
Clandestine Volume 1: Loyalty

The simple life of a child was changed one fateful day when his home and everything he knew was taken away. An angel wanted to have it back, giving him a home, a place to call his own. When Kai Hinata came of age, his savior told him of her job, she, and the people she work with are the line between the world, the things that go bump in the night and total chaos. With that knowledge came a choice, become a hunter and protect this teetering world... Now, he's the best of the best and things are going pretty good, but a new partner secrets, and the rise of conspiracies threaten to once again take it all away... What kind of bond will he and his new partner form? What secrets lie in store? Can they keep everything Stable?

MorganLionheart · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Acknowledgment to Readers

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for choosing to read Clandestine Volume 1 Loyalty, there were some hard topics in here, judgmental people, heartache of losing someone dear, trying to balance the line of duty and loyalty when that line is often blurred. In the books to come, some other difficult topics will come to light, including death, depression, and the trick behind finding one's self. I hope that you will continue to follow their journey, as, I believe, it is OUR journey as well, not just in the author/reader sense, but the fact that, these topics are very real. Some use reading as an escape, I want my readers to use it as a type of companion. I don't want to hold back, I want it to hurt at times, to pull at you, because we all need to see that, we are not alone.