
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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-183- The origin

"The Assassins were not completely eradicated."

This is a shocking fact that could overturn historical records.

However, no matter how shocking, the truth remains the truth.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka stated this fact.

"Although the 19th Old Man of the Mountain, who inherited the name of Hassan-i Sabbah, was destroyed by the Mongols along with the sect and its headquarters in 1256, at that time, the Assassins had actually trained the 20th Old Man of the Mountain."

This Hassan, who was supposed to inherit the position of the next Old Man of the Mountain, did not die in that annihilation battle but was secretly sent away, eventually ending up in the far eastern island country.

Here, this Hassan, in order to rebuild the Assassins, lurked in the deep mountains and forests of the far eastern island country, while collecting many children through various means such as capture, abduction, theft, and trade, attempting to train them into excellent assassins through rigorous training and selecting the most outstanding one to inherit the name of Hassan, hoping to return to the world one day and let the Assassins resume their missionary activities.

Unfortunately, before this wish could be realized, this Hassan died in a foreign land, leaving behind only an organization that inherited the art of assassination.

To survive, the Assassins had to transform into killers one by one, hired by the high-ranking officials of the time, hiding in the shadows of history, doing clandestine work.

As for the development of the sect, it was inherited by the Hassan of the Assassins at that time. They not only collected many excellent children from local countries but also from all over the world, teaching them to become the most outstanding assassins and allowing the names of Hassan and Old Man of the Mountain to continue.

However, with the passage of time, the Assassins gradually deviated from their original path. Instead of bringing the Assassins back to light, as the original Hassan hoped for, they continued to survive as an assassination organization, constantly honing their assassination skills.

Later on, to adapt to the changing times, the Assassins abandoned their original structure and began to change their appearance.

There were two specific changes.

First: they no longer spread in the form of an organization but continued to exist in the form of a clan.

Second: they abandoned the name "Assassins" and instead used the surname "Nanaya," passing on the most outstanding assassins of each generation under this family name. Instead of using the name "Hassan," they used the surname "Nanaya," passing down the crystallization of a millennium of technological development perfectly.

And in order to cultivate the most outstanding talents, the Nanaya clan gradually perfected a training system through accumulated knowledge over thousands of years.

Thus, the outstanding talents cultivated by the Nanaya clan were not only present in this far eastern island country but even showed signs of activity in secret in various parts of the world's hidden history.

By now, although the Nanaya clan still operated in the shadows, unknown to the world, their influence had spread worldwide. Not only were they employed as assassins, but sometimes they also operated under different names in politics, business, and even among the general public.

Moreover, the inheritance of the clan became more and more sophisticated, and the talents cultivated became more and more outstanding with each generation. Even the selection and cultivation of candidates began to become extremely selective, specifically having members of the family search for talented children around the world and bring them back for training.

That is to say...

"Each generation of the Nanaya comes from all over the world, not only talented but also trained in the most perfect way, definitely the top talents in the world."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's emotionless voice echoed through the corridor.

"And the person who stands out among these individuals and is evaluated as the most outstanding talent can inherit the surname 'Nanaya' and become the head of the clan, standing at the pinnacle of the world."

That's the origin of the Nanaya clan.

Only talented individuals with prominent positions and high status in various countries would be aware of this family of assassins.

That is, the Nanaya clan.

"For thousands of years, almost all countries in the world have hired assassins from this clan, and this clan also preserves the dirtiest deeds of various countries. Once exposed, it's not surprising that it would shake the society and national conditions of a country."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka said these words.

"Moreover, there are many members of the clan who are hiding their identities and developing in various parts of the world. If they were all mobilized, I'm afraid no country would not be worried."

Of course, these are secondary.

The most important thing is...

"The person who inherits the surname 'Nanaya' is the one feared by all the high-ranking officials of every country."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka stated this with utmost certainty.


"The higher the position, the more unable they are to ignore someone who inherits the surname 'Nanaya'."

"As the most outstanding assassin in the Nanaya clan and the strongest individual standing at the pinnacle of the world, the person who inherits this name can infiltrate even a military fortress and destroy it. Wanting to infiltrate the residence of high-ranking officials is even simpler."

"So, as long as they are not afraid of death, they cannot ignore someone who inherits the surname 'Nanaya'."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka stared closely at Hori's back and said slowly.

"Am I right?"


As this word fell, the air in the entire corridor seemed to freeze, becoming extremely silent.

Nanaya Hori stood with his back to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, seemingly devoid of any reaction, like a statue, breathless, but emitting an unseen chill that could freeze one's heart.

Fortunately, there were no third parties present.

Otherwise, they would surely be unable to bear this icy coldness and scream and flee, right?

It wasn't until who knows how long later that Nanaya Hori turned around, facing Ayanokouji Kiyotaka again.

"It's impressive how well-informed you are."

Nanaya Hori said, a mix of admiration and praise in his tone.

To this, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka remained unmoved.

"I just heard it from someone else."

That was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's explanation.


"Let me guess then, tell me who ultimately revealed this to you."

Nanaya Hori also stared at Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, suddenly smiling.

"The person who told you about this must be your father, right?"


This word finally stirred some emotion in Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's eyes, which narrowed slightly.

"Indeed..." Ayanokouji Kiyotaka murmured, "Do you know that man?"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's question elicited a response that even he couldn't have anticipated.

"Of course I know him."

Nanaya Hori said lightly.

"Because he was a talent cultivated by the previous generation of the Nanaya clan, who stood out with my adoptive father and competed for the name of 'Nanaya,' only to end up bitter and defeated, losing to him."