

Processing what I said, he stood there like a statue. Making sure he heard me right.

"A date?" He repeats to make sure.

"A date" I confirmed couldn't stop smiling.

His eyes lit up like a candle, even though he kept a straight face ahead his eyes swirled with emotions. One could control his emotion and keep his face straight but the emotions shown in one's eyes can't be controlled. He might be good at controlling emotions but he doesn't have control over this.

"Do you need help getting ready or something?" I ask with a raised eyebrow as I try not to laugh.

Noticing this, that I am enjoying this he grunts and walks away. I walk downstairs laughing.

I looked at James who was in his wolf form sleeping, cuddling Wiskey. I brought my phone up and took a picture of this cuteness. I am telling you more than half my gallery is Wiskey.