
Claws Of The Alpha

"I, Zes Xander, reject you, Knox Everett, as my mate, the King of werewolves and Alpha of Silver Moon Pack." As those words left my mouth, tears fell all over my face. Knox looked shocked. To break a mate bond he should accept it. "I do not accept it," he replied with a blank, emotionless. But his eyes held a lot of emotions I couldn't do anything. I trusted him. I trusted him easily. I trusted him even after all I got from everyone I trusted was a betrayal. Why do I do the same mistake every time?

Zes · Fantaisie
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66 Chs

Night Babe

Interrupted by.....

My Alpha, my dad came in. He doesn't have a habit of knocking. I growled as he entered without knocking.

"Keep it down, will you. Now is not the time," he said.

"Isn't she Zes from the Silvermoon pack?" he asked gesturing towards her. I nodded.

As he started walking toward her, a vicious growl went out of my mouth. a smirk made its way towards his face. He understood, his face read 'I knew it'.

"I had small doubt when your wolf took over you when the rogue mentioned her name," he said and chuckled.

"Alphas are possessive mates Knox" he stated, he was right. An Alpha is 100 times more possessive than a normal werewolf.

"When did you find her? " he asked.

"During the ball," I replied. His eyes widened.

"That long? Does she know?" he asked, I shook my head and said.

"I wanted her to find out, her birthday is tomorrow."

"Wow! My son has patience, I never knew that!" he teased.

"Dad, stop teasing me you have no idea how hard it is to control Ryder. He is so annoying. He always wants to see Zes, not that I am complaining but now after this, he is probably gonna make her move to my house" I whined.

My dad just chuckled "not my problem" I just glared at him. He started walking towards the door but he suddenly stopped and asked.

"I am going to interrogate the rogue wanna come?" I nodded.

I wanted to know why they want Zes. I walked towards the door. After getting out of my room, I closed the door as quietly as possible. It closed without a sound and I smirked in victory.

I turned to find my dad trying his best not laugh, I gave him a look 'don't you dare' that did it. He burst out laughing.

"Dad!? shut up!!!" I whisper-yelled. He didn't so I covered his mouth and said,

"Now do we need mom here?"I asked with a smirk and his face became serious.

He gulped. Mom is really sweet. She managed to wrap my dad around her finger. I chuckled at his reaction.

"Come on let's keep going, was that really necessary?" he asked.

I chuckled and replied "yea!"

"Yeah whatever," he said annoyed.

We headed out of our house and started walking towards the packhouse. we entered the packhouse and started walking towards the basement A.K.A cells. The cells were made of silver. Silver burns through werewolf's skin. As we reached the basement we were greeted by Joel, the current beta of the pack as well as James's dad. He led us in and showed us the filthy rogue. My dad started talking.

"Why are you in my territory?"

"I told your son already that I was ordered to get Zes" he rogue simply stated.

My blood started boiling, what the hell? does he really want to die!! I was happy to kill him but I needed to know who ordered him.

"Who ordered you to do such a thing?" I spat with venom in my voice.

"Th-the Ro-Rogue Alpha" he stuttered.

"Why does he want her?" my dad asked.

"He wants her to be his mate, he wants her to be his but she had already rejected him in his childhood saying that she will wait for her mate. He tried kindapping her but she was well protected. Since tomorrow is her birthday he doesn't want her to meet her mate." As he finished telling this, I snapped his neck. Wait, no...Ryder snapped his neck. They want to separate me and Zes?!.

My dad just sighed and ordered one of the guards to clean up the mess. He turned to me and said,

"I will talk to Alpha Augustus and inform him everything and u should calm your wolf down," he stated and walked away.

I went out of the packhouse and then I shifted into my cream wolf (artic wolf) and started running into the woods. I headed home it was 1:00 when I left the packhouse.

'Hey, Knox can u please head quicker to Zes cause Zene says Zes is healed and will wakeup any moment' Ryder cooed.

'Wait, who is Zene' I asked him.

'Zes's wolf, now go!' he replied nonchalantly.

I reached my house and headed to my room and I saw Zes sleeping. I quickly went for a shower when I returned and was heading to my closet I heard shuffling from the bed and a loud groan I quickly ran to her.

"Zes? are you ok? does your head hurt? should I call the pack doctor?" I stopped when I noticed Zes staring at me.

"Zes as much as I love to see you checking out...not now, "I told her with a smirk on my face.

She blushed in different shades of red.

"I am alright, my head is a bit sore and no, don't call the pack doctor, and I wasnt checking you out I was trying to recall things" She replied rolling her eyes.

And suddenly out of nowhere the pup jumped on her and started licking her, damm I forgot the pup was still here. Zes was startled but she recovered.

"Woah! Wiskey" she started laughing as he licked her. I chuckled.

"So its Wiskey huh? He was the one who brought me to you" I said with a smile. Noticing me Wiskey jumped on me leaving Zes making her pout.

"Hey! you can't do that," she said with a pout. I laughed and started petting Wiskey.

"I guess you are no longer his favorite," I said as I was petting him causing him to purr.

"Both of you are not supposed to gang up on me. You guys are soo...." she pouts annoyed

I started laughing and put Wiskey on the bed and started walking towards my closet for my clothes. I changed into my sweatpants and heard Zes cough I ran and got her water. She drank it and muttered

"Thank you" while trying not to stare at me.

When she looked down she notices she wasn't wearing her clothes, she took a deep breath I began walking towards my closet and she asked me

"Knox....who....changed...my....clothes" taking a deep breath in between

As I didn't reply I heard her get up of my bed and walk towards the closet, I turned to look at her, she looked sick and was about to faint. I quickly ran to her and caught her. And said

"Princess you shouldn't move around".

I picked her up bridal style which caused her to squeak and me to chuckle.' Well, she has to get used to that' Ryder chuckled.

She was about to say something but I cut her off by saying

"Love! you need to rest! I didn't change your clothes my sis Khloe did. My dad has informed your dad about what happened. And I know I am hot but if you are done staring. TO. BED. NOW!!"I said the last part in a stern voice. Which caused her to giggle but she nodded I smiled.

"Ok dad," She said while rolling her eyes. I tucked her and me in the bed, I was tired you know.' Well, that is a lie 'Ryder commented.' Shut up! I am having a moment here' I snapped.

I kissed her forehead making her snuggle closer to me. My hands were wrapped around. 'Well I am gonna have the best sleep in my life' I thought.

"Goodnight love" I whispered

"Night babe" She whispered back playing along Which made me grin.