
closer to my heart

Sarah_Edebiri · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

escape 2 chapter 3

We were now on the hallway, running but still making sure none of the soldiers sees us.

I had consoled Tani one last time in my chamber

before we went for the run .

"they are just everywhere " Tani said whispering

Tani was right,they were everywhere ,it was like king Lenore had sent down all of his army

wait! that could also be true.

we kept on running until we were on the edge to the other hallway.we were about to come out when we saw six soldiers coming.

we quickly went back and hid behind a pillar, then they passed but not until I recognized someone

"I - isn't that Larry " Tani whispered

I looked at her ,she also saw what I saw

"yes it's him" I said

Larry was one of our soldiers ,I can't believe they also betrayed us. how could they not have stayed true to their kingdom ,they were sent there just to fight and come back and they betrayed us just like that ? .

they went so far until we couldn't see them anymore

"come" I said

then we came out of the pillar and started running again ,we entered the other hallway and ran and ran until we got to a door.

this was the door that led to the statue hall.

I pushed the big door open and I saw a magnificent view or more like a scary view

the statue were like big trees covering us.

since I was a little kid ,I have always been scared of this room. my father would tell me that they were the former Kings who ruled over our kingdom,he even showed me his late father's statue.

"come" I said

we were running again through the big hall when I saw shadows of people coming from our front.

oh no!! it was them.

but luckily there was another door at the other side which was already open and we were so close to it so we quickly rushed into the back of the door.

then the soldiers entered the hall , they weren't so far away but I beckoned for Tani to follow me silently with my hands,we were going so slowly when one of the soldiers suddenly turned his head sideway, seeing this we went back immediately. it seems he noticed our presence

then he suddenly turned back with full speed looking right at where we were,that made Tani limp in fear

"oh no sister he has seen us" Tani whispered shakily

" no he hasn't " I whispered back

"but he is looking right at our direction" she said

" please just keep quiet tani" I pleaded

the soldier started walking towards us with heavy footsteps that echoed loudly in the hall ,I could hear Tani's heart thumping wildly in her chest.the soldier was getting more closer to us ,I was also getting scared.i began to sweat,I looked at Tani to see the same,they were terror on our faces,I also started to believe he has seen us already.

he got even more closer and closer,I closed my mouth with my hands as I felt like my heart had stopped beating and just when he was almost like four feets away from us,one of the soldiers who had gone with the rest came back.

"hey Barnes what are you doing over there??" the soldier asked

" nothing serious,I thought I heard something over here and decided to check"

"don't be stupid, can you not see that it is windy,it is just the wind, come we have a lot to do" the soldier said

" alright I'll be with you,you go first"

the other soldier started leaving and he started leaving too,but he looked back again with a frowned face, seems he didn't believe that it was the wind,he shrugged his shoulders then ran to catch up with the others

"come let us go" I said,we both came out of the door,and ran again.we came out of the statue room, now we were on the garden.i took off my cloak hood

"we are we even going sister,you know after the garden, it's a dead end" Tani said

" we are going to jump" I said

Tani looked at me shockingly

"what!? Lilith you know the height we are on in right?? how do you expect us to jump from such a high place?"

I know Tani that is why I am going to look for a rope,you should also look too"

" how do you expect us to see a rope here Lilith,I mean this is our garden ,ropes can not just be anywhere"

" would you just search and quit talking,we do not have time please" I said

" fine your highness" she said sarcastically,I just shook my head and began to look for a rope,i searched everywhere but couldn't find one.

"oh God" I said helplessly

"Lilith I actually saw one" my sister said from where she were

" really???" I said running to her

"yes" she really had one, it was coiled together

" well I thought you said we wouldn't see one" I said sarcastically back

" oh Lilith we don't have time for that" she said waving her hand and passing me by,I couldn't help but chuckle even at this hour.

"alright so what do we do now" she said

" we just have to find somewhere to tie it and then we throw it across the ground and climb down from it" I said

" so where do we tie it??" Tani asked

I looked around and my eye landed on the garden swing.

"on the garden swing" I said pointing at it, then I went to it and immediately started tying it,I made sure to tie it really well so it doesn't loosen while climbing down,after I was done tying it, I said

"Tani you go first alright, I'll be with you even before you get down" she nodded

then she held the rope and climbed ontop of the little brick wall that led down,she stood high and looked down a little,she swallowed

"Lilith I'm a little bit scared ,the height is quite far" she said

" do not be scared just don't look down" I said

"alright but are you sure the rope is really tight?"she asked

" yes really tight, now start going before someone sees us here and please look around to see if someone is there alright"

" alright" she said, then ever so slowly,she started getting down,I went to the wall and looked down looking if there is someone there.she was also so close to the ground, but I suddenly heard footsteps,I looked back and saw a shadow coming from the statue hall

"oh no someone's coming" I said petrified

I immediately climbed on the brick wall and jumped without warning on the rope making it wobble

"Lilith easy,the rope is wriggling too much" she said

" I'm sorry Tani but someone's coming" I said

" what!!!" she exclaimed

"Tani climb down faster please" I said

we tried our best to climb down faster ,but the soldier already noticed the rope and immediately knew someone was escaping through it,he rushed towards the rope, looked down and actually saw us,but we were already on the ground right on our soldiers training ground

"hey you stop" the soldier screamed at us and he started climbing down the rope as well

"Tani run" I shouted

we started running faster but we met a group of soldiers who saw us again

they started chasing us too ,we ran as fast as our legs could carry us,we ran so fast that we got a little bit far from them,we saw a tall grown Bush and quickly hid in it, then they ran passed us ,we were in there for a while to catch our breath after the marathon.

I never even knew I could run so fast like that even Tani too,I looked at her she was breathing so heavily

"Tani are you alright??" I asked placing my hand on her back

" yes just a little bit tired"

"hold on a little ok we will be out of the palace in no time" I said

" but how??,how else how we supposed to leave the palace if not from the front ? I'm sure they are everywhere there" she said,I held her face

" I thought you said you trust me?" I asked

"Lilith I know but...."

"then if you trust me ,trust me all the way ok??" I said then I took her hand and placed mine on hers

" I promised to get us out of here and I would keep my promise alright?" I said,she nodded and I smiled at her

" good now we all need to do is to find a way to get to the prison yard"

" but why the prison yard??"

" you'll soon find out come let's leave here" I said,we both came out of the bush and started running but silently to where the prison yard was

and when we got there,we gasped and stared at the now opened cells in horror.

all of the prisoners were killed and the blood everywhere almost made me puke,I can't stand it when I see blood,it makes the pit in my stomach rise, even when we were having a battle match in the palace,I didn't like to watch cause the other contestant must kill his opponent and then there will be blood.

"did they have to kill them,I mean they are just prisoners" Tani said disgustedly

" it was the best they died now so they don't die in hunger because there would be no one to look after them anylonger" I said

that thought made me sad not because of the prisoners but because there will be no more trozan kingdom,what will happen to this kingdom now??

a tear left my eyes

"I will be back and I'll make this Kingdom whole again,I will never let my father's kingdom be forgotten, never" I whispered to myself promising as the memories of this palace played in my head and more tears down fell my eyes

"Lilith what else???" my sister asked pulling me back to reality

"uhh yes....." I said wiping the tears of my eyes

"well Tani has father ever told you about a secret under ground built right here in the prison yard??" I asked

" no father did not tell me anything about that" she said

" well there is a secret under ground that leads to the back of the palace ,he had shown me in case trouble times like this would come in the future" I explained

" really...?" she asked ,I nodded, then she looked around. "but I don't see anything like a door or something"

" you won't.cause it must be unlocked first with a key and I have one" I said