
Claire David: Love And Lust

This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't ruin your, or other people's lives!

Fredrick_Udele · Fantaisie
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54 Chs


"Sorry I'm late, Mrs. Hill," Claire said, closing the door behind her. "I really got tied up this morning."

Claire hoped her pussy would stop leaking long enough to wash herself clean in the bathroom. Her panties were soaked! She was sure she reeked of dog cum and pussy juice and thought she felt some dripping down her leg again. She squeezed her legs together.

"No problem, Claire," Mrs. Hill replied. "Oh, you only have four dogs to groom today. Mrs. Smith called to cancel."

"Oh, OK," Claire said, keeping her distance so her odor wouldn't waft over to her boss.

"Are you still walking dogs every morning? Is that why you're late?" Mrs. Hill asked.

"Yeah. Walking them and jacking them off and stuff, so they don't hump their owner's legs all the time," Claire said. "Earl caused me some trouble at the park. He was a real pain in the twat today." She giggled.

Mrs. Hill raised an eyebrow. "I see," she said.

Claire quickly continued. "I'm getting too many dogs, I think Mrs. Hill. I do some in the mornings and some in the afternoons, and I'm getting calls to take on more. But, I don't know if I can. What with working here and trying to train Candice's new dog all at the same time."

"And, where do you do this 'stuff' that you do?" Mrs. Hill asked.

"At the park, usually," Claire said. "I almost got caught once." It was the truth. She almost was caught once, and was definitely caught this morning, but she wasn't going to admit it. "And, I take them to my house after work, if no one's home."

"And if someone is home?"

"Well, the park, if I can find a quiet place. Or the alley behind the drug store…,"

"Oh, Claire," Mrs. Hill said. "You're doing too much, and you're going to get caught sooner or later," Mrs. Hill said. "Can I ask how much you charge for this special dog service?"

Claire told her.

"Oh, honey, that isn't near enough for all you do. Not to mention the risk to your reputation!"

Claire added, "But it's not all about the money, it's about helping the poor dogs too."

"Sure, I get it. I felt the same way when I was your age." Mrs. Hill looked very thoughtful for a while. The room grew quiet. Claire squeezed her legs tighter. Mrs. Hill thought she smelled something vaguely familiar.

Claire was about to excuse herself to run to the restroom when Mrs. Hill stopped her. "OK, I have it all figured out, Claire. Here's what you are going to do;

"One, no more dog-sex in public."


"Two, tell your clients they have to pay for formal dog training here at my shop, because you're getting too many clients to manage. They can like it or lump it. Oh, and you can keep all the money, just do it on your own time.


"Three, use the building you rent for your 'special services,' from now on. There's no telling what might happen to you out in public Why, you could get raped, or blackmailed or..."


"Four, you can use my old van to haul your dogs. You'll have to get your own insurance, of course. I had it outfitted as a portable grooming station, but that idea never took off. You can try to make a go of it, if you want. I'll even sell it to you if you decide you like it. It runs well, it just needs a little cleaning and maybe a tune up. What do you think?"

"Oh, Mrs. Hill!" Claire said. "I love you!" Claire ran over and hugged her benefactor.

Mrs. Hill hugged the young girl awkwardly, and immediately recognized the odd smell she had noticed earlier.

"We can go take a look at the van after you freshen up a little, OK?"


Saturday was bright and beautiful. It was mid-day, and Mrs. Hill was at her desk finishing some paperwork when Claire walked in.

"I finished with the kennels, Mrs. Hill. If it's OK, I'm going to pick up my dogs and bring them back for their weekly leash training, and stuff."

"OK, Claire. I'll be leaving soon myself."

"Oh, and remember you said it would be OK if I showed my friends around today?"

"Of course I remember. That's the reason I'm leaving early. You guys have fun doing 'stuff,' and take good care of my dogs."

"Oh, we will!" Claire said, before thanking Mrs. Hill once again.

Claire quickly made her way out the door and walked to the large van, admiring the newly washed vehicle. The tattered logos on the sides of the van would have to be replaced, Claire decided. "Mrs. Hill's Mobile Pet Grooming" was a bit dowdy. She would have to think of something much better. Something trendy and hip.

After picking up her four-legged clients, she took them back to her building and began leash training them - using a pair of her old, damp, smelly panties as motivation. When they all had a turn, she put the dogs in some of the many cages she had in her building. Knowing she still had some time to wait, she decided to check on one of her pet projects.

"Hello, King, you naughty boy, you." Claire said loudly, trying to be heard over all the other dogs barking as they competed for her attention. Claire walked up to King's cage and let him sniff her pussy-scented fingers through the fence. "You like that, don't ya, boy?" Claire said. She opened the gate and stepped inside.

"Sit!" Claire demanded. King immediately sat on his haunches.

"Good boy!" Claire praised, and gave him a dog-treat. "It's nice to see you haven't forgotten how to behave."

Claire had been working with King for a couple of weeks now. He was one of Mrs. Hill's breeding stock, but he had been showing signs of aggression. Claire had taken it upon herself to tame him, using all of her special techniques. It had been very hard at first, but he was finally coming around.