
Clan System in the Modern World!

Castor Williams, a homeless 20 yeard old in the streets of New York, is given the popularity of a lifetime when he sees a floating blue screen in front of him. [Would you like to activate the Clan System?] Without a shred of hesitation, Catsror jumped at the chance, the chance that would take him to the top of the world and one day the whole universe. —------------------------------------------------ This will be a story I plan to invest a lot of time in to ensure every chapter is of the highest quality I can do. Give it a chance. It gets crazier than you think it would.

TheFastOne · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Im in Debt??

Filling himself for the first time in a while in two years, Castor lay on the couch and fell asleep after a stomach coma.

Waking up, Castor stretched a little and then looked at the time.

"Alright, it's now 8 am. I should probably start making some plans for what I'm going to do in the future.

Bringing out the system panel, Castor took his time and explored it.

[Clan system

Leader: Castor Williams

Wife: 0/1

Concubines: 0/3


Fame:0 - You're not famous. Your existence is insignificant.

Wealth: $1500

Achievements: 0]

Looking at this, Castor wasn't shocked as he had read it in the system guide manual. Apparently, he could only have four girls officially and no more. Sure, he can have some mistress, but the system wouldn't count them.

Though he probably wouldn't after having four girls would probably take up most of his time.

At the same time, he couldn't pick just any random girl to be his wife or concubine. The system would tell him if there was a girl who met the proper qualifications as long as they were within 25 feet of each other.

The only hint that he had gotten was that the type of girls that would qualify for any of the positions would be at high society events and sometimes at random places.

Of course, Castor himself did not object. After 20 years of being a virgin, and two of them being homeless and having no access to the internet, his mind accepted the idea of him having four girls naturally.

After all most men would want a forest instead of just one tree.

"$1500, should be enough to get a decent laptop to start trading on, as well as a phone. At the same time, I can open up a new bank account as well as sign up for a nearby gym.'' Castor said to himself as he thought about his plans for the day.

He was already happy with just having a place to live, but now with the system, his ambition was higher.

After all, he had to have a solid foundation to attract his future mates to stay with him, and one of the easiest ways was to prove that he was beyond financially secure.

Getting up, Castor let out a satisfying stretch and looked around at his apartment.

"It feels so good to have a place to live in."

Changing into something more fitting than his shorts, luckily the apartment had come with a couple of more outfits.

Closing his door, Castor went out to the closest tech store and bought a single OPhone 6 and a decent laptop that would be great at trading.

Taking his phone out of the box, Castor used it to locate the closest gym next to him, and it turned out to be around a 10-minute walk from the gym to his place.

"Damn, this apartment is really in a great location." Castor said as he looked at the map.

His apartment was pretty much surrounded by everything anyone would need in life and they were all within walking distance, even a very large supermarket was just a 15-minute walk away.

After walking for 17 minutes, Castor finally arrived at the gym.

According to their website, a single pass would cost $34 a month, plus it was his first time signing so that was all rounded up to nearly $50 for his first time.

After getting his gym pass, Castor explored the gym to look at what kind of equipment they had so he could start making out his workout plan.

Thankfully the gym and most of the basic things plus their condition weren't that bad.

Leaving the Gym, Castor went back home and started counting how much money he left after going on what he called a shopping spree.

"Let's see the laptop cost me $450 and the phone was $124, add in $50 for the gym and that is…..$624."

"Fuck, I forgot how bad I was with money." Castor sighed.

Before he was homeless he had a job and even back then he would struggle to save up for pretty much anything as he was constantly buying things all the time, especially food.

"It's a bit different this time as I have advanced day trader skills which can easily make me an easy $3-4k a day, then again that was if I had some leverage and most brokers won't let me leverage $800."

Looking at the amount of money he had left Castor had a bit of a headache, he forgot to check how much he had when he was shopping, his plan was to still have over $1000 for the day so he could leverage it tomorrow.

After brooding for a bit, Castor finally looked at the time and noticed that It Was already 2pm, meaning that it was now the time for him to go to the bank.

Opening a new account wouldn't be that hard, as for why not use his old account, he was pretty sure all that was left in there was a couple of cents.

Taking out his phone, Castor searched for the nearest bank near him and found that it was a small branch of a big bank only 10 minutes away.

Leaving his apartment, Castor once again set off on foot to his destination.

"Should I get a car? No, not yet, for the next three months it's gonna be full-time monk mode." Castor said, talking to himself.

This was something he decided to do, for the next three months the only thing that would matter would be trading, the gym, eating well, and studying more about business management.

With his advanced day trader skills, it wouldn't be hard to trade from the moment the stock market opens to the moment it closes.

After the stock market closes he would go to the gym for an hour, and then come back, make a nutritious meal, and then read some books on business management, and then go to sleep.

"If everything goes well in three months, I will be a millionaire." Castor said to himself as he reached the bank.

He talked to the receptionist and stated his intentions and was led into the waiting room where he went with another middle-aged pot-belly man.


"So, mister Williams from records, it shows that you have a debt of over $300, So I, unfortunately, can't give you a new account for now until the debt is paid." The middle-aged man's said as he saw Castors' records.

Hearing this, Castros was surprised but then remembered that most of his things were stolen, including his bank card.

'Wait, did they do anything else using my name?' A sudden thought terrified Castor. After all, they had everything, including his Id, ssn, and even birth certificate. The things they could do with all that were unimaginable,

[Don't worry, host, I scanned the world, and the only thing they did besides the $300 was use your identity to buy themselves a speed boat that ended up crashing and there was an infight about what to do next using your identity which led to a fight where they ended up losing most of your things.]

[No one has used it since.]

'Thank god, I was really worried there for a second Castor said mentally to the system.

"Mr.Williams? Are you alright?" The banker asked.

"I'll pay for it right now," Castor said with a smile.

"Reaching into his pockets, he took out the rest of the cash he had and put it on the table. The original $1500 turned into just $576 within one day.

'Dam, if I ever find those guys, they better be ready to spend the rest of their lives in a coal mine.

After a couple more pleasantries, Castor was finally done and had a new bank account with $576 in it.

'Sigh, if I'm lucky I'll be able to make at least $1k, which is what most brokers say is the minimum need to use leverage.

Leaving the bank, Cator went home and soon forgot about the whole debt thing in General, if it was before, he would do everything in his power to find the guys who stole his stuff and get some revenge.

But now he didn't have the time and luxury to do that, he was in monk mode, and if it wasn't related to the gym, trading, or what he was eating, or studying, then it would all have to wait after the three months were over.

Entering his apartment, Castor opened the door and went to his laptop to find a decent broker to register with as he wanted to start trading tomorrow.

"All right I guess that's all the tasks for the day, all that's left is making some dinner and some studying." Castro said to himself, closing the laptop.

He usually had his dinner early so he could have more time to learn about building his future business.

The business that will one day take him to the top of the world.

"Now, what should I have for dinner?'' Castor said, opening the fridge. It was well stocked by the system, so he didn't have to buy anything for at least the next week or so.


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