

A psychotic juvenile, Morgan goes crazy hunting people's lives but what's even creepier is that she wants a sense of pain delivered to the victim. She practices obnoxious tortures on people and has a craze for devouring lives. What will happen? Is she trying to achieve something? Will this "life devouring spree" stop? Read to find out!

Im_a_VOID · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter V Violet Blossom

Finally, he got the light turned on. This room appeared to be some sort of study room. It gave off obnoxious and weird vibes for some reason. He observantly walked around the room. There was a round wooden table in the corner of the room that had books scattered on it, with an empty cup which seemed to be once filled with coffee. There was an opened book that had some sort circles, triangles and hexagons drawn in a pattern.

His eyebrows started narrowing and his face expressions turning grave, "Hmmm... this seems like a… TRANSMUTATION CIRCLE!!", "What is she trying to do!". He wandered around trying to find clues. There was a shelf that had been locked up. Curiosity was kicking him, "Where is the key to this damned shelf!". Just then he heard sudden movement and decided to go and check.

He peeked into the kitchen and there stood a juvenile, dressed all black, leaning with the wall and scrolling her phone's screen. She had pale skin with a scar going down her right eye from her forehead till the cheek bone. Her violet eyes with heavy eyelids would leave you mesmerized and second guessing. She had jet black, jaw length hair, they were straight and shiny. She had them dyed dark blue from the end-tips.

"Morgan! Ohh how glad I am to see you", Edward hollered with excitement while attempting to turn on the light switch.

There was complete silence from Morgan who wasn't even perplexed to see him, it was like she knew that he would come. She just looked up at him and then down at her phone. Edward was also confused, for why she did not respond.

Just as he tried to take a step closer. She said in a collapsed tone, "Why would you be glad to see me?", her tone gradually started to raise with violet eyes blooming like a lavendulan, "I'm the one who started it all, why would I think you're glad to see me? What if there's police standing outside, waiting to take me away and hang me?".

"Why wouldn't I be glad to see you, we've been together for so long. You're lucky Dave had no family to worry of him otherwise you'd have been taken under police's custody soon before and who would've known what they'd do to you", Edward explained Morgan to make her clam and give her relief.

"You do have a point there", sighed Morgan. "I always have points that are logical enough", Edward trying to sound proud.

Now Morgan was sure that there was no danger. Whereas Edward wondered where Matt must be.

"Have you seen Ma- ", just as Edward begins to inquire Morgan leaps in and hugs Edward. Edward now knew she felt light and sorry for what she did. He took the chance and asked her, "Umm… I was wondering what was in the shelf and why was there a book related to transmutation in that room?".