
THE LOVE : It’s real

The sun pierced through the open curtains at Cleo's house. Her and Jason sat on the white couch in the living room in a deep discussion.

"So, for the million dollar question, how do we stop them?" Jason uttered.

"In my visions, Queen Cleophethrah keeps telling me to find the 'Mijer'." Cleo answered.

"The Mijer? What's that?" Jason asked wide eyed and curious.

"Exactly. I looked it up in Ancient Egyptia's history and discovered that it was a group of people set up by the High Council and charged with the duty of keeping the curse at bay for generations. They had to renew the seal over the sacred artifact every century to stop the evil from seeping out and destroying the world."

Cleo explained.

"The article also said that for purposes of ease in mobility, and to conceal its true nature, the Mijer had transformed and modified it into different forms to fit the particular age."

"Wow what a job. If you told me any of this hocus pocus stuff was real about a month ago I would've laughed hard and then blocked you on all social media platforms. Haha." Jason said to Cleo laughing.

"Haha...come on Ramen, be serious. We need to find who the Mijer is today and get them to renew the seal." Cleo was anxious. She began chewing on her nails to calm herself.

Jason took her hand, drew it to his face and kissed it. "Don't worry, we got this." He said, a smile on his face to calm Cleo.

"Before you get them to do that though..." he whispered to Cleo, "whoever they are, you gotta let them know that they've been doing a crappy xxx job this whole time."

Cleo laughed out loud as she tapped Jason's shoulders. "Hahaha...gosh! What's wrong with you? Haha.."

She felt deeply relieved sitting next to him and being that close to him. Her heart for the first time in a while knew peace.

"Yeah I'll do that. But there's just one problem left. The artifact. We have no idea where it is. We have to find it first and maybe finding it would lead us to the Mijer that's supposed to be protecting it." Cleo's idea face sprung out of nowhere with that statement.

"Yeah...I think I already know what it is and exactly where it is." Jason uttered nervously biting his lip.

"Really? Where?" Cleo asked.

"Uhhh....you know that grandfather clock at my house? I think that's it..." Jason said scratching a nervous itch at the back of his head.

"What? The one that's been there since we were little? No, that can't be right. The artifact for the ritual was a sacred sundial, not a giant grandfather clock." Cleo was confused.

"Well, that's just it isn't it. You said it's been passed down for generations and has taken different forms to fit the age. So it could literally look like anything now. Hence, the grandfather clock." Jason explained to Cleo.

"How are you so sure Ramen?" She asked skeptical about that fact.

"I know because....I caused our heart attack.....by touching it." Jason's countenance fell as he uttered.

"What????? You did what?!" Cleo yelled trying to understand. "Wait so you knew it was the sacred artifact but you still touched it and gave me a heart attack?!!" Cleo was getting furious.

"No! Not really! I mean, at the time I had no idea you were involved in the curse. Trust me if I knew it had anything to do with you I would've never gone near it." Jason was desperate to save face.

"You know I would never hurt you." Jason took her arms in his and looked deeply into her eyes. He moved closer to her to let her see into his soul and understand his sincerity.

Cleo couldn't move. She was frozen with shock as she had never had him make a move on his own before. Her heart couldn't take it. It beat out of her chest. The sound of it trying to pound it's way out could be heard across the room.

She could feel his warm breath all over her face. He smelled like spring and the parts of his body that touched her made her feel like electric was coursing through her veins.

She tried to speak but words eluded her in that moment.

Jason grabbed her face and caressed her cheeks gently. "You're too important to me..."

Cleo's heart was about to burst open when she suddenly pushed him away hard. He fell off the couch and yelled "Ow!"

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! You just...startled me." Cleo apologized lending a hand to him to get up.

"Hahaha. Don't worry about it. Now you know how I feel when you suddenly attack me like that." He smirked at her.

"Ughhh...you" Cleo smiled. "So back to our previous topic, I guess it was quite necessary to do that because I never would've known the whole truth if I didn't have that 2 day vision."

"Yeah it was also necessary for me too. The truth needed to be revealed." Jason corroborated.

"Well then, if that's settled, Ramen, there's one more thing I'm curious about.." Cleo said her face contorting into an expression of worry again.

"Shoot!" Jason was ready to take her question.

"Jason, how do I know that we're on the same page? I mean how do I know we're on the same side. Since you're soon gonna be representing the interests of King Rami who is famously evil. How do I know you won't give in to his wicked ways and just....become evil?"

Jason looked into Cleo's eyes and saw her worry.

He took her arms once again and brought them to his wide chest to feel his heart. His heart beat was slow and steady. He sighed and his breath hit her skin sending her into a temporal state of euphoria. He stared deeply at her and said, "No matter how far I go Cleo. I'm certain you can and you will bring me back. And I'm certain of that because of what I know I feel for you in here."

Cleo's heart grew calm at his words. He just confirmed the fact that he felt the same way she had been feeling all this time.

The love, it was real.

"Jason, I'm glad I got to see you today. You've brought peace back into my heart again." Cleo said.

"Are you kidding? This is the most fun I've had in a long time Cleo. You're my favorite." Jason replied as he pulled her into a tight hug.