Lin Yun replied, his gaze unwavering.

The passage widened, leading them to a vast underground space. Lin Yun raised his torch, revealing a grand underground palace. At its center stood a large stone platform, upon which rested an ancient scroll.

"This place looks extraordinary," Chen Hao remarked, awe in his eyes.

Nodding, Lin Yun approached the platform, examining the runes on the scroll. The intricate symbols seemed to tell a mysterious tale. As he reached out to touch the scroll, it emitted a low rumble, causing the entire palace to tremble.

"Something's happening! Be careful!" Chen Hao warned, gripping his torch tightly.

Lin Yun quickly withdrew his hand, sensing a powerful force emanating from the scroll. The air grew tense, ready for an impending battle. Suddenly, the ground around the platform cracked open, and a beam of light shot out. A large, armored statue slowly rose, its eyes glowing coldly.

"What is that?" Chen Hao asked, fear in his voice.

"It must be the guardian of this place," Lin Yun replied, gripping the amulet tightly, feeling his spiritual energy surge.

The statue moved slowly, its heavy footsteps causing the ground to shake. Lin Yun and Chen Hao quickly separated, preparing for the unexpected battle. The air was thick with the scent of battle, each breath filled with the threat of death.

The statue swung its giant sword, creating a powerful gust of wind. Lin Yun swiftly dodged, feeling the blade's chill as it passed close to his face. He countered with a swift strike, the amulet emitting a brilliant light that struck the statue's chest. However, the statue seemed unfazed, continuing its advance.

"This thing is too strong. We need to find its weak point," Lin Yun shouted, his eyes fixed on the statue's every move.

Chen Hao nodded, quickly moving behind the statue to look for a weak spot. The air grew thick with tension, Lin Yun's energy surging, the amulet in his hand glowing brightly.

Suddenly, the statue let out a low growl, swinging its sword towards Chen Hao. Chen Hao dodged, but the gust of wind from the sword knocked him back. Seeing this, Lin Yun acted quickly, the amulet emitting a powerful beam of light that struck the statue's head.

The statue staggered, its eyes dimming. Seizing the moment, Lin Yun charged forward, the amulet in his hand transforming into a beam of light that pierced the statue's chest. The statue let out a pained howl, slowly collapsing.

The air reeked of blood, Lin Yun's heartbeat gradually calming. He knew the battle was over, but the true danger still lurked. The scroll on the platform continued to glow faintly, waiting for them to uncover its secrets.

"It looks like this scroll holds important information," Lin Yun said, his eyes fixed on the scroll.

Nodding, Chen Hao approached the platform and picked up the scroll. It emitted a faint glow, the runes whispering an ancient tale. Lin Yun and Chen Hao exchanged a glance and decided to open the scroll.

As they unrolled it, a bright light shone from the scroll, the runes revealing a long-forgotten story. Lin Yun read the symbols carefully, trying to decipher their meaning. He felt a vast wisdom and power within the runes.

"These runes… they seem to describe a powerful spell," Lin Yun murmured, curiosity in his eyes.

Chen Hao read the scroll closely, searching for useful information. The air buzzed with intense spiritual energy, Lin Yun's energy surging in response to the scroll's power.

Suddenly, the scroll trembled, emitting a strong light. Lin Yun felt a powerful force from the scroll pouring into him, causing his body to tremble, his energy rapidly increasing.

"Lin Yun, be careful!" Chen Hao's urgent voice broke through the intensity.

Steadying himself, Lin Yun took a deep breath, suppressing the overwhelming energy. He opened his eyes to see the runes on the scroll still glowing, hinting at ancient secrets.

"It looks like we've found a crucial clue," Lin Yun said, determination in his gaze.

The air grew tense, ready for an imminent battle. Lin Yun felt his energy surging, the amulet in his hand glowing brightly. He knew this moment would decide their fate.

"We need to keep moving and find more clues," Lin Yun said firmly, his eyes fixed on the palace's depths.

Nodding, Chen Hao gripped his amulet tightly, following Lin Yun deeper into the palace.