
Claire de Lune: The Fallen Kingdom

Anderaint Claire lives her whole life wallowing in wealth. She never leaves the Duchy, the home where she grew up to be an independent and graceful lady. Unfortunately, on the debut to celebrate her 18th birthday, her reality started to crumble. Sentenced to death, who would have thought her execution would bring a catastrophe to the Etrill Kingdom? Instead of living her life peacefully, she fell into an even more pitiful hell. A wanderer told Claire that she was a cursed soul. Will she survive this predicament?

Arcanaruu · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 22 - We Should Run! (2)

"To the east," Ethan repeated, looking into her eyes once more to make sure his message was conveyed clearly. "And don't look back."

Claire nodded again, though it was hard for her to leave Ethan alone. Finally, Ethan touched Claire's cheek briefly, feeling so soft, before he turned and climbed the large tree behind them. He left Claire in the dark shadows.

In the distance, the looming shadow of the large wings grew closer. Ethan's time is running out before the monster notices them again.

Claire forced herself to run, ignoring the stabbing pain in her leg, she tried to get up and move. Even though her body shook with fear that gripped her heart. A feeling of helplessness crept into her mind, Ethan's voice kept ringing—east, the cave to the east.

Panting, she can hear the monster's screech echoed louder, followed by a familiar, loud roar. It was Ethan's voice.

"What is he doing?"

Her steps slowed for a moment. Her instincts wanted to turn around, looking for Ethan, but she knew he must be struggling holding the giant bird chasing them.

She kept running even though every inch of her muscle seemed to scream in protest. Each step felt heavier, like the ground beneath her was deliberately fighting her will to survive.

But she suddenly stopped, the sound of wings flapping so close made her heart freeze for a couple of seconds. When she looked up, the horrifying sight swallowed her whole.

The monster was already above her, its wings hovering arrogantly, its black eyes staring at Claire like a predator ready to pounce on its prey.

There was no time to think. No escape. Claire felt her whole body freeze, unable to move as if locked in her fear.


Claire screamed desperately, but her voice felt hollow, unable to reach Ethan in the distance.

The monster swooped down, its movement so fast, almost invisible to naked eyes. Its large beak opened, ready to peck on Claire in one swift movement.

In an instant that felt like an eternity, Claire could only stare at it, stiff, her body trapped in fear that bound her to the ground.

She could see the intricate layers of its feathers, alight in terrible flames, the heat warmed her whole surrounding. In that instant, everything felt slow, she could see the leaves and branches flew into the air as the bird dived towards her, burning everything in its path, the scorching scent filled her nose as she looked at the monster in horror. 

In a blink, an arrow shot straight into its body. Claire gasped as the monster stomped its feet on the ground, and she was thrown back. The monster groaned angrily, flapping its wings again to fly, retreating while slamming the wind around it.


Ethan's scream echoed, breaking Claire free from her frozen heart. When Claire turned around, she saw Ethan emerge from the darkness, his bow filled with a strange familiar light.

'What is that?'

However, it was not the time for her to ask that. Now, the Ethan she saw seemed much stronger, not just a mysterious wanderer.

"What are you doing!?" Claire shouted, her voice shaking between fear and amazement.

"There's no time! Leave now!!"

Ethan quickly answered , his eyes never leaving the monster in front of them. The giant bird attacked again, this time aiming directly at Ethan.

The bow Ethan used had now transformed into a sword surrounded by light. What!? Was that magic? How could there be magic in this world?

As the light gathered even brighter around the sword, Ethan raised his hand, slicing it downward towards the monster. A loud crash echoed as the two great forces collided.

Claire was speechless, stunned by the incredible sight. Fear and awe flooded her mind. Ethan was fighting the monster alone, and Claire knew that even though he was strong, he couldn't last forever. The monster was too big, too strong to be defeated by one person.

"I need to help him," Claire muttered to herself, even as fear gripped her heart.

She couldn't just stand by and watch Ethan fight alone. Not after everything he had done for her.

With determination pounding in her chest, Claire began to look around for something. Her gaze fell on a large log lying nearby. Without thinking, she grabbed it, ignoring the cuts on her hands, and ran back toward Ethan and the monster.

"Claire, Don't!" Ethan shouted as he saw her approaching, but Claire didn't listen.

With a gasp, she swung the log as hard as she could at the monster's back, just as the creature was diving toward Ethan.

The log hit the monster's wing hard, causing the creature to groan and stumble back. A loud screech came out of its beak, its bloodshot eyes seemed directed to Claire, but distracted enough to give Ethan a moment to catch his breath.

"You're crazy!" Ethan shouted, but there was a glint of relief in his eyes when he saw Claire was still standing. "Get out of here right now! This is no place for you!"

Claire shook her head quickly, even though her body felt sore, tired, and scared. "I won't leave you, Ethan!"