
Chapter 13

Charlotte understood now.

It wasn't that she hadn't understood before, but now it felt like the whole world had opened up in front of her. She felt wild. She'd never experienced a rush like this before.

She and Jackson were on the ferry back to Split to meet up with the rest of the Set. They'd had no choice but to leave their unconscious opponents among the olive trees, but Jackson had phoned in an anonymous tip about the location to the local police force. It would buy them some time, at least. Meanwhile, the necklace and Vincent's accompanying set of riddles were stowed safely in her bag, and though she longed to pull them out and study them, she knew she shouldn't. Not here, anyway. So she stood next to Jackson at the ferry's rail and looked out over the water. The sun beat down on her skin and spray splashed up in her face, and though part of her wanted to stand here in this beauty forever, another part of her couldn't keep still.