
Climb to the top

Boutta guy getting killed by his system His child hood bullies also show up somewhere along the line give this a read maybe

me_casa · Action
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Chapter 1:Yikes that sucked

After finishing school Jason had been walking home when someone shouted out to him

"oi you".

Turning around he looked towards the direction of the commotion and saw a group of boys from his school shouting and beckoning him over towards an alleyway.

Realizing what they wanted he couldn't help but sigh and walk over.

As he got to the alleyway they grabbed him by his shirt collar and yanked him inside roughly shoving him up to a wall.

"Hey freak you got my money" said a tall black haired blue eyed boy.

"No i'm sorry please just stop i dont even know why you want my money" Jason wheezed due to his windpipe being under high pressure

"HAHA that's funny you want to know why i want your money well it because your pathetic and you dont have anyone to protect you" the black haired boy exclaimed with a strange smile creeping across his face

"So what your saying is your a bitch huh" Jason said with a smirk on his face trying to sound tough even though he had a severe lack of of oxygen entering his body

"What did you just say you little prick" the black haired boy said in an almost unaudible whisper

"I said your a bitch" Jason forced out his veins bulging

"Shut the fuck up" the black haired boy swung his fist connecting with jason jaw making a stomach wrenching popping and cracking sound

*bluergh* Jason spat out a mothful of blood as the black haired boy dropped him to the alley floor

"Kyle what are you doing you promised to take me to get food" a girls flirting voice drifted through the entrance of the alley

"Hang on cacey im just sorting something out with my mate jason here" kyle (former balck haired boy) said in a softer but deeper voice trying to sound more manly

"Ok but hurry up i dont have all day" Cacey moaned through the entrance of the alley

croaching down and propping jason up against the wall kyle whispered in jason's ear "you better have my money by tmrw you little shit otherwise your gonna end up in a worse state than you are today"

"go fuk yoursef" Jason forced out through the mix of blood and saliva dribbling through his lips

Standing up kyle delivered a hard kick to jasons already most likely dislocated jaw making his mouth hang open like he had just seen a ghost

watching kyle leave jason heaved a deep sigh as tears started to saturate his face and dribble into his hanging open mouth

'why me what's the point of even living' jason thought

ever since jason was little he had always been different he never wanted to be the hero always the villain,he always sympathised with the villain when they lost for stupid unlucky reasons and he always felt as though he didnt belong a human he tended to stay isolated from people staying in his a dark room but then his parents kicked him out saying he wasnt what they hoped for and to never darken theyre home again just completely out of the blue kicked out so from that day forward he had to get by on his own staying wherever he could and doing whatever he could to earn an extra bit of cash but all was im vain because Kyle and Cacey always milked him of every penny he had.

"I wish i could just go somewhere far from this world and be in peace and bide my time to strike against humanity" jason thought

[Doot Doot Doot]

'Ugh the fuck is that sound' jason though

[suitable host has been found]


[Causing natural unsuspecting death]

[Activating heart spasms]

jason felt unbearable pain and tightening in his chest he gluped in air unsure what was happening

[successful death has occured]

[shutting down host's consciousness until preparations are complete]

'yo what the fuck is go...' jason's mind shut down and his consciousnes faded

Meanwhile at maccies down the road

"this burger is so fucking good"kyle said with a mouthful of food

"ewww dont talk with a mouthful of food"Cacey said

suddenly below them theyre whole booth lit up and a strange runic symbol appeared and in a flash they vanished leaving theyre burgers behind :( .