
Chapter 3: Beauty Police Interrogation_1

As soon as Basil Jaak alighted from the police car, he was led into a dark room, then shortly thereafter, taken into another room by the cops.

In the middle of the room was a distinctive chair. A police officer walked over to inspect the chair carefully. Seeing no issues with it, he signaled to another officer with a nod of his head, and then Basil Jaak was led to sit in front of the chair.

After the two officers had seated Basil Jaak on the chair, they turned to leave the room.

Basil Jaak sat in the chair, scanning the layout of the room back and forth.

By the look of the place, it seemed to be the police station's interrogation room. Besides the chair placed in the middle, there was a desk and two chairs in front of Basil Jaak. The desk was equipped with a computer and pens and paper, presumably for taking notes during the interrogation.

Basil Jaak yawned, feeling somewhat sleepy.

Only people like him would not be in any hurry or worry in such a situation, and be very calm.

Just as he was about to close his eyes to rest, the door to the interrogation room was pushed open, and two policemen walked in.

A man and a woman. Basil Jaak didn't recognize the male officer, but he knew the female officer very well - she was the beautiful police captain who had stayed in the small inn and seen him naked before.

The policewoman walked over to the chair. Before she could reach out her hand, the male officer beside her pulled out the chair for her, fawning over her, "Captain Astir, you sit!"

"Thank you!" The policewoman politely responded in a detached tone. From the expression on her face, she didn't seem to appreciate it.

Basil Jaak felt a pang of schadenfreude in his heart.

Flattery is a highly technical task, this young man is still too inexperienced.

"Name?" The policewoman asked. Seeing that Basil Jaak didn't react, she couldn't help but look up at him.

When she discovered Basil Jaak's lewd gaze resting on her legs, the policewoman couldn't help but feel a surge of anger. She raised her fair, delicate hand and heavily slammed it on the desk, making a loud noise and genuinely startling Basil Jaak.

Ah, she hit the table so hard, her palm must now be red from the impact. Basil Jaak thought, feeling sympathetic for the woman.

Beauty is indeed beauty, but temperament is too aggressive.

But it is this kind of woman who can feel a sense of accomplishment only after conquering her.

"If you look my leg again, I'll pluck out your eyes. I'm asking your name," the policewoman angrily glared at Basil Jaak, having already branded him a pervert in her mind.

Men caught in erotic massage establishments all look like this.

"Basil Jaak!" Basil Jaak gave a bitter smile, answering to the policewoman, "Beautiful, my name is Basil Jaak. Basil as in 'Basil', Jaak as in 'Jaak'…"

"Don't talk nonsense! Basil Jaak? I think 'pervert, rogue' is more like it," the policewoman muttered. Even though her voice wasn't loud, Basil Jaak, who had an excellent sense of hearing, heard it clearly.

Basil Jaak couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart: "It's the name the old man gave me, what can I do about it? If himself surnamed 'pervert' next life, I'll make sure I was named 'pervert, rogue'". With these thoughts, his gaze landed briefly on the woman's full chest, doubting within his heart if this woman grew up eating papayas.

Papaya can indeed enlarge breasts, but didn't expect the effect to be so powerful.

This must be F cup, right?!

"Your gender?" The policewoman continued.

"Didn't you just see it all with your own eyes? When I was at that inn, I was naked from the waist down…" Faced with such a question with obvious answers, Basil Jaak replied with a sly smile.

The policewoman raised an eyebrow, firing back without showing weakness, "Who knows if you are transgender??"

"Are you kidding, have you ever seen a transsexual with a penis that big? !"

"What are real men still alive for? If they can't even compare in length to transgender people. It's better to find a building and jump…"

Basil Jaak even said it seriously, as if he was discussing a serious academic issue rather than a dirty joke.

The policewoman smiled coldly. She had seen many such frivolous people. This guy thought he could escape the punishment of the law in this way? Hehe, just a fool's dream!

She has plenty of ways to deal with such uncooperative criminals.

"Do you think you are very humorous? I can send you to a prison full of gays at any time. They are all two-meter-tall strong men. I believe you will have a very happy life there..."

Basil Jaak considering his unfavorable situation, he ended up swallowing his words and replied, "Male."

He just came back and haven't enjoyed life yet. He don't want to spend the rest of his life with a bunch of fat gays.

Seeing Basil Jaak finally be docile, a smug look appeared on the face of the policewoman. Then she asked, "Age?"

"Over 25, not yet 26,"

The policewoman pursued her dull interrogation.

"Where do you live?"

"Just came back from abroad today, haven't settled down yet, otherwise, I wouldn't be at the inn," Basil Jaak felt a bit bored at the formal questioning and responded listlessly.

"What's your occupation?"

"Unemployed," Basil Jaak gave a bitter smile. He had just come back from abroad, how could he have found a job? He really suspected this girl was one of those stereotypical busty brainless types.

Then the policewoman asked, "Married or not?"

"I'm not married." Basil Jaak said, and then quickly added, "I don't even have a girlfriend."

"I didn't ask you that." The female officer rolled her eyes at Basil Jaak. Though her stern face was a bit cold, Basil Jaak gradually found a certain charm to it.

After taking the record, she turned and asked her assistant, "Callum, this guy has a deep criminal record, right?"

Callum repeatedly searched the net with the information Basil Jaak just provided. He didn't find any crime-related information about Basil and replied with reluctant laughter: "Captain Astir, this man is innocent."

"What? Callum, are you sure? How could a rogue-looking thug like him have no criminal record?" the female officer asked, disappointed.

Callum chuckled: "Captain Astir, look, it's clearly this fellow, how could I get it wrong?"

The female police officer looked at the photo on the computer. It was indeed Basil Jaak. She hesitated because, in her mind, Jaak was already a habitual offender, deeply connected to the current criminal case.

Even if you don't have a criminal record, once you fall into my grasp, I will pry the truth from you. There's always only one truth. After discovering Jaak had a clean slate, the officer became even more interested.

"Basil Jaak, do you know why you're here?" She stood from her seat, hands crossed in front of her and approached Basil Jaak.

Basil Jaak took this as an opportunity to observe the female officer. Her neatly cropped hair, delicate features, the uniform is tightly fitted with huge breasts. Unfortunately, her stern face spoiled his appreciation.

Basil turned to the ID badge hanging from her neck.

"Yetta Astir, head of the Crime Investigation Second Unit." Basil Jaak looked at the name on the badge, oblivious to the murderous look in the female officer's eyes. As he realized, her face expressed frosty displeasure, that made Basil Jaak flinch in pain.

"I said, if your dog eyes keep wandering, I'll dig them out." The female officer threatened coldly.

However, Basil Jaak wasn't impressed and responded light-heartedly, "I don't believe... A integrity greatness excellence police officer like Captain Astir would blend personal revenge with public duty."

Yetta Astir was about to lose her temper when she heard Basil's words and swallowed her retort while huffing dismissively, "Even if you try to flatter me, I won't let you off. You must be aware of our policy, lenient treatment for confession, severe punishment for resistance, so it's in your interest to come clean."

Darn, just for a massage, you're going overboard. Basil Jaak rolled his eyes annoyedly and said," I don't even know why I was brought in. What do you want me to confess?"

"Don't know what to say? Let me remind you, what were you doing at the bathhouse, and what connection do you have with the Dragon Gang of North City?" Yetta Astir asked coldly.

"What bathhouse? It was a hotel, okay? As for what I was doing, of course, sleeping. Why, should I play mahjong in a hotel?" Basil Jaak was depressed and annoyed at recalling his massage services being interrupted by the police.

Oh, miss No 10, If there is a chance, I will definitely go back to find you and continue our love action video!

Yetta Astir refused to believe this man would go to such a place just to sleep but didn't want to delve into insignificant details. She wanted to know his connection with the Dragon Gang.

"I'll ask you again, what connection do you have with the Dragon Gang?" Yetta Astir patiently asked again.

Basil Jaak truly knew nothing about the Dragon Gang Yetta Astir mentioned. He looked at Yetta Astir in frustration: "I really don't know anything."

"You think I'd believe that?" she sneered.

Basil Jaak shrugged indifferently, "If you don't believe me, I can't do anything about it."

"You..." Seeing Basil's uncooperative attitude, Yetta Astir's anger multiplied as she rebuked, "Basil, your attitude is highly problematic. I advise you not to harbor any illusions. Rather than having us investigate, it's beneficial for you to confess."

Seeing how naggy Yetta Astir was, Basil Jaak seriously doubted whether she was going through menopause. But then, he felt the urge to smoke. He had seen on TV that during interrogations, the police usually agreed to small requests. So he pretended to ponder for a moment, and after a while shook his head, "I really can't remember, how about a cigarette to stimulate my memory, then I might recall something."

Yetta Astir gave Basil a dirty look. Basil considered her glance filled with charm. He couldn't help it, she was attractive.

Despite being annoyed with Basil's behavior, Yetta Astir signaled the male officer making records to get a cigarette from the desk for Basil to smoke first.

The male officer unwillingly handed a cigarette from the box to Basil and also lit it for him.

Soft cigar, it's indeed a good smoke! Basil indulged in his smoke, ignored Yetta Astir's dirty look, exhaled three smoke rings leisurely, feeling like he was in heaven.

She served me well, except her gaze seems as though she wants to devour me, fierce. If this chick smiled more, I'd actually stay here and accompany you guys. As Basil Jaak thought about this, he narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.